How can we get more women into engineering, math, physics, chemistry?

Too many wymen study liberal arts which do not add any value to society. How can we make them understand that it is engineering and hard science which they should getting into?

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Maybe women aren't interested in those fields?

Marry them to engineers, mathematicians, physicists, chemists. Once they see how fucking awful people they are they will realize why they aren't in STEM.

Why would it matter what a person is interested in? University subject should be chosen based on aptitude, not interest.

Diversity hires who do absolutely nothing but edit largely complete code and use their art degrees to make the company menus look pretty. In reality young attractive women are toxic to a business environment. Ask anyone who has worked for a Fortune 500 what their main issue with and it will be female related

I think a simple manual for the toaster replaces the need for engineering as much as an egg timer makes the underlying scientifical knowledge obsolete


This is somehow supposed to balance male and female nature? There is no balance because men and women are biologically different and as such, including the difference in intelligence, have different interests.

Humans want max profit for effortless actions.

We've let a system where any crazy bitch can get tons of cash and ego by shouting unscientific crap.

Remove gender studies and MSM presence of those lazy cows and we'll get more women working hard and trying to improve society with tangible improvements.

>I helped
Making coffee, cleaning the toilet or
writing comments in the code dont count, sweetheart.

No, I was just pointing out that most men in STEM fields are sad sacks of shit (I would know). Why would they want to be around the same men they despise, just to work along side them? It makes no sense.

>writing comments in the code dont count
except it does

A lot of/most women want handouts and aren't interested in devoting themselves to anything longterm. They need to buck that trend first.

Nah, even a child could do that - if a retard cn do it, then it doesnt count

>a person
We're not talking persons. We're talking male vs female interests. Do you see the difference?

You need to relax I think...

This. It's why I left the videogame industry.

No, there's definitely a correlation between interest and aptitude. The more interest you have in something, the more quality of skill you will have in it.

Besides, working a job you don't like won't help you or anyone.

Good commenting is essential in large projects. And I like when a fellow girl teammate gets me my coffee.

Comments are useless. If you can't understand the code you are either shit or the code is shit.

Retard alert

>most men in STEM fields are sad sacks of shit

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>Besides, working a job you don't like won't help you or anyone.

95 percent of peope hate their jobs.

Please don't, they just bring drama, distractions and are not suited to most tasks

Women hate hard work, they will only work in STEM, when you make it simple enough that even a kindergarten child could do it.

dont project your own anger onto me, im totally relaxed

you misspelled kitchen


^ This is an example

She is a software engineer, not a civil engineer.

We don't.

If they want to, they can enrol in the relevant programs at school. If not, who gives a fuck.

She engineers a penis tent in my pants

You dont, it's safer. Remeber the "pretty" bridge in Florida?

quintessential Teuton logic

They don't need to. They realized that they can study worthless crap since they get the wealthy guy anyway, meanwhile males must torture themselves through subjects which they don't even find interesting/doesn't have the actual intellectual capability to understand because that's the only way how we can be successful in the long run and can have a washed up roastie.

I thought this too when I was younger, but the reality is people do have comparisement with their job.

The only ones who don't are the complete "not my job" cunts who let fellow collegues behind in tough situations. You wake up unhappy for a reason...

looks like a hooker

No, I'd really like to hear an answer.

You don't. Keep them at home. Most are too inconsistent and lazy cunts in everything else. Normie engineers are lazy af. (Much less so in Maths and less in Chem Engineering.)
Keep women at home.

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Enterprise Software, more like, a 3 year politically motivated release cycle followed by 10 years of maintenance to service two users who incorrectly apply the software to domains it was never intended to cover

What we should be doing is eliminating liberal arts from most colleges. Only elite universities should be teaching liberal arts, that way, at least the brightest can do something useful with that knowledge. Too many colleges make bank on students that major in liberals arts because they are easy programs to be admitted into and are cheap to fund, but don't yield many career prospects,which is why so many morons complain about not being able to pay down their loans.

>How can we get more women into engineering, math, physics, chemistry?
This reminds me of a joke I once heard..

Q: You know the best way to make a woman have an orgasm?

A: Who cares?

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Nothing is stopping women from going into those fields but themselves.

Staring at problems all day that get solved by most stupid reasons (but after x amount of houres research) does not turn people happy.

