Exposing powerlevel

You guys having any recent powerlevel leaks?

I collect some stares in work today when my phone rang loudly (forgot to mute). Königgrätzer march was played loudly and in the backround uncle Dolph said some facts about Germany too.

I saw two smiles and one angry stare. Tbh I was expeting something worse..

Attached: duce.gif (297x229, 2.22M)

I asked some Jew who he thinks owns the press and everybody flipped their shit top lozzle

Not as bad as that time I paid a couple pajeets to hold up a sign that said "Death to all Jews"
They actually did it too the madlads

Uni would be a good place to do that

>ya think ya hot shit doncha

Attached: A408936A-2936-4F60-A30F-411225AABB61.jpg (602x660, 156K)

Sure you did, Elon.

I told an SJW at work that I didn't watch a t.v. show she was discussing with another employee because it was feminist propaganda

Attached: the_fire_rises_.jpg (752x1062, 96K)

>3 drinks


wow how did she survive?