Did you get angry when you realized that you have been lied to your whole life about the "holocaust"...

Did you get angry when you realized that you have been lied to your whole life about the "holocaust"? I'm now 100% certain that it's all fake (except that there were indeed internment/labor camps for jews and others).

Why did they create this lie? What was the first main reason?

Was it simply a strategy for the allied occupation of Germany? To stop Nazism from rising again ("oh look what those ebil nazis did... I didn't sign up for this") - to make it easier to control the German population.

When can we expect "normal people" to realize it was all allied propaganda? Within 50 years?


Why is it so easy to trick people?
How much should the world apologize to Germany and Germans? This lie stole everything from Germans.

How can we best spread the truth to "normal people"? If you want to save Europe, this is the most important thing to do. This lie NEEDS to die or all is lost.

Attached: 2018-05-28_172937.jpg (726x799, 237K)

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First of all, I never payed attention in history class in school. I always thought it was boring.
Then I come here learning the redpilled side of history but I didn't feel lied or betrayed because I didn't have that much knowledge of the fake story in the first place.

Anyways, to explain the lie and why it was created, I heard that in the 1970s they created the term "holocaust" to (((market))) the events that supposedly happened to Jews during the time of WWII.
Before the 1970s nobody actually called it as the holocaust but the reason they started to market it as such was because people were realizing that the Jews were behind the Vietnam war so they needed a new marketing scheme to get people to stop hating them.

>If you want to save Europe, this is the most important thing to do.

That's actually one of the lowest priority things you can do considering 99% of people will think you have literal mental problems if you're constantly talking about the Holocaust and how great Hitler is (proceed with the "hurr you're a kike" comments).

I would say being an upstanding, "normal", functional member of society with a nice family and children does more for the future of white people than anything, followed by reasonable red pills about how immigration is destroying us and we have a right for white nations to exist as white nations, and pointing out all the destruction of multiculturalism.

I know all of the TRS autists are going to screech about this, but no being a severely dysfunctional alcoholic with no children and who spends all day on twitter behind a Pepe avatar memeing about helicopters and gas chambers is not going to win over the hearts and minds of Middle America.

Stop defending Hitler (who was a complete asshole and, yes, did horrific shit to people in countries that Germany occupied) and focus on the current problems actually facing people currenty (e.g. "hey notice how after these Somalians moved in you no longer feel comfortable in your own neighborhood at night?")

Attached: Bastiat Reform Yourself.jpg (736x552, 136K)

world war 3 will be fought with psychological weapons.

>is being

It's better to start defeating the source of all these problems. We only need a real working strategy to slowly spread the truth about the "holocaust". It will take decades though.

>Hitler was a complete asshole


>It will take decades though.

It's already happening. Step by step. I've seen it. I can sense it.

>Why is it so easy to trick people?


Attached: pe.jpg (469x453, 62K)

>people were realizing that the Jews were behind the Vietnam war so they needed a new marketing scheme
How were Jews behind VietNam? I've only read that they organized protests against the war due to Commie sympathies, and that's why Daniel Ellsberg writing about the Pentagon Papers stirred up Jewish suspicions. I'd also read that Bush Sr was involved in VietNam for testing the latest MIC inventions, it was used as a testing ground to prepare for a bigger war, and to fill MIC coffers with tax dollars.

Tell normies about JimmyRustler.com and say it's just a meme site. However it's actually a website dedicated uncovering the Jewish Problem.

The more people know, the faster we can overthrow these Jewish Supremacist.