He doesn't live in Los Angeles

>He doesn't live in Los Angeles

You might as well just kill yourself.

Attached: 1st-street-metro.jpg (903x519, 106K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Orale pues vato

Attached: FB_IMG_1522529112519.jpg (320x240, 29K)

My compilation will feature all this.

Attached: received_10214966345446260.jpg (569x492, 44K)

I prefer Orange County.

>calls that living
I guess vs your native Mexico, it’s a utopia isn’t it OP

Bad thread. Sage

Wrong photo, OP.

yeah I live in NYC, which is just slightly less cancerous

Attached: 1511063826697.jpg (2048x1357, 1.36M)

>>He doesn't live in Los Angeles

Spic infested shit hole


>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

fuck off, Paco

pic related

Attached: IllegalStreetVendorsEverywhere-lat.png (570x607, 609K)

>he pays $3000/month to rent a closet surrounded by homelessness in a city that's literally 30% white

Haha, oh wow