Woman receives brain damage after nigress surgeon dances to rap music during surgery

This is our future.
This is America.
God help us.

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>letting a NIGGER WOMAN preform surgery on you
You deserve everything that happens.

At this point I think black people can't help their niggerism. Even while performing surgery their genes compel them to sing and dance - and also stare inappropriately at big asses in public completely unconcerned with their surroundings

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>This is how easy it is for a nigger to get a degree in America

A sheboon surgeon, holy fuck, now I've seen it all.
Think of how many layers of affirmative action she had to sink her way through!

>permanent brain damage during a tummy tuck
So I guess Americans really do think with their stomach.

Good thing she got sued. That nigger had it coming.

They are a byproduct of the real disease, kikes.

How in the fuck do you give someone brain damage in a cosmetic surgery? (Side note, her lawyer, Mr. Scheckelstein is gonna make an insane amount of money from the lawsuit which should rightfully follow)

i heard she left him under the gas for 8 hours

kek isn't this the 2nd nigger surgeon this week to get in trouble for making music videos in their OR?

It's fucking horrifying. Non whites are destroying society, destroying medicine, destroying science and destroying engineering.

They are literally the rapture.

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One of my first real red pills was going to the doctors when I was at KCL and him not being able to speak English properly.

He prescribed something and I just ignored it. i didn't trust him. All the upper middle class lefty bones in my body were screaming at me to trust him, but I just couldn't. When I went back home to North Yorkshire I saw our family doctor and he told me that what he prescribed had absolutely no relevance to my ailment whatsoever, unless I had gone in there as a 65 year old woman.

Two years later I received a call from the Crown Prosecution Service asking me to give evidence. I did so and he was struck off, but only after someone had died.


pick one


stay white brother

I’d like to see these politicians who push this shit to be treated by the very same people they believe could do the same job

This is why you do not diversity hire in jobs that require skill

She was just being vibrant. Stop the hate, racists.

>tummy tuck

>too lazy and stupid to just fucking eat less
>decide to let a stranger stick a knife in you instead
Bitch deserves it. I know some dumb cunt who went for a stomach band surgery and ended up in the ICU for five months. Also turned out, in addition to botching it, the surgeon "forgot" some sort of tool inside her. How tf even.
Dieting is so fucking easy even a retarded monkey could do it. If you get unnecessarily surgery lightly you deserve what happens to you. All surgery has a risk involved, it shouldn't be thought of like going to get your hair trimmed or your nails painted, it's serious shit.
>trusting a nigger
Well, we knew we were letting niggers into med school with lower grades, by far, than a white or asian would need. We know this. We know it happens by the thousands. Here's your consequence. Liberalism literally made this woman retarded.
Also kek why tf can niggers literally not stop jigabooning even for a minute?

Yet another example of white privilege. A white doctor would never face a malpractice lawsuit for dancing to rap music while giving their patients brain damage.


cant you decide who will make the surgery in you in your country?
I'd never even go to a place where a sheboon would have the chance to do that to me
in here we usually pick the doctor 1st and only then ask him where he works and I would need to go to get the procedure done by him

wow this is totally the first time ive heard of this

and then liberals say "its not race, its education, an educated black person doesnt behave like a nigger"

It is clickbait. It is the anaesthetist who stopped her heart, damaging her brain.

Under the gas for too long, blame should go to the anaesthetist

But I thought America had the best healthcare in the world and your doctors were the finest on the planet and there was no such thing as malpractice or medical negligence there.

I mean, that's what Americans constantly say on Jow Forums. Are you telling me it isn't true?

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Either her insurance or she paid for that surgery, imagine that.

You can choose which doctor to go to. Some people choose niggers. *shrug*. I go out of my way to see whites. Capitalism baby.

Medfag here, everyone is supposed to account for all implements at least twice by before closing up anything so that's a fuck up on the part of everyone in the room. Surgeons are the hospital's golden goose though so usually that shit get blamed on the assistant.

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Street thugs with knifes are actually surgeons on loose.

Singapore is a nice country. And yes, but the fact is this kind of shit happens more frequently than we would like. Surgeons are human, too. But jiving to nigger beats in the middle of surgery, that's just as bad as going in to work shit faced drunk. No excuse for that.

they are indeed doctors and engineers then

Who repost shit like this constantly? Is it a dailymail employee?

I'm a liberal and I'll say white doctors do stupid shit and also fuck up all the time.

I'd say an extra prayer before I went under if I saw her with the scalpel though.

>Two years later I received a call from the Crown Prosecution Service asking me to give evidence.
Today the call would be to surrender yourself for the full Tommy experience.


Now don't get me wrong - we have lots of pajeet doctors here, but I have never heard of doctors leaving their tools in the patient. That's an incomprehensible fuck up to me.

do pajeet doctors even use tools ?

Thanks to affirmative action you will soon have no choice

>getting surgery to do a tummy tuck
>not just working out and not taking the easy way out

The bitch deserved it.

That's because Singapore is a first world country. Here in the third world everyone is a shit for brains retard and an incompetent.

They're all niggers.

I cant tell if you are joking
what you said is the truth here

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>be american
>need brain surgery
>start gofundme because no health insurance
>get brain surgery by a nigger
>get permanent brain damage
like pottery

didn't mean to sage, from previous thread

what if she already had brain damage ?
I mean, getting a procedure done by a nigger surgeon is already a sign that something isnt working right there

maybe the whole thing is just some sort of insurance fraud

They open up people's bodies and shit in it? You happy now?

why would I be happy with that ?
you are sick in the head pajeet, that is disgusting

Wake up and smell the fucking coffee: THEY WANT TO KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US.

>Gives herself brain damage

Your brain can't be damaged when you got a two-digit IQ

Not only did she relax, she allowed the nig to put her under. Her fault. Shouldn't have relaxed.

Hey, do you happen to remember the name of this doctor? And also, can you remember what he prescribed you and what your problem was at the time? Just a curious medfag

and you are 100 percent correct. i white doctor would rather do self surgery with no eyes and no pain meds before dancing to rap music.

>everyone is supposed to account for all implements at least twice by before closing up
In my experience, this is done WHILE closing up. One time, a surgeon left a pair of forceps inside the patient, and by the time it was noticed, they were done stitching up and the surgeon had alrady left. Had to call him back to open the patient up again


It's funny because in the context of her brain she was dancing like that to show the world
>DAS RITE even niggas can be surgeons, we're just as good as every body else!
>We can have fun while we do it too because we're FUN people unlike your serious asses
>Psh why are you always so serious, this medical shit is EASY! wypipo

>8 hours on the operating table
>1-2hour max procedure
how do you fuck it up that much? even landwhales are 4 hours tops
did this sheboon literally no fucking know what she was doing?

Goddamnit, this.


>wearing dockers and sheeit. loosen up white boi. now wa me whip now wa me nae nae


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low quality bait, try harder memeflag

Are you defending cunts, cunt defender?

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short answer, no. If you make a formal complaint you get charged for racial discrimination. Better to make special arrangements through connections.

no, are you?

Yeah white doctors sing nigger music during surgery too you fucking dumb cunt.

that's a myth that floats America under any context. It's just as big a shit hole as any other country with the only difference being that it has an aggressive public relations apparatus.

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