Can we talk about ethnic demographics for a moment please?
I believe statisticians may have underestimated the scale of the changes taking place in the United Kingdom.
For example, pic related shows the decline of the "White British" ethnic group in Britain from 2001 to 2011. London's WB population fell 16% in ten years (likely more given the % of non-respondents in places like Tower Hamlets).
Yet, statisticians predict that by the 2021 census London will be 39% White British. So they are betting that a decline of 16% will be followed by a decline of only 5%. Yet things like rapidly rising prices are more likely to deter white British from living in London (imo) than migrants and their families, which mean the change could be far more radical.
Demographic changes in certain areas of a nation are mostly about who leaves and who comes in. If only niggers come and white people leave, the demographic shift is quicker and bigger, but if both niggers and white people come in and only white people leave, the demographic shift is smaller and slower. Also poor people can't really leave. They have no money to do so.
Liam Rivera
I hate to break it to you but if you think they are going to give you the real numbers in 2021 and start a massive fight back from the indigenous population you are crazy. They’ll spin a load of bullshit (on top of the fact that it’s mainly only natives who comply with the census/are chased up if they don’t) (on top of the number of no fixed abide illegals) put out some fake “not that bad” numbers, if they even bother to have the census at all which they probably won’t, and everyone will go back to sleep for the final time when anything could have been done. They arnt stupid.
Cooper Hill
A similar trend is observed in Vancouver, although this time the demographic category is simply "White", similar to in New Zealand where the category is "of European descent".
Official statistics state that in 2011 the White population of Vancouver was 52.5%, and that it is expected to be 39.2% by 2031.
Although that is partly the case, fertility rates are also a major cause of shifting ethnic demographics. In Britain for example, large immigrant groups including Pakistanis come from high-fertility nations.
>"The analysis of UoS data by migrant group shows that migrants had higher fertility than natives. The highest levels were observed for immigrants from Pakistan and Bangladesh (3.6)"
What's more, "integration" does little to change these trends:
>"Although they experienced lower fertility after moving to the UK than individuals in their country of origin, their fertility levels remained higher than those of native British and other population subgroups (Coleman and Dubuc 2010)."
I do suspect you are right, and that in the next decade we will see advocacy groups demanding that the "White British" category be removed (if not all ethnic categories), because:
1. It is "xenophobic"
2. It creates hostility between ethnic groups.
3. France does not collect such data, therefore nor should we
4. It was only introduced in 2001 (having only been "White" previous to large-scale Slavic immigration) and therefore isn't a historic census category
Lucas Hall
What about second or third generation immigrants? Doesn't their fertility plummet heavily? Or so I've heard at least. Think this is the case with hispanics and blacks in the US.