Then: when you fix important shit as an electrician or whatsoever en you feel very nice, you still drag around the badge of being a dusty nerd while useless fucks who can hardly sing lyrics get all the chicks and fame.

Women belong into the kitchen, when she tries to leave the kitchen hit that traitor bitch!

this females are useless at any job that doesn’t involve blow

>Oh why should we care if our society is double as efficient and productive?

Are you serious?

What does *she* actually do? Enterprise software aka the easiest shittiest software drag-n-dropping bullshit together all day. I wonder what she actually does on such a project?

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If your ultimate goal is to get more people into those fields or to save money, then your proximate goal should be to get women married to guys in STEM and making babies without going to college, because a half-dozen heads are better than one.

Why are you so cucked?
What you should be asking is how can we get more women to go back to the kitchen.

What makes you think that there isn't a correlation between interest and aptitude? Also, what makes you think that women should be spending time in universities instead of learning with their mothers and gradmothers how to cook, take care of kids and clean a fucking house?

>being a dusty nerd while useless fucks who can hardly sing lyrics get all the chicks and fame.
I'm not certain if I understand your post correctly but I assume you're expressing displeasure with women being able to get away with marrying some low life rapper as opposed to being with an educated man? Correct me if I'm wrong but first and foremost don't you get an education in order to have a higher pay for yourself?

Toilet duty for you it is

>>Oh why should we care if our society is double as efficient and productive?
>Are you serious?
Im 100% serious. Im not in the habit of telling or forcing people into doing anything other than what they want with their lives, Eva Braun.

I also could care less if some dumb twat wasnt working at my job next to me. Women waste time in the workplace, are slower at learning in fields they are new to and dont comprehend most things like men do, so yea, I dont really want them around in the office. They are speedbumps.

If they end up with me at work, its because they want to and are good at it, not forced or coerced into the job.

Also, the best thing they can do is what they did in the 50s. Stay at home and raise kids. Thats the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT job a person can have is to raise their spawn appropriately and how they used to. The US is in this shitty millennial cucked position because of stay at home dads, feminism, the wage gap bullshit and uneducated blacks.

If we want to enact some law that pays and insures them, im fine with that, as long as they get penalized when their kid turns out to be a fuck up later in life.

Men wrk, women raise children, like EVERY animal in the animal kingdom does and like we used to in America. Its when we were our best.

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have a higher pay
*make more money

To say anything more would be anti-choice for women.

Insane times we're living in.

> Im not in the habit of telling or forcing people into doing anything other than what they want with their lives, Eva Braun.

That only works in a society without welfare, with a flat income tax and without benefits for married people or people with children... and in which the government pays zero for education (not for tuition fees and not for guaranteed student loans).

In all actual societies, you need to make sure people do the jobs they can do, or you have enormous problems with welfare queens and unemployed people you need to feed.

How do we get you to accept the reality that women hate intellectual pursuits?

Getting coffee for the software engineers is not “helping build” the product.

Most of depressed people I know chose their universities like this, didn't turn out well for them

Wtf is wrong with being a stay at home mom? If her husband can provide for her?

this bitch 100% works HR or some other diversity sink

They belong pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen not doing maths and sciences.

>If her husband can provide for her?

Not even people in the 1 percent income tax bracket can bring enough dough home for a house and money for the wife and kids. Today, both parents have to work to raise a single kid... unless you are an unemployed Muslim, then you can have 8 kids and the gov pays for it.

user I can't argue with those trips.

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flag checks out

The kikes managed to put a bee in their heads of liberation and smoking while pregnant

That is the tragedy of our medern age.

No I'm just sketching scenario's. I am actually not feeling like that at all.

Here in the Netherlands the stereotype in IT is breaking, so as I said: just sketching scenario's

Easy, we don't. Women should stay at hone taking care of her and her husband's children. Why do you think the population in the West is going down like the Hindenburg, while the population in shitholes where women are treated like crap and they stay at home is rising like Saturn V? It's all down to how each society treats women. I'm opposed to their abuse and mistreatment, but they should know their tole and take care of their household. Most women in the West are putting their careers before starting a family => population drop.

Why would they even go to college when they can just sit in front of a camera on youtube, twitch, or a camsite and have men throw money at them.

