The Jewish Question

Anyone who is a student of history and modern geopolitics will have this question come up again and again. Why do jews behave the way they day? Often times its not even in their own self interest as they create the environment/situations which result in bringing down the wrath of their host countries over and over and over and over. The jewish bankers and power brokers are at the heart of every western war since Napoleon (who was certainly Illuminated and whos father was a (((lawyer))) who created fake papers of royal lineage for his whole family so his children could be educated in elite schools, all his children went on to rule a different country.)

Now that we have some much JIDF on here, maybe they could help with a bit of introspection. Why are jews always the ones manipulating events? Lets see what theories we have.

1. Genetic - Cro Magnon man (who europeans descended from) mixed with Neanderthals at some point. This theory speculates this was the ancestors of the Jew who slept with a different species of hominid. Jewish ingroup intermarriage has kept these genes in a far higher percent. Neanderthal nature was predatory, they had intelligence but not civilization and were forced to live among Cro Magnon man who worked hard, planted crops and built civilization.

2. Culture - The religion itself and even moreso jewish culture is to blame. This creates the ultimate victim complex and unreasonable fear of the world as jews are continually told the goyim are out to destroy them (egypt, babylon, rome, europe, germany, etc). This combined with the jewish supremacy espoused through the Talmud and epigenetic modification has created the traits of the modern jew. Neuroticism, extreme fear and anxiety, combined with the unusual amount of mental illness prevalent within jewish community leads to a dangerous cocktail. Fearful jews seeking to control the world or shape it into a world they feel they will be safer in,to protect themselves using money and power to rule goy

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To fully articulate this question we have to have an understanding of jewish history. I would break this down innto subgroups.

1. Jews in Egypt
2. Jews in Babylon
3. Jews in Rome
4. Jews in Khazaria
5. Jews in Europe

There is many different takes on all of these points in history and I would like to clear up some oddities. Lets start with Egypt.

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Were jews really slaves in Egypt as they say? There does not appear to be any evidence of this. So how can we synthesize the biblical story and actual historical evidence to tell the truth? Its not easy but I'll try...

The early hebrew were known of by Egyptians, they referred to the hebrew as the Habiru. The Habiru were considered a lower class of nomadic herders by Egypt. The Habiru are allegedly the descendants of Abraham, a Sumerian who left the city of Ur in Mesopotamia and went to the Levant. So what does the bible say of the relations with the Habiru and Egypt?

Jacob had 12 sons, the 12 tribes. Jews are descendants of only ONE of these tribes, the tribe of Judea established by Judah. Judah is known for selling their fathers first born and favorite son, Joseph into slavery to egypt for silver. Yes the founding father of the Jewish people sold his brother into slavery for silver. His brother however was incredibly intelligent and adept, and became a vizier for the royal family and then Pharoh as he actually intermarried into the family. Is there any proof of this that would match the biblical timeline at the time we known Joseph was around?

Amenemhat I ruled precisely the time Joseph was alive, he was appointed vizier by Mentuhotep IV. Being vizier ment outside of the Pharoh he was the second most powerful man in the kingdom. Amenehmat I killed the Pharoh, and usurped his position, married into the royal family and after that, made Viziers appointed from the royal family only, his family now. After this point 1991 BC to 1962 BC, the Habiru had large influence over the Egyptian royalty, but they were still just one royal family among many and it would be a while until they had the numbers and power to push to try to rule openly.

So now we have a Habiru Pharoh in egypt ruling. What did he do?

He started immigration. Open borders. At this time we can see Canaanite populations from the levant migrating in large numbers into northern egypt. Its important to remember the Canaanites and Habiru are essentially the same thing, same genetics, same language, same religion, very closely related if not exactly the same people.

