I grew up on a commercial farm in Zambia

I grew up on a commercial farm in Zambia.

Ask me about niggers and african politics.

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What's your ancestry?

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Opinion on the British and French Empires?
Would it have been better if they stayed or was it hopeless anyway?

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what was security like?
dogs, fences, guards, guns?
did nigs want gibs?

That right there is a great man.
>what's your ancestry?
My mothers family is Irish and my fathers family is Swedish. Both emigrated to southern Rhodesia in the 20s. We owned a farm there until 2001 when we had to flee over the border.
>opinion on the British empire?
Well I'm one of the last remaining examples of it.
There was a fence around our home and the local village. We had several security staff from the village that my dad, brothers, and I worked with constantly. We were all armed with small hunting rifles along with several soviet-built kalashnikovs(that still work) that many villagers had stolen from ZAPU. My dad also has an FAL from his time in the security forces.

Were there many non Brits in Rhodesia? I skimmed (((wikipedia))) and it mentioned how ultra British they were and shit, like, the actual British got cucked while Rhodesians kept the colonist spirit alive

I think the most sizeable non irish or british group were greeks and they were vehemently pro-smith's government. Many brits just did whatever maggie thatcher told them to do and just wanted to be a part of the crown again.

I hate them for that.

French Empire like German and Belgian was just about pride and a typical sort of empire.

The only ones with any worth were Portuguese, Dutch and British. Of those obviously British was the greatest, the rgeatest since the romans really. The Portuguese spread Christianity and the Dutch traded.

The British went much further and spread civilisation, the rule of law, built universities and trains. See Victoria Terminus in Bombay to get a sense of what the British achieved. From Canada to Rhodesia, South Africa to India, Singapore to Jamaica the British built an astonishing empire.

It was a tragedy that it was destroyed. India has gone downhill ever since and is a total shithole for 99% of the people there now.

EVERY nation has gone downhill since, user. You literally cannot find a single post-independence country that's done better, aside from UDI Rhodesia. Literally not one.

I thought Brits were also pro Smith? That cripple pilot from WW2 praised Rhodesia non stop

NZ, Aus, USA and Canada? They were doing fine until the white world collectively went to shit.

True, though Australia, Canada and New Zealand coasted along pretty well for about 3 decades as they were essentially totally white. But soon enough the women voting there voted for immigrants.

Probably the only ones I would say were Rhodesia as you mentioned and maybe Singapore - interestingly the Singaporeans went to visit Jamaica - at the time the British were running Jamaica it was really good and the Singaporeans studied it and then built a system based on that.

If you look at old photos of Calcutta, Bombay, Madras and Delhi from the Raj it's amazing how clean and organised it was.

Great Empries always have to have some purpose and the British took civilisation into the most far flung and difficult places. They also gave to India something it never had before or since and that was a unfied source of authority. Today Indians fight endlessly among themselevs, they are corrupt and can't organise anything. The British were all in agreement about loyalty to the Queen-Empress and could just get on with building the trains and infrastructure.

Quite a worry now there are so many Pajeets in the west. I was in Seattle and Vancouver and in some of the big supermarkets I was surrounded by Pajeets and I was the only white man. They will turn our nations into shit holes just like theey did to India once the Brits left.

>See Victoria Terminus in Bombay to get a sense of what the British achieved
That is quite beautiful. I still think Australia and the USA are the greatest monuments to British colonialism though. The USA declared independence early sure, but its founding fathers all had English or Scottish names and Franklin was a staunch English nationalist before the Parliament started acting retarded and oppressive

Many average Brits were but the establishment were all against Smith. Britain had given up her empire, wanted to get rid of Rhodesia, turn it over to the blacks and just walk away and forget about it. Smith was a major problem for them as he didn't want to see Rhodesia go the way of Zambia and the Congo (and indeed now Zimbabwe).

Smith was right of course but Britain was on her knees at that time and just gave up so much. They had swallowed all the ideas about (((democracy))) and forgot about civilisation.

