Is the far left ever going to realize they are the best thing to happen to the far right since the Reichstag Fire?

Is the far left ever going to realize they are the best thing to happen to the far right since the Reichstag Fire?

Seriously, back in 2012 I, and pretty much everyone I know, just wanted to finish school, play games, get an okay job and generally not do much of anything. But the more the left pushed into entertainment, journalism, and whatever else, the more they push people further to the opposite direction. I mean shit, I used to just play video games for fun, now I clean & maintain guns, and read shit like Culture of Critique. Why did they do this to me?

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same here
fucking jews

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I’m thinking the same. Used to be lefty but now spend a lot of time thinking about hard right positions.


They are kikes, so they think that if they just keep doubling down and lying hard enough, that eventually everyone will magically believe them again. Yes, this confirms that "superior Jewish intellect" is a myth. At this rate, they are going to convince every race on earth to end them at the same time. Pure insanity.

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Ah 2014/2015/2016 those years made me change drastically... seriously why couldn’t they just let us play our video games

Digits confirm. Used to be lolbertarian until I realized we were basically jerking off while the communists steam rolled society/culture/civilization.

man im seeing lots of this. i too hard lefty till 2014.

they will never stop pushing

I'm not far right at all, just 2014-18 have made me hate the far left. You guys have good memes about the far left, so I'm on board.

>back in 2012 I, and pretty much everyone I know, just wanted to finish school, play games, get an okay job and generally not do much of anything
That’s because you were like 10, fuckhead.

Nah, 19.

Thing is, this isn't the far-left. Most in the far-left opposed this shit. As noted here:
SJWs are liberals and reformist socialists, aka centrists.

Because it's in the nature of the far left to be totalitarian

They are always one genocide away from the perfect utopia

>the far left has filled media with identity politics for the benefit of corporate profit

communism achieved

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Something something Hegel

No kidding. Leftists have no idea just how sick of their insanity people are getting.

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GoyimGate pushed me towards the right. Thanks, Zoe.


I say either we get out of their way and let them push themselves all the way off the cliff which is what they're doing right now

Or we hasten it by just putting them all out of their misery ourselves


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why cant the left meme

Gamergate was cancer and brought shitloads of Redditors here that never left. You do realize that you were all the personal army of a gigantic cuckold, don't you?

oh boy
time for morning shit bros

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The left can't meme.
Exactly what is the punchline in this "meme"?

I honestly never understood what the actual fuck GamerGate was about. I saw it mentioned all the time, and from what I recall, it's what made moot leave. But damn, was it THAT big of an event?

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no, it's been grossly exaggerated

its legitimate front was about ethics in journalism
its real intent was a giant vent to strike back at all the SJWs who kept attacking the gaming community with their regressive politics

Yup, they are their own worst enemy.

It's because they always double down.

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It was a huge event. Basically, some dude was cucked five times by a roastie and he turned Reddit and Jow Forums into his personal army. Gaymergaters claimed it was about corruption in the video game industry, but that was just to rationalize doxing Zoe and other whores. It was funny for a few days (it's always funny to see whores doxed) but when Redditors came here by the thousands, it quickly turned into cancer.

I'm sorry but I don't respect you Gamergate Gen whelps. I voted against Obama, whether Obamacare, Libya, Trayvon Martin, the signs to lead the left were all there. You only finally started getting active and stepping up when they stepped into your personal space.

I try to console myself with the fact that the second term of Obama might have been worth it just to get Trump in there lol

It was about pushing the liberal agenda into video games to the point it was hurting video game companies

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So basically female arguement style

On some level they know
and for the most part it's why they won't ever stop
because the legitimacy of their existence is now directly tied to their involvement in the culture war so they have to keep going
think military industrial complex type deal

they have to keep making enemies to shout at otherwise they'd have to stop and be forced to look at themselves and see themselves for what they really are

From what I gather: Game journalist gets caught taking bribes, sleeping around for promotions/good reviews, general cringe-tier woman taking advantage of nerds bullshit. Gets caught with evidence, the rabbit hole deepens, most game "journalism" is bought and paid for, it's advertising pretty much. Woman turns it around and makes it about how the gaming community is a boy's club and misogynistic. Media goes with that instead because implications could go further into "journalism", non-gamers buy into it. UN hears out the "female" side of the story about gaming. Magically what originally was about journalistic fraud and integrity is now about woman's rights.

Is it actually shit, or mostly cum?

Friendly reminder that Hitler only started out with 3% of the German vote. The reason why Hitler won was because the weimar antifa were flooding the cities trying to institute communism and all Hitler had to say was he was anti communist and thats how he went from 3% of the vote to 90%+

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It's not a coincidence that leftists are generally women and feminine men

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>UN hears out the "female" side of the story about gaming

These whores had no voice at all until you spergs gave them one. I had never heard of Zoe or Anita until all of this shit happened. You turned two SJW roasties into literal celebrities.

