As a former leftist let me assure you: the left will NOT win. It will destroy itself before it can do anything meaningful. See, this is where we traditionalists have the advantage: we aren't strongarming each other over every single little thing. We all share a common goal. The left does not. They will destroy themselves before they can successfully uproot the West.
The left will eat itself
Leftists have always won long-run since the Enlightenment. Why would that stop now?
MUH Whig history
Whigs unfortunately have a strong track record when it comes to "staying in power".
leftism is a hurricane that swallows up everything in front of it and spits out used carcasses, the individuals are irrelevant, they play their part in the ever ratcheting insanity, and then they are discarded
Hey neoreactionary thought is the best thing to come out on the right in forever.
They do share a common goal. They want to destroy it all. It is much easier to destroy than build. They won in the USSR, they won in China, they won in Cuba, they won in Venezuela, they have won in Europe. You are fucking stupid if you underestimate them.
They got the two luckiest breaks in world history (first global empire and America) and it still only took them like 200 years to hollow out and go into a tailspin. The only question is whether we'll be speaking Mandarin, reading the Quran, or building ethnostates
Sort of, but then it seems to have split into bizarro Whiggism with the whole accelerationism thing.
Well, democracies usually last ~250 years don't they? We're right on schedule to end the latest experiment on that front. Anyway, I'm not really that positive on China in the long run, they have financial, demographic, and resource problems.