>How can we get more women into engineering, math, physics, chemistry?
First, they have to show interest in one of those fields.
Then, they have to enter the field they like.

Oh, did you mean that we should FORCE women into these fields?

Hans, people are good at what they have an intrest in. Never meet an artist who was good at chemistry but never practiced.

At the same time we also have ourselves to blame: we want the newest tech, the bigger TV, the better car etc etc.

Despite the fact that a lot of stuff can last for years, we throw it away because some new shit is better and lack of discipline drags you into the situation of having you and your wife both work.

Also: our current wealth tells us we should support and let breed those who are by laws of nature incapable of surviving or raising legacy. Nature used to kill it, now we keep it alive: feed it and let it breed. Costs a lot of wealth mate.

>t. tilted software engineer

After dropping redpills and fully converting GF, you need to show her the power, creative possibility and fun in these fields. I did, it's working wonders. Show her how her jewelry can be cut perfectly with CAD tell her how 3d printing would reduce waste.

The whole “follow your dreams, study what you think is your passion” is utter bullshit. The only thing it leads to is wasted time, wasted money and wasted potential.

You really think Germans are 300 percent more interested in becoming engineers than Brits are? Or that Germans are only 1/3rd as interested in soft liberal arts?

Germans are pragmatic and choose degrees based on a combination of aptitude, future prospects, interest, family relations in that area etc.

How are the Jews supposed to destroy the Caucasian race if they're allowed to build productive and loving family units?

How can we make White, smart women having many children and raising them well? That is the real question.

Why the fuck would "we" want to? Women belong at home with the kids, you retarded faggot.

>t. native Canadian, currently living in Ottawa

You're dealing with niggers who are afraid of pure logic

Personally, I'm all for it. It's not that big of a deal. The problem is, has been, and will continue to forever be, is that there is a HIGHLY disproportion of girls who choose not to apply or learn anything complicated because they don't want to work for a living.
Nobody's holding women back in these jobs. In fact, companies are begging for them to look "progressive". Problem is that there still is barely any girls interested in STEM.

You're absolutely right. Well what do then? Wait for the collapse?

What is "too many", germanigger? Liberal Arts is the last bastion of Classical civilization, you know, the Greeks? That Brandenburg Gate....imagine its pure nigeneering minus the Classical inspiration....fucking Homo europiggus.

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>In all actual societies, you need to make sure people do the jobs they can do, or you have enormous problems with welfare queens and unemployed people you need to feed.

That might work in irrelevant countries that are 1/50th the size of the USA, but that doesnt work here, Hitler. Nice try though. Ill bet you think guns should be taken from citizens too, huh?

Niggers are our problem, not people doing jobs they think they cant.

I miss Oberammergau and my old home, but morons like you remind me of why I left and gave up citizenship.

I have a woman friend who is a coder and she's fucking awful. I wish she stopped coding or at least quit working in the same company as me.

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We have 1/4th of your population and control the EU which has more people than you have.

80 percent of your liberal arts college grads work in jobs not related to their studies... most of them work jobs that don’t need a college education or even a high school diploma.

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>future prospects, interest, family relations
All of these can be lumped into "follow your dreams"
The aptituted argument is bull because anyone of reasonable intelligence can learn anything with enough dedication. I was a chem tutor in college for non stem students and taught the most bird brained music, teaching, and general studies majors organic chemistry.

The female mind is not made for analytical thinking in general. You may find the odd woman who can do it, but you won't find as many women as men who can do it.

>woman friend
>in Russia

What does this mean in practice?

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You know what I sometimes think about. Does being red pilled take having an education? Or is the red and black pill just a male thing which women will never be able to fully comprehend?

This is literally what the left wants. Stop being retarded.

She really roots my squares if ya know what I mean

Agreed. The reason we are allowed to choose our profession based off interest is because as a general whole societies are more productive. Innovation requires passion.

Why would you want to?

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Huh? That means she writes code. Not very good code, which is why I wish she stopped doing that.

>The aptituted argument is bull because anyone of reasonable intelligence can learn anything with enough dedication.

I assume you have never studied at a good engineering uni in Germany. You fail unless you study darn hard and have the skills for it. Because Germany doesn’t require students to pay huge tuition fees, exams and requirments for studying are way harder than in the US - where students almost always can just sail through any uni in 4 years with very little effort (and lots of partying).