She gets 2,000 a month for basically creating RPG maker games and "trauma" she experienced from chantards and Reddit. At least she is no longer getting 5k+ a month like she was back in 2015. Hopefully she won't be getting any money in a few years.

probably the best summery iv ever seen on the matter

I mean that's basically what the war between the Left & the Right has always been about
Left: Idealistic Weaklings that cannot enact any solution due to how weak they are
Right: Strong Pragmatic Problem Solvers

What was bright as neon banner in the whole issue for me is extremely strange behaviour of involved media. Like they put a coordinated effort to smear their readers and ridicule everyone even talking about it.
Fast forward, media pulled off exactly the same maneuvr during elections.

Gas yourself kike, GG was the very first direct example that the press on internet can be coopted by a bunch of crazy marxists to subvert an entire sector and completely create a fake narrative and character's assassinations.

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B^U tier words

lol fucking puny shoulder width

the only reason im here is because of the left

He's right though, GG brought in the reddit crowd almost as much as the Fapening (which happened close to the same time). We don't call it Chanology 2.0 for nothing, bud.

>muh sekret club
The vast majority of them were /v/irgins after this topcuck of moot tried to shut it down. The real redditors cancer came with Trump.
This board has been absolute trash since day 1 anyway.

Alright thanks for the summary. However, how an event about fucking *video games* generated so much controversy is beyond me.

Because it's the leading entertainment medium now along with the internet which both helped each other grow exponentially
It already passed the movie industry along with every other entertainment medium

actually,the wall street crash was the trigger.

and he never got a majority vote until he banned all the opposition parties and instituted a repressive voting system - once they went one party state then the numbers didn't mean anything - although nearly 8% were grave enough to vote against or spoil their vote in 33

Used to be hard left through high school and college, but much more right wing, at least on contemporary issues.

Social media handed too much power to the masses.

Used to be politics was discussed amongst a minority of the population that nerded out over it.

Now it's discussed by every braindead moron with a facebook account.

This started a massive trend of people crying the victim or virtue signaling. Sending left wing politics out of control.

It generated a large amount of controversy because it was calling into question the entire media apparatus. A large number of people were becoming aware of the fact that the media is just an arm for propagandists. The same thing is happening to Elon now.

You're not allowed to question the intents and motivations of the media, even when they are openly controlled propagandists.
Hell the former editor of Time Magazine just admitted that he loves propaganda, and that countries need it. His prior work was for the state department where he had a nickname of the propagandist in Chief. This is the kind of information they're trying to prevent from getting out there, not some dumb shit about video game reviews.

>gamerGate was about the cuckening

only if you're new, when it started on /v/ like most threads it was complaining about a shit game. the creator fucked 5 guys because they were reviewing and it had no popularity, and since then she's been using the slut shaming defense


happened to me too, and i saw the same shift everywhere on the internet. for example during the migrant crisis even in wow chat calling for them to be forcibly deported or even killed (of course metaphorically to not get banned) was a super common occurrence and almost everyone agreed.
kikes pushed too far too fast, and now most white males are at least semi-redpilled.

Absolutely awful.

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I just wanted to succeed
But instead they crashed the economy
And now it's all out meme war
What the fuck
Meme war
A fucking meme war

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And they're just continuing to double down on all the bullshit. Seriously, Jews can't let any area of media or entertainment go untainted.

I mean, define "treading on me". Personally, the very existence of Marxism in any form treads on me, and requires permanent removal.

they stepped on the snake

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They redpilled my mom by pushing tranny shit on her grandkids.
They redpilled my dad by pushing nigger shit on his football.
They redpilled my sister by refusing to let her punish niglets in her classroom.
They redpilled my brother by trying get my sister in law hooked on opiates.

A whole family now hates kikes and nobody had to go to a rally, nobody had to read Mein Kampf, nor will they. These are normies that hate jews because the Jews themselves couldn’t mind their own business.

Jews are some of the most evil and vile creatures on Earth, the amount of suffering and evil perpetuated by Jews is immeasurable.

never forget

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Same, I only cared about modding my car, play video games, party, chase some wamen... Now I only read about politics, actively campaign against lefties, workout.

show the tweets of her saying that israel can't take any refugees

That's called being purple pilled but they'll only get more redpilled if they're already calling for deportations

That's exactly why they were able to direct the culture away from you, because you didn't do anything about it.

You're absolutely right to look at video games first. That industry was the first to become feminized and it happened in 2 years.