>Quite a worry now there are so many Pajeets in the west. I was in Seattle and Vancouver and in some of the big supermarkets I was surrounded by Pajeets and I was the only white man
As a Brit, I would be horrified if they spread further. They hate the British and no doubt they will turn Canada and Australia and America against Britain, immigrants always carry their old grudges with them

Indeed - that was really what showed the wide ranging impact of the British Empire, similar to the Romans. They could create stability and civilisation in Rhodesia, South Africa and Canada and have their ideas build the USA.

India was a special and unusual case, more overtly glorious but even back then, when India was run properly, yes Australia probably had a better quality of life. And by the 1960s and 70s, before they dropped the 'White Australia' policy Australia was basically a paradise. As were Canada and New Zealand. All three now going down the drain as they allow more and more non-whites to settle.Everyone notices the blacks but the real problem in future will be the pajeets. The Chinamen will make life unpleasant with no compassion for people or animals but the pajeets will make it filthy and corrupt.

Pajeets are ok by me if they stay in India. They are corrupt and have other problems but they at least have an old civilisation and once they lose the chip on theirshoulders about britain they will see how much the british did for them.

the problem is pajeets in the west, especially canada, australia and the US. They somehow manage to combine the absolute worst of india and the west, dropping any good indian qualities and just become fat, greedy, dishoenst, obsessed with status, rude and worst of all never understanding the value of anythign beyond a new car etc.

In the long run they should all be sent back (along with any whites they amrry - let's keep famileis together but over in india not here) and they will be happier in india. Sending some whites there will improve thigns too.

Ugh it’s already outright ruined Vancouver and the Toronto Area, most other big cities are on track for 3rd world status in 20 years or less at current rates. Immigration needs to be cut 75% for the nation to remain economically and socially viable, but all political party leadership is 100% cucked even if many Conservatives and remaining working class advocates are increasingly skeptical.

What did you grow and how did africans try to cheat you out of the fruits of your labor?

One declared independence in a war, the other two achieved peaceful independence.
All three were majority white.
The shitter colonies in Africa were all forcefully decolonised, Rhodesia had some success for a time because the government there attempted to achieve independence through transition.

>Victoria Terminus
Tobacco and Maize(corn). The africans are quite agreeable and get paid a fair wage, however, its the foreign africans you need to watch out for. They have a tendency to just walk on to the farm and take whatever they please, and there were many times they tried to attack us personally. From then on I joined the security detail when I could and had many experiences shooting those who illegally hopped the farm perimeter.

I'm not a huge fan of the brits either. We were wholly betrayed by the UK following UDI.

how old are you exactly

Nineteen. I'm in university in the US - why do you ask?

how come niggers espouse socialist policies but hate when others redistribute their wealth do they not know how socialism works?

How worried should we be about China taking over Africa?

Extremely. I remember a news story last year saying there are more Chinese in Zambia now than there are whites. Crazy enough investment started in late 2014 when we had a White president(in pic related). He is a total sellout though - we all hate him

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they need to deport everyone who came post 1965, including their children, don't care if half white, they can live in india or china

>Nineteen. I'm in university in the US
Hope you do well user and try not to get ass-rekt from the financial end of university. What degree are you going for?
>university rant
I swear the next few years of university students will be on the tail-end of being able to pay for college on their own. Universities tend to have a really bad habit of normalizing costs to any education subsidy provided, private, public, or state-sponsored.

I have a significant scholarship and I pay for the rest myself. I will graduate debt-free.

Also I'm a software engineering major. Shocking as it is I've always loved to code and have done by best given the fact I grew up with an internet slower than anything here in the west

Well, what could they do post ww2? Supporting Rhodesia was totally impossible in the post colonial world, the USA forced Europe to give up its colonies
The USA is the reason why Indonesia is independent for example, threatening to cut Marshall aid to the Dutch if they tried to keep Indonesia

They could have predicated support on anti-marxism. Even I would have been fine with a capitalist black government - Muzorewa was a perfectly good candidate for the prime minsiter

>scholarship + out of pocket
>CS degree
>debt free
You'll do well for yourself. Getting run out of Zambia, enduring hardships we'll probably never see, and now getting a nerd-ass CS degree. Even as the malaise and rot that creeps over the United States advances, you'll succeed.

