Post hate groups and how many are in your state
SPLC hate map thread
Come on, I know there’s more than that
Anyone, especially a white person, who so much as says they want to live around their own color and have a government that respects that choice, is considered a "hate group" by the SPLC and the Modern Left. Alexandria VA was said to have 4 active hate groups and 3 of them were web pages by Richard Spencer. That's how far these Jews stretch the truth to push a narrative.
Fuck the SPLC, literally jews running it
My favorite delegation they have is "General Hate". How fucking broad can you get. What the fuck is """HATE""" anyways? The word in and of itself is comically retarded to use when describing ideological groups. SPLC clearly "hates" certain things, does this not make them by default a "Hate Group"? Just fucking stupid political language that only works on children aka leftists.
>Elliot Roger was alt right
Not even the goddamned supreme gentlemen, (((SPLC)))
>tfw my shitlib parents used to donate to the SPLC until I convinced them that they support the murder of Palestinians and never speak out against jewish extremist groups
Now they tell the kikes to fuck off and/or suck more baby dick when they call begging for sheckles
Some of the groups they have on there, have no reason to be on there other than that broke the narrative
Was just looking at our stare fellow Oregonian - plenty of folk hate niggers in these parts