Why are British blacks so civilized compared to American ones?

Why are British blacks so civilized compared to American ones?

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They have track suits.


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Equally uncivilized. The Anglos are just worse, so they shine in comparison,

All the poor dental health reminds them of their shit countries in Africa.

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It's no joke but I might have been biased since my only exposure to them is via my university.

>Why are British blacks so civilized compared to American ones?

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Britain never had agricultural nogs in mass numbers, they were footmen and equerries, very few. And the first wave of London nog was the cream of the colonies, properly managed under sensible British rule. Not like neo trash.

I guess you didn't major in stats or you'd know what a "biased sample" is.

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because they have big dirty stinkin base?

They aren't. Your premise is a lie.

The Black Caribbean immigrants that came in the 80’s and 90’s are for the most part pretty well integrated.

This new wave of immigrants straight from Africa and the Middle East is pure human trash.

Jamaican blacks are still lazy and pretty much abuse every substance known to man but at least most of them actually take care of their children and don't feel some sort of jealous hatred to whites. The bigger issue are those new Muslim niggers from Africa and Romanian gypsies.

It's racist to recognize their crimes. Wait a minute do you have a license to be questioning these things?

black redneck culture in america became their identity?

They don't have ridiculous hard fucking back destroying labor and actual eugenics in their genes. Meaning often times to get harder more aggressive workers slave owners in the states would breed the biggest and strongest nigs together. Creating the atrocity that is the modern AA. Basically fucking animals

White Jamaican here, there are no group of people more racist than whites who were abandoned on Caribbean islands with niggers

British blacks have always been drug dealing criminals, it was just the lack of guns prevented them catching up with our pavement apes. Most low class blacks are a rung below even the worst chav scum

I like grime but plenty of blacks in the uk are still total shitbirds.

Because they don't call doughnuts donuts.

I think blacks in England only recently started to ape American rap nigger culture.

Different culture, no "legacy of slavery" to build victimhood on.

>American's didn't originate from Europe

>an empire cucked the good half of the world
>no victimhood

>and the Middle East
>Pakis/North Africans
>Middle East

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Jamaica, and the Caribbean in general were slave colonies. (Majority of multigenerational blacks in the UK are from Jamaica and the Caribbean).

niggers ain’t even human you daft yardie

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The figures showed that the majority of males who were accused of violent crimes in 2009–10 were black. Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; and for gun crimes, 67 percent. Between April 2005 and January 2006, figures from the Metropolitan Police Service showed that black people accounted for 46 percent of car-crime arrests generated by automatic number plate recognition cameras.[56]

Blacks are about 12% of the population of the city. Now where have we seen this pattern before.

In the US the niggers that immigrated from Africa are so much better than the niggers born here.

there is a selection process for African immigrants such that only the extreme right side of the bell curve gets to come over.

The Left occasionally admits this in the form of castigating white countries for the 'brain drain' on the 3rd world.

Though African Americans in the majority are subhuman and pretty much set the stereotype for most of us, I can assure you OP that other black people here aren’t all civilized, so many fucking street niggers in their raids and Nike looking for trouble, chimping out in public Or just being a general nuisance. I would disagree because at least Americans have cool people like Larry elder, Thomas sowell etc. I haven’t a clue who we have here that’s based.

t. Black brit

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theyre not. UK black prison pop share is 4x higher than their actual pop while in the US its only 3x.

Still less violent than US

Niggers are savages

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Niggers belong in Africa not in the U.K.

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because you have less blacks as a percentage of the country.

lmfao UK police are completely useless.

no idea, but I fucked some black grl last time I was in London.
She was actually smart (for a female), spoke English well in one of those posh accents and didn't give me aids.
Miles apart from the sheboons we have over here

Less brainwashed by the Jew. Ameriniggers were also only the ones stupid enough to be captured by their fellow African and sold to the Jewish slavers, alot of Black British came here freely for economic reasons.

state yo name cus

blacks are the same everywhere can confirm. our education is literally geared to getting blacks into academia at the cost of others. In state schools anyway.Despite this , there are far more savage ones.

agreed, don't even feel sad about em