Buddy of mine does nothing but code algorithms and has a job at GTRI because of that. Anyone who can do machine learning and automation work will have a viable future ahead of them.

>machine learning and automation work
this is the goal. And fuck working for someone else - I already do digital media and I can make even a small living on that. My degree really is just a fallback and an excuse to leave that place behind.

Will Africans ever support capitalism?

You'll be fine. Best of luck user and have a good evening.

Oh absolutely! Look at what's going on in Rwanda, Djibouti, even Zambia to an extent. they're slowly but surely realizing the error of their marxist ways.

Stop making this thread faggot, you're not interesting

Fuck off burger, speak for yourself.

whats his name? He looks *white* to me

will you come back when bibi start colonizing africa and reestablishing rhodesia and south africa ?

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You think that's enough for (((them))? The western world had a gun to its head. The French government literally collapsed trying to keep Algeria

Zambia is not rhodesia. What do you know of suffering?

Guy Scott.
If it happens, user, if it happens.
Read my other posts. I was born in Zimbabwe and we had our farm expropriated.

Chezuz crust you're one of those oblivious fucks.
>look whats happening in x - african shithole

Nothing is happening. If you grew up in rhodesia as you mistakenly claim, not zambia. Then you should know first hand why africa is the way it is and why it will never change.

You sound like that fool angus buchan who fled rhodesia and then tells south africans that everything will be ok they just need to pray. Fuck off

what was your favorite meal growing up. also have you ever fucked a sheboon

>if it happens
You are optimistic I see
Nature made it clear that certain races don't belong in certain places anyway. The white man dies in Africa without quinine, the African suffers in the cold of Europe and NA.

Even if they won't be as nice as the first world, they can still improve a lot if they recognize and enforce private property rights.

That's actually entirely untrue, and if you read my posts you'll see why I live in zambia and not zimbabwe.

Paul Kagame is actually doing quite a good job in Rwanda with infrastucture and tax cuts, while the chinese are investing heavily in Djibouti.

Angus Buchan is an idiot and lives in an imaginary world of his own. We don't claim him

How many niggers do you own.
Do they look different than the niggers who sold them to you?

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What are the chances that white Africans will actual defend them self's when the nog hordes come for them.

Good to hear.

Well essentially we "own" about 240 - blacks who are directly employed by the farm. The zambian government offered us extremely reasonably priced land and capital to buy farming equipment, and the government is run by the Bemba who are different than the native Tonga so sure, they do look a bit different.

Just how far does Bibi plan to expand?

Imma be honest, Rhodesia is just one of those places that was not meant to be when you look at it. 4% of the population was never going to keep a stable hold on power, the Africans would never accept that situation, nobody would. Malaria killing every white that stepped on Africa was already an omen that some continents do not welcome certain races, just like the African does not belong in Europe. Perhaps if the natives in Rhodesia had died out like in America via smallpox, but that was not the case and it made the colonization efforts a herculean task that couldn't be accomplished without mass genocide.

We did it once but the South Africans live in a bubble. They aren't "on the ground" like whites in Zambia, Kenya, Malawi, or even Zimbabwe still are.

When the hordes come for them most will be woefully unprepared physically and mentally. That's a stark contract from the farmers and miners in other former colonies.

Oh also Botswana and Namibia have actually embraced their white populations and they are doing quite well. Moving to one of those places wouldn't be a bad idea.

Tips on dealing with hopelessness?

>step 1: dont live in brazil

Well to start off brazilanon, it's certainly worse somewhere else. There is always somewhere, and someone, that could use your help. Take risks and do interesting things. Change up your life.

And get out of brazil

I will kill every last boer and WHITOD alive watch faggot white lynching is becoming a common place in SA

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Be american. Get shot.

being shot by full freedom jackets or hollow points is a far better option than living in brazil

Wow thank god I'm not in SA
even the larping fags who claim to be black are ignorant, colour me shocked!

Hello I I'm planning on going to SA to help the black raider to kill the boers what is the best torture method for a boer child or woman?