Over time the Canaanite population grows in Northern egypt. While the immigration is pouring in, the pharoh is actually funding their own enemies, Habiru/canaanite warlords from the levant who invade and conquer Northern Egypt. These are the Hyskos, which means Shepherd Kings in egyptian. They establish a capital city, Avaris (yes I see the irony that proto jews first capital is called Avaris). Here we have a schism in Egypt as the Egyptians themselves fight back and the south egyptian royal families war with the Hyskos. This intermediate period has both the a Pharoh in the north and south, however the egyptian people dont realize that the Hyskos had already infiltrated the royal family centuries earlier to lay the groundwork for their invasion.

The Hyskos are eventually expelled by Ahmose I who conquered Canaan and expelled the Hyskos to the Canaan/levant. The Hyskos were actually paid to leave, give riches by the royalty in Thebes to leave Egypt, and they did. However Habiru were already in control of the royal family and practiced their own mystery cult and religion separate from the egyptian people. This would rear its head later in a Habiru Pharoh Akhenaten who attempts a merging of the early Habiru religion and Egyptian religion by worshipping a single deity, the sun God, with the pharaoh as his avatar. The egyptians rejected Akhenaten and he was either killed or his memory destroyed after his death. This leads to the true story of Moses.

Wasn't Ur an Assyrian city?

Do we have a third party educated historian who can give an account of Moses and the jewish founding with impartiality as a non jew? Enter Tacitus.

Tacitus is considered to be one of the greatest Roman historians. He lived in what has been called the Silver Age of Latin literature, and is known for the brevity and compactness of his Latin prose, as well as for his penetrating insights into the psychology of power politics.

This is what he had to say about the jews of the time of christ and also his recollections of the founding of the religion.

Tacitus confirms the Hyskos are the jews, when speculating on the origins of jews he says "There are some who say that a motley collection of landless Assyrians occupied a part of Egypt, and then built cities of their own, inhabiting the lands of the Hebrews and the nearer parts of Syria."

Next he recounts the expulsion of Moses and his smaller group of people. Note this is separate and much later than the Hyskos expulsion of myth. There was a disease spreading through Egypt and the oracle told the pharaoh that he must expel the people afflicted by this disease, one of these was a priest of the egyptian royal family, Moses.

"In order to secure the allegiance of his people in the future, Moses prescribed for them a novel religion quite different from those of the rest of mankind. Among the Jews all things are profane that we hold sacred; on the other hand they regard as permissible what seems to us immoral. In the innermost part of the Temple, they consecrated an image of the animal which had delivered them from their wandering and thirst, choosing a ram as beast of sacrifice to demonstrate, so it seems, their contempt for Hammon.note The bull is also offered up, because the Egyptians worship it as Apis.note They avoid eating pork in memory of their tribulations, as they themselves were once infected with the disease to which this creature is subject."

Ur is a Sumerian city in the fertile crescent at the time of Abraham.

Where do jews even come from, anyway?

Tacitus went on to describe the customs and practices of the jews beyond the ritual sacrifice and worship of the profane as mentioned above.He also connected Jews with Saturn worship.

"We are told that the seventh day was set aside for rest because this marked the end of their toils. In course of time the seductions of idleness made them devote every seventh year to indolence as well. Others say that this is a mark of respect to Saturn, either because they owe the basic principles of their religion to the Idaei, who, we are told, were expelled in the company of Saturn and became the founders of the Jewish race, or because, among the seven stars that rule mankind, the one that describes the highest orbit and exerts the greatest influence is Saturn. A further argument is that most of the heavenly bodies complete their path and revolutions in multiples of seven."

" Whatever their origin, these observances are sanctioned by their antiquity. The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness. Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth way be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies. They will not feed or intermarry with gentiles. Though a most lascivious people, the Jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race. Among themselves nothing is barred. They have introduced the practice of circumcision to show that they are different from others. Proselytes to Jewry adopt the same practices, and the very first lesson they learn is to despise the gods, shed all feelings of patriotism, and consider parents, children and brothers as readily expendable."

According to their own beliefs and much of the historical evidence, Jews descended from Sumerians who left Sumer and formed 12 tribes from the Canaanites of the levant. One tribe went on to become jews, another tribe Phoenicians (tribe of Dan).

