Let me take a second to honor our fallen and 59 more to honor me, the greatest thing that ever happened to this country...

>Let me take a second to honor our fallen and 59 more to honor me, the greatest thing that ever happened to this country, the world, and possibly the entire universe. Look what I've done! They would all love me, just like everybody does now! Me me me me me me me!

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asshole needs to resign.


Why would the best thing to ever happen to the multiverse do that? Maybe if he completed all of his goals in 2 years, then he would resign, that makes sense right? Because he's the best and greatest and fastest and strongest and bestest and greatestest.


That is a brainlet tweet.

I'm not quite at the full on laugh out loud anymore but seeing Trump as our president still brings a humorous smile to my face.

I love how this man can rile up people so easily. Masterclass political trolling.

kek, now they’ll spread this message for him and at the end of the day all that will be remembered is the statistics that favor him.
Unironic 4D chess

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>those who died for our great country
What about those who died for israel?

Notice how he keeps hammering the unemployment numbers. Normies have been conditioned that any mention of low unemployment numbers gets their dicks all hard, so the fact that Trump has the LOWEST ever for negros and beans is a huge morale booster and vote swinger in his favor.
Just look at the negativity on this slide thread, study it newfags, learn how these shills use negativity and demoralization to keep us bumbling around with a direction.
We are close to victory we cannot let off the gas.

>lowest unemployment for spics/niggers

who hate you and barely voted for you. How about you actually do something for the Whites who voted for you rather than pardoning Jewish/nigger criminals and shilling for Israel

Don't you have a baby to murder, or a journalist to imprison?

your country murders 1000s yearly because people cant afford healthcare brainlet

f a t a l i t y

>cant afford healthcare
get a better job stupid lol

Best President OF MY LIFE!

How else will anybody know his successes when the media refuses to cover them? It's not news to his supporters that he's a shameless self-promoting narcissist.

>faggot crush
are right-wings literally homos with a strange daddy issue?

>our fallen
Poor men duped into murdering and being murdered have nothing to do with me. They have nothing to do with MOST people.

>because people cant afford healthcare brainlet
No doctor will let a patient die who needs it....Unlike in England where they let babies die in hospitals and guard their release.

Lets be honest, the last helpful thing the us military did is stopping the soviets from occupying all of Europe post ww2.

Yeah hes done a good job. What have you ever achieved OP?

The best thing about him is he pisses off weak people like you

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yes, that's a pretty strange choice of words.

What makes you think (((he))) pissed the OP off?
Do you also congratulate yourself when you comment on a national holiday?

Gotta give him credit where it is due.

Remember how Obongo celebrated memorial day?
That faggot wouldnt even lay a wreath at Arlington Cemetery.

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Oh he's very triggered and you're getting there too

Trump is like a beta male detector

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i see
have fun

Alfie proves that even with healthcare you can be denied treatment. I can find whatever cure I want here, as long as I can pay. Better than being a poor Brit that let's a judge decide if he lives or dies.