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>And get out of brazil
Wow had never thought of that, thanks. Now all I need to do is buy a plane ticket! It's not like the hordes of illegals cleaning pools in Boca Ratón and the like have completely destroyed anyone's chances to immigrate legally.

How many fights have you been in and have you ever had to kill

Don't worry dude we will hunt down every enclave of whites in Africa. your future children will look like pic related

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Truly I wish to live in the times of imperialism again. Things seemed to work much better.

>samefagging this hard
I did it mate, you can too! Apply for a student visa

Several and yes, though never from the locals. Raiding parties from across the border in Zimbabwe come regularly but after a few warning shots they generally disperse. If they don't, and that has happened, I have had to kill, the security detail has had to kill, my father has had to kill, and my two brothers have had to kill as well. We can also call for help from the Zambian government and they can generally come to our aid for most things.

>>foreign africans

From another part of Africa?
Dumb fuck

I know zambia is embracing whites and calling for them to come back etc. But this whole thing is a cycle.

>whitey works hard, makes a country prosperous
>natives grow in number and arrogance
>want gibs
>burn everything down
>starve and eat each other
>invite whitey back
>whitey arrives, works hard....

And round you go.

Geez the desperation in this bait. Not even original pics.

Yes that's exactly what I meant. The people I was talking about are mashona and matabele from zimbabwe. They have no food following the famines so they come and beg for us to share, however they dont realize we ARE sharing because most of our food is sold to zimbabwe anyway

I froze my college because I learned how jewed it all was. Any details on how you made it? I'm going back to university likely next semester, but only because I have no other choice. I've learned 10x more by myself in the time it was frozen than in there.
But again, please be detailed about how you made it, what course etc.
I'm studying to get into a university there, but I've already done an exam earlier this year and failed, and I obviously can't go without a scholarship.
And student programs with federais have been largely cut off. They weren't such a big deal before too, my brother spent 6 months in France but I bet he wouldn't get to stay if he wanted to. It's all about getting to stay.

>No orginal pics
U sure? White lynching is a common place in SA don't worry dude the world will forget about the boers

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I applied as an "ethnic african."

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you cheeky fuck.

you will die once you encounter a real Boer. You American niggers can't fight.

Well what else am I? I'm a third generation zimbabwean(i say that because I was born before the farm was taken, so I was born in zimbabwe), I speak shona and tonga, and I have a zambian passport. Idk what else I would be, and its certainly not irish or swedish

>You American niggers can't fight.
(can confirm)

>many experiences shooting those who illegally hopped the farm perimeter.
How many niggers have you killed?

current plan is only sol system , mainly earth venus mars and the jovian\saturnian moons .

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I know, but you know exactly what those American admission boards are thinking. Good for you gaming the system.

>You can't fight


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>Thinking I'm African American

OH NONONO where will Jow Forums be in Hunt the pig boer day?

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god dam that dude in red can take hits like a champ

Ah yes the sucker punch. I guarantee you haven't encountered the white who fights first then asks questions yet have you?

Take off your meme flag then? Unless your a Jew.

Yeah he can, though most niggers I have found are surprisingly weak so those punches are probably not that strong.

why would your family do that? are there really no commercial farms in Ireland that you could have worked on? is it worth having to live in fear of invading africans just to own a farm

kek my mom read faith like potatoes

yeah they dont hit too hard because they have a lot of meat on their fists so its cushion whereas someone with rock fists could 1 tap the fucker even with same power and speed

>Sucker punches *whitiod just stands there like a deer expecting some honorable anime duel

Lmao you pussy

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>Priding your race in getting face smashed in

Fucking hell m8 what's wrong with you

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whites who pretend to be black are more annoying than any blacks. good job on the (yous)

Ok so you haven't meet the whites who aren't tame. You'll be in for quite a surprise. Those type of people are the most ruthless and vicious you'll ever meet. Once you push whites from holding them back it, they will haunt your nightmares.

>implying i care about my race
wtf have they done for me?

why you chimpin bud

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he realizes I'm more african than he ever will be.

iye anofanidza kumhanya pakarepo.