Israel has a water tax . they even have commercials about saving water like its some sort of money...

israel has a water tax . they even have commercials about saving water like its some sort of money .israel is the only country that forces people to save water .if we dont save water then our greedy goverment will let every one die of thirst. this propagna even says "pitty every drop".

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>Isreals act jewish with water
>Americans charge for it
Sounds about right

what tax don't you greedy kikes have

Here's the thing, you could have stayed European. But no, you had to be racist against Europeans, and then stab them in the back so you could create your own little hell hole.

Once upon a time in Japan, it was a very serious offense to 'steal water' from your neighbor or to try to profit from a channel they dug.

Go around to different 'hoods and leave taps running, especially public ones.

To discourage wastefullness, we have water deficit in the kineret lake

i am a moroccan jew . i am not european. my ancestors left europe in 1492 in the Alhambra Decree. i don't want to be lich like the ashkenazi kikes

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that's not an excuse

Who do you try to impress with that? As a fellow mizrahi, in north africa ancestors life were worse and lets not talk about nowdays with what came out of those places..

>middle of the fucking desert
>water is valuable
>hit the jews in the pocketbook to make them stop wasting it
sounds smart to me

You did live in the desert and America hasn't bought you desalinization plants yet

You're probably the dumbest israposter i've seen on Jow Forums

warning, this is a shill not real jew.

pic related.

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at least we left the christians in peace and didn't destroy their culture like some sort of parasite while creating evil ideologies like marxism and nihilism . also your not white . you're not fooling anyone . we marrocan jews lived in peace till you faggots started corrupting our kind with famanism and individualism. also your the ones who invited the niggers to isrsel

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Well considering the kikes are stealing the water from Palestinians they damn sure better treasure every drop.

how . why can't we just get our water from the Mediterranean sea.

The maghreb waits you with open arms

this level of ancestral knowledge, cultural awareness, and preservation sometimes makes me wish I were Jewish

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Dont take the self proclaimed hebrew natsoc seriously, he's silly..

Do you practice Judaism?
Why do you consider yourself natsoc?

How does this water tax operates? Does the government charges you at the end of every month wiith certain percentage ? Or they put a limit at which you can use it but when it is surpassed you are required to pay for it?

You guys probably should've declared the Hawaiian islands or somewhere nicer than the desert as 'the holy land'

why wont you go there lich . this is our country not yours. you ashkenazi agnostics don't deserve second chances . when soros dies your kind will be next. we won't let you agnostics corrupt the jewish name.

...don't you live in a desert?

Im also mizrahi as i told you before, you are a complete idiot regardless of ethnicity.
Both ashkenazim and mizrahim made and built this country. You're an idiot muslim larper at best, otherwise, a pure brainlet.

I hear kikes had an air tax too but had to repeal it when the population started dying from not breathing en masse

I am a revisionist maximalist i don't believe in the holocaust and i also agree with hitler and mussolini . abraham stern was the last real ashkenazi jew . i dont hate all jews i just hate the agnostic and the anti european jews . i have seen how they have corropted my kind with individualism and nihilism. israel shoeld be a country for alk 12 tribes not just jews and niggers. eroupe are the 11 tribe's. i don't practice or belief in the kabbalah or any of the anti christian stuff.i only believe in the torah .i dont work or turn fire on the sabbath .i don't eat non kosher food unless its a lubster or a shrimp i am protestant jew

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>I am a revisionist maximalist i don't believe in the holocaust and i also agree with hitler and mussolini
Another Jew in another topic expressed an opinion similar to yours. He said that the Jews were accepted into the army and the Nazi government from the first day and the only ones who died were those who deserved it as everything in life.
Why are some of you expressing these ideas?
>eroupe are the 11 tribe's.
I know that Josephus (Roman Jewish historian, I adoptive of the Flavian house) identified the Spartans, Greeks and Romans as part of Abraham's seed. I even affirm that the power of Rome compared to the other nations was devolved to that they counted on the favor of God.
Do you think the same as flavio?
So you think that the attempts of the Ashkenazis attempts to subertir europe is to attempt against the lost tribes?

we are not in a desert we have the gulf of aqaba , the sea of galilee, the kinneret and the Mediterranean sea. thats four seas. how can you be a desert when you have four seas


If Europe are the lost tribes.
Should Europe follow the Torah and become Jewish?
Flavio came to the point of claiming that when the Romans destroyed the temple it was because God had chosen them to punish the Jews for deviating from his word.

Same here, only we call it council tax.

>12 tribes not just jews and niggers.
I am always curious as they prefer to accept Ethiopian Jews than Europeans.
I remember seeing a story that the government invited a total of 100 Ethiopian Jews a month.
Do you see the Ethiopian Jews as part of the lost tribes?

What makes you a desert depends on the rainfall Achmed



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you already follow the torah (the old tastement) . also the concept of religion is false .our origins is not mythology it is fact .judea ,israel and god really exist. there is no need to be a religions when the things you belive in are facts. we have to sacrifice the title of religon in order to return to our haritage. as hebrews. the lost sheep of israel have been found thanks to jesus and his followers.

God no . they don't even know what abc is . i think the ashkenazi brought this people here as a way to insult the christians who wanted to live here and also as a way to makenit harder for the sephardic jews to find jobs

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Okay, you think that the apostles preached in Europe, because Jesus told them to go for the lost sheep of Israel, right?
>as hebrews
What does that mean for europe?
How should a European act if he wanted to be a Hebrew?

if you have 4 seas . than you most likely live in a place where there's rain mutt

>how . why can't we just get our water from the Mediterranean sea.
Are you one of those tora educated Jews who doesn't study anything else?


Wow, a Jew respecting Jesus and calling Christians a part of Israel. Must have had switched timelines by accident, but I wouldn't mind staying in this one for a while longer.

you could just put a water filter and everything would be ok. also there's 2 others seas. there's the gulf of aqaba and the the sea of galilee .

Yep, about 100 Ethiopian Jews are arriving in your country per month.
I remember seeing a video where even a rabbi traveled to Ethiopia and turned a group of blacks into Judaism.
Meanwhile the patriarchs of the Greek Orthodox Church, which as a curiosity according to genetic and genealogical tests descend from the first Jewish-Christian preachers, were being mistreated and spat on their churches in your country. I remember that they were even forced to sell part of their land under pressure from the government.

This Jew seems very good people.
I've already found a few in / pol /.
I remember another Israeli Jew who said similar opinions and also believed that Europe is part of the lost tribes. But he believed that Jesus was only a prophet and the Pharisees stole the body of Jesus, he also believed that Christians should follow only the torah

the book of revelations correct . george soros is the anti christ. there really are non jews who disguise and call there self jews

>anti christ.
Do you even share Christian thoughts?
Do you think Jesus will one day come back?
According to what you say, it seems that your religion was also affected.
Do you think there is a way to improve the situation in Judaism?

dumbass jews live in a fucking sandpit.

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i do believe jesus was an event messiah.i don't believe in the same concept of a messiah as other people do .i belive in two types of messiahs the first ones are generational messiah (kind david and abrahem) and event messiahs(jesus and moses) jesus disappeared the same way moses did .event mesiahs live for ever but are not allowed to do enything and generational messiahs die normal deaths. event massiahs are suppose to represent time changing events.

Would you believe that there will ever be a reconciliation between Europe and the Hebrews?
How would it be achieved?

only when an event messiah will come .our job is to find him.if soros is an anti messiah ( someone chosen by god to challenge the messiah ) then there must be a good messiah .he must be pure from birth and ignore all of the sins.

That will be in this era?
Do you think it's something next to happen?