Inb4 delete
Hi brother David Rothschild
>T. Half jew

They are of a different star, they are unlike the indo-europeans. An eternal nemesis to all that is the universal order.

For a goy you seem to know a lot about the (((tribe))) yet they seem to have made you forget all about yours. Knowledge is never free, and that works both ways.

So lets summarize the Hebrew/Habiru history with Egypt.

A Habiru vizier kills the egyptian Pharoh and becomes Pharoh himself. He opens the borders and floods the north with his own people the canaanites and him and his descendants use their wealth to fund an invasion of egypt by the 12 tribes, the Hyskos. They are eventually bribed to leave Egypt and return to Canaan but the royals are still Habiru and have started practicing their own religion, a synthesis of the beliefs of the 12 tribes (Baal worship) with the egyptian solar worship, into monotheistic Atenism.

Attempts at making this the state religion fail and eventually the egyptians expel the practicioners of this minor cult (which is also primarily the infiltrated Habiru royal family) and this results in the expulsion of moses. This occurs directly after the Bronze Age collapse has begun, which will result in the destruction of every major Bronze age civilization except egypt, but leaving egypt changed and never again to become a major power.

Moses flees to Canaan, slaughters his own fellow tribes people the Canaanites and establishes Jerusalem, King Solomons Temple is built and the Hebrew rise to wealth through trade until the Babylonians invade and conquer.

The discovery of the Amarna letters (diplomatic correspondence between the Egyptian court and subordinate kings in Canaan), which frequently mention them, gave rise to the idea that they could be identified with the Biblical Hebrews, but as more texts were discovered from wider areas and times, it became clear that the term had no ethnic affiliations.
This is straight of the wiki page user, first paragraph


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They are nephalem.

They are half alien, half human.

You see we goys we where created as a slave race by aliens. Those same aliens fucked goys and formed into the Azhenazi linage.

Glad I could catch you all up.

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The babylonians brought the elite of the Hebrew to live in Babylon, this is referred to as the Babylonian captivity. At this time it is likely when Jews begun their castration ritual as this was how Babylonians marked slaves, this was done to make it so you could always tell who the Hebrews were and they could not hide their identity.

During this time the hebrew elite are educated in the babylonian mystery schools, this is when the oral tradition of the talmud is formed and the early Rabi class is formed, Rabis were descendants of the elite trained in the Babylonian mystery religion. It was this time.

It is at this time the Babylonian lord, Nebuchadnezzar has his dream of the statute which he was Daniel, one of the Hebrews explain the meaning of.

The dream featured a huge, glorious statue of a man. Its head was “made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay” (Daniel 2:32-33). Then a rock cut “not by human hands” (Daniel 2:34) hit the foot of the statue, and the whole image “became like chaff on a threshing floor,” while the rock “became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth” (Daniel 2:35). This vision, by the way, gives us our modern idiom “feet of clay,” meaning “a hidden fault or weakness.”

This was a prophecy projecting the future civilizations of those already come and those yet to come.

Eventually the Assyrians conquered babylon and freed the Hebrew to return to jerusalem, taking with them their religion, changed by the generations of captivity to now be heavily influenced by the Babylonian mystery cults and incporating many practices common both to the 12 tribes like the pohonecians, the babylonians and canaanites. This involved keeping of Tophets for human sacrifice and the ritual sacrifice children who would be offered to Baal as burnt offerings (holocaust).

It was a term used for the lower class nomads who lived in Canaan. This is exactly where the hebrew were and who they were, it was a class of people. Whenever you hear someone say "it has become clear that" then provide no evidence supporting this statement, its best to do a bit of critical thinking, also ask yourself who might be writing and editing this wiki article and do your own research instead. It is clear the Habiru referred to the people who were living in the area the Hyskos/Canannites came from.