I know how you feel user. The other day I remember thinking about how I got here. I just kept thinking to myself 'I wasn't always like this.' All I wanted to do was play some vidya and here I am reading Julius Evola like it's Chicken Soup for the Soul. I want off this ride.

>the far left is run by jews

They went off half-cocked. They spent a long time preparing the next generations to accept increasingly progressive propositions as normal, but for wtv reason they decided to fuck with video games and tech before they were ready. Now we're in a fucked up position where a bunch of people who grew up progressive are aligned with a red state culture they share almost nothing in common with except a hatred of the far left.
Its going to be real weird when a Bernie progressive finally breaks through electorally

is the "far right" ever going to realize they must create their own games using Unreal?

The idea that there's a socialist left thats independent from the identity bullshit is a bit of a meme though. I can appreciate the "back to the working class!" anticapitalism and find it infinitely preferable as an intellectual opponent, but identitarianism is an evolution of marxist, not liberal, logic. They don't use the economic class critique because they have no real use for it; the end goal is to agitate and its easier to use racial and sex categories, especially because the working class has turned out to be relatively reactionary in its inclinations.
If you want to define the left by its opposition to markets, thats fine, but it doesnt help us make sense of the current moment, where both the right and the left are split on their economic opinions.

Read Zizek and Mark Fisher, both of them realized "liberal communism is the current dominant ideology of capitalism"

the only ones winning are (((them)))

The 19th Amendment was a mistake

Good Goy, now go to and learn who your Jewish Masters are. You'll need to know this so you can serve them for all eternity! Hahahahahahaha

Are people who play video games naturally right leaning or have the capacity to become right leaning? At worst you are center left but I can't imagine hard left leaning people to actually play video games, let alone competitive ones without having a shit fit and start a protest about how oppressive and toxic it is.

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>Mostly men who accomplish things through skill

Yep, those two are compatible, if not perfectly overlapping categories

I kind of doubt it.
Know some enthusiastic gamer nerds who are liberals or lefties.

>what the fuck is this shit?!
>who's messing with my vidya?!
>fucking Hell, wonder what else they're responsible for
When the world is burning, remember: it all started with /v/.


Many vidya players were apolitical until gamergate but its always been a mostly male and mostly white demographic so there you go

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I honestly think most people are still like that but the media and shit try really hard to protray things differently so they feel like they are superior. I work in a left wing industry and went to a college with a lot of black people in a ridiculously liberal area. Many of my classmates just did not care when the professor tried to bring up drumf. I had this one jew cuck professor a few semesters ago who tried virtue signaling to all the black kids in the class made us stand up one by one and give our opinion on the whole nfl kneeling thing. Literally all but one of the black kids said they didn’t care and didn’t want to talk about it. At work some collegr intern tried to bring up drumpf on set and everyone ignored him. Could be just personal experience but yeah I think the radical left is much smaller and weaker than the media portrays

"gamer nerds" =/= people who play video games. guarantee the people you're talking about didn't touch a computer until the whole geek chic thing started.

video games are almost as big an industry as hollywood

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All I wanted to do was to get a nice job and a gf. Nothing more.
Then I've started to get in contact with more, and more, and more degeneracy. By 2013 I didn't knew what the fuck to think.
Then personal issues, failure at college, two funerals and meeting Jow Forums in 2015...

You lost me left side. I was an honest supporter but you went full degeneracy and I lost it.

No, Jews are quite intelligent, just foolish.

No group of people could better engineer their own demise.


i was an apolitical bugman normie who sat around doing nothing productive all day.

in the years after gamergate ive become extremely far right, read 100+ books, workout everyday, got married, paid off all my credit cards and started dressing better/grooming myself

digging into what caused these (((sjws))) and (((feminists))) to arise, and seeing the culture around me being actively subverted did wonders for me.

>I'm going to stab you to death

she fucked 5 guys WHILE she had a boyfriend IIRC. metokur was under IA at the time and did a ton of lengthy videos on the whole situation.

Every single slide in that comic is true. They just say it with a pretentious tone and think that makes it funny.
Blacks do commit the crimes, and the left really did turn us into nazis

One thing people forget is that parties like catholic zentrum or dnvp(Deutsche national volskpartei or something) had more or less the same ideas a s hitler just less authoritarian. Which is why NSDAP won and they ended up in concentration camps.

Chanology 2.0 was a forced meme moot pushed because his IRL friends stopped inviting him to parties

Hmm, must be just a silly coincidence. I mean, that would imply that there is some centralized force behind it, almost as if someone has purchased the media, but cmon who could possibly *own* the press? It’s all just silly nonsense goy-I mean guy, cmon have you seen Deadpool 2? Oh it’s so funny let’s go watch it and leave these silly theories behind