Ancient greek philosopher

>ancient greek philosopher
>warned people about the disaster of democracy
>people pride on democracy 2400 years later
how did we fail him so bad?

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The moment you let women vote.


In Sparta the women didn't even vote, and yet they were the ones who inherited all the husbands land, wealth, and slaves.

This lead to the female population becoming elites in the city state. With every generation girls & women got richer, where as boys started from scratch every generation.

Interesting how women had no say in the political affairs of Sparta and yet benefited so much. By the end of Sparta as we know it, all of the elites were females. By the time the Romans came in, the Spartans were basically history, not even a shadow of its former self.

The bleak pill. Realizing humans are crabs in a bucket.

See here? It's people literally paid, or brainwashed into attacking each other. Yes. Attack the opposite sex. That'll do just nicely.

The brainwashing is so ridiculous. I can't believe it. And I spent most of my life in it. Wheny ou finally walk out of that bubble... what is there to do ? you can't seem to be able to change the world. If you pop them out of the bubble they'll kill you for it. They have to walk out on their own. But how do you coax them out before it's all too late?

Simple: Islam

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we got complacent

That’s beacuse the Greeks and Armenians have been fighting Islamic invaders since the beginning pic related Levon the magnificent King of Armenia

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Its not for long. That which is based in falsehood, a falsehood in comparison to Natural and Universal law, will always fail.

Democracies have never lasted long throughout history, and the consequences of them usually are reciprocal to how long they lasted and how degenerated the "mass" became. That being said, we are going to see the most horrific times in history. Thats not exactly a bad thing though, whos to say we haven't been living a horror and for how long? What is coming is the necessary nightmare that must be waged upon the unnatural, the ugly and the profane.

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Democracy is fine as long as it is limited to nonslave educated white men of property

>t. historylet

You are absolute fucking retard. See the last two civilizational efforts for democracy (Decadent Rome, Decadent Greece) and see what happened to them. Democracy is slave morality and rule by the mob (the weakest) and given the illusion of authority by the Jews.

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I welcome horror before I yield to living tortured. Bring on the fucking Kali Yuga

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This is exactly right, educated landowners who must fulfill the duties of soldier, juror , congressman and speaker

i think we are going to find a way to live forever
and we are going to find a way to resurrect people
i dont think the book of revelation is about magic but the increase of science

Everybody needs to read Hans Hermann Hoppe, no matter your political affiliation.

name one democracy. I will wait
protip: america is a republic

We decide almost nothing with direct democracy except our representatives. You lot are probably even further from pure democracy, although you seem to occasionally hold referendums, and perhaps usually hold to the results. I heard someone from a podcast or yt show recently say that democracy was a meme being pushed byrand and others.

Direct democracy in small communities works great. It's all about scale.

No human institution containing millions of people will ever function properly.

the problem with democracy is there are more stupid people than smart people

because now everyone thinks they are smart and follow their reason™ (stances consumed from mass media without critically thinking about them).
yeah, there are few good democracy advocates, but they are pretty rare.
even in Croatia, they always complain about how stupid people are when it comes to voting, and defend their "right" to vote at the same time.

>No human institution containing millions of people will ever function properly.

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This got me thinking - How long will the American empire last?
Rome lasted for 2200 years until it fell in 1453, but people back then probably taught that their empire will last forever. Nothing lives forever, empires, systems collapse. What will happen at the end of American hegemony?

The ancient greek democracy was different. People living in modern democracies have better quality of life than anyone else in history.

If you restrict the franchise that far why not continue to restrict it until you get to rule by the worthy? Or that the leader should know how the vote would go a priori? You need to fail pretty badly to be in need of that feedback. The only lesson in democracy is that the wise ruler listens to his subjects.


Thats going in my cringe compilation.

Answer : christs teachings. Marcus antoninus aurelius too

Lmao there is no similar downfall coming sorry bud. This time they are descending us slower than ever into serfdom, and more wisely than ever

Dream on

Thats like asking for proof that flying unicorn snake dragons don't exist. The burden is on YOU. there are no examples of correctly-functioning institutions with millions of people

Individual rights do not exist in democracy. It is an archaic tried and failed form of socialism based predominantly on mob rule.
Every time socialism fails it rebrands itself with a new selling point after about a century to give enough time to gaslight people after the generation that survived it died off completely.

The end of hegemony only comes when something replaces it. Likely the center of world economic power will shift to Asia, god help us all. The American empire will linger on and become increasingly feeble and irrelevant for many decades of not centuries after the glory days have passed.