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They are related to a race of sadistic peoples who crash landed here after being btfo by another race (Nordics most likely) which blew up their planet.

The Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is that planet.

This spark the question of human sacrifice, a practice common among the other 12 tribes and babylon. What evidence in antiquity do we have of jewish human sacrifice?

Lets look at one of the other 12 tribes. The Tribe of Dan.
"Their primary trade characteristic was seafaring, unusual for the Israelite tribes. In the Song of Deborah the tribe is said to have stayed on their ships with their belongings"

The tribe of Dan did not stay in the levant but spread in their boats forming a trading empire. This grew into the Phoenician empire who created such cities as Carthage.

The people of Carthage were genetically the same as jew
"Levantine Semites — Lebanese, Jews, Palestinians, and Syrians — are thought to be the closest surviving relatives of the ancient Phoenicians, with as much as 90% genetic similarity between modern Lebanese and Bronze Age Sidonians"

The Phoenicians spoke the same language as the Jews, worshipped the same God, lived in the same cities, came from the same area (the levant).

The phoenicians are a good example of the prevalence of human sacrifice among the 12 tribes as their is tophets discovered outside their city with thousands of ritually murdered babies who are then burned in a holocaust (burnt offering).

Carthage itself as a tophet containing the burned bodies of perhaps 20,000 babies. There is no question the early Hebrew practiced human sacrifice, the only question is, did they stop and if so when? Much of the Jews after Moses likely stopped the practice, but it was continued among the Rabbinic elite who continued to practice Talmudism putting the Torah as secondary.

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That retarded logical leap about 4 lines in that the Khazars were an "atheist" society in the year 100 ad. What fucking autist. Was gonna read the rest but not now. Jesus christ.

Ancient Levant. Many different semetic nomadic Tribes.

All Tribes break into worshipping different gods. Cult of Yahweah forms.

Cult has success and moves intact. Cult of Yahweah becomes known as the Jews of the old testament.

It's been 15 years since I read the bible, so my memory is very fuzzy. But I'm pretty sure in the old testament, evertime the Jews were enslaved or got shit on, it was because god was pissed at them

so according to their own history stories, don't they only have to blame their self and gods vengence?

Someone more knowledgeable please correct or expound on my comment please

Now onto Rome. Why did Rome war with them? Were Jews poor downtrodden oppressed people? Jerusalem at the time was the wealthiest city in the world, growing fat off trade as their nation sat on the divide of trade between asia and europe. Jerusalem was one of the heaviest fortified cities and refused to pay taxes to the Romans, instead using money to fund the enemies of Rome (like Carthage). Because of this Rome sacked Jerusalem and took the wealth of King Solomons temple and scattered the jews. This wealth was actually what funded the construction of the Coliseum in Rome. This ensured Romes destruction as the Diaspora jews fled to other cities within the Roman empire, many settling in Rome itself. With the advent of the Dark Ages and the fall of rome a new power grows in central asia to challenge the might of the growing Islamic sultanates and the still powerful Eastern Roman Empire, the holy roman empire. This eurasian power emerged between the black and the caspian sea, from the homelands of the ancient indo european people. These people worshipped similar Gods to the Babylonians and early Hebrew, offering human sacrifice and worshiping their storm God. This was a culture of warlords who preyed on traders traveling the silk road. They grew wealthy off this banditry as well as mercenary work loaning their horsemen to other European powers. A common lifestyle in Khazar was to kill a traveller and usurp their identity to travel the roads as the identity they usurped, preying off other travelers. Eventually the Islamic and Christian powers tired of the Khazars predatory practices and gave them an ultimatum, convert to an Abrahamic religion. The Khazars after their King having consulted with a Rabbi and having a dream vision, choice to cnvert en masse one of the largest empires in the world at the time to Judaism. This remains today the largest jewish empire in history.

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Imagine being so retarded you wrote this much shit about "history" and being totally unaware of who "indo europeans" are and how they totally shifted the language and culture of the entirety of Europe through migrations.