Is this the most red pilled tv show

Propeller is bent, sir

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This is the ultimate story of survival based upon a real story

It seems that the kids of pol arent interested so feel free to prune this post mods.

>This is the ultimate story of survival based upon a real story

But they all die in the end

>red pilled tv show
full of faggots stranded in snow, taking turns blowing each other

that's not what "red-pilled' means, faggot

Don't spoil the end.

I srsly doubt you watched "the terror"

8 episodes of British faggots shitting on floors, sucking each other off, going mad from lead poisioning, eating each other and getting manhandled by a BIG GAY BEAR

go watch " A Man Called Horse"

btw - take this dogshit to /tv/ not Jow Forums you heathen gypsy

The terror is the best represntazion of actual history ever made.

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I had a 300+ thread on this on Saturday.

Inuit must die.

this show demonstrates why leftism is futile very well
tell a leftist to watch this show before he goes on with his fucking post scarcity luxury utopia bullshit you see them posting here 24/7

without order, people eat people

Fuck tommeh. This is the real deal.

Can I watch this on Netflix or Amazon? I ain't gots no cable

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Interestingly enough most stories aren't historically accurate but this one almost is.

Fuck off kike. The british navy is top.

And here I thought you were responding to this poster

Cool a new show i might watch, immersive too as everyone is white.

Kill yourself you spoiling bitch

Production value is /kino/

in for answers

The terror is the ultimate tv series.

Yes. Kino is off the hook.

I have a strong suspicion that you're involved in this show somehow and shilling it for whatever reason, just be honest with us.

Take a look.

>Cool a new show i might watch, immersive too as everyone is white [GAY|
> only pure righteous characters are inuit natives
fucking enjoy

hope you enjoy extended guy-on-guy softcore

Only on amc / amazon prime. 20 bucks for whole season. Or torrent all episodes from

We're talking the best documentary ever made if we get rid of the fictional aspect.

Probably best show i’ve ever watched. Production value of HoT but perfect acting, historically accurate (except for... you’ll see), great great sound design, just absolutely perfect.’ So glad to a season 2, no idea how they’ll put it off tho

Like I said this is the greatest tv show ever made when it comes to history.

How much are you being paid to advertise, and more importantly why Jow Forums of all places?

Fair enough. Have you watched it?

ok, is there or is there not a bunch of faggot scenes throughout?!!! (have not watched yet and dont want to waste my time) surely one of you faggots knows.

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Part of it yes, honestly though i just want to know your motivation

Croat shill reveal who you are!

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My motivation is that it is better than finding out what really happened


No. One of the characters seems like he might be a fag, but then he also might just be a psychopath, or the most based good guy of them all. It's hard to say what he's capable of which is obviously deliberate.

Other than that, there's one scene involving him being caught with another guy that is literally two seconds, and only AFTER whatever it was. You don't see any fag stuff at all.

It's not a spoiler to say they all died cause they literally all fucking died

This. It's fucking exceptional. I've watched 6 episodes so far, and I've literally extended my holiday rental so I can be able to see the last four.

It’s a good show but there’s very little redpilling in it other than making the fag mentally ill.

Yeah but skipping the terror is blasphemy

The story isn't following the actual historical events. Nobody actually knows what happened to them after they were last sighted three years before the shit hit the fan. The show is based on a book that's purely hypothetical/part historically accurate/part thriller fantasy.

Go watch 'Deutschland 83.' Best spy show in a long fucking time.

Attached: D83.jpg (300x168, 16K)

Yes. They just vanished.

>surely one of you faggots knows.
how many times do you need to be told before you listen?
go ahead, watch some british gay pron
seems like you're inclined to do that anyway

Your trolling is weak, mang.

says the british fruit.

Second in command can't get a wife because the woman he courts knows he's a poofer
Second in command becomes commander, has to discipline his cabin boi pussy who has been sucking him off.
you can guess what the punishment is
the rest of the time is spent with the cast getting fruity with each other and then going insane with the the worst CGI you've seen since Black Panther

take this shit to /tv/ and sage in all fields

Would you be able to do this?

Your trolling remains weak.

1. Wrong.
2. Wrong.
3. Wrong.
4. Wrong.

Now fuck off.

> 6 posts by this ID
crew is hunted by tuurbaq an inuit demon that takes the shape of manbearpig that can only be sated by cutting out your tongue

boipussays wrapped in wool sweaters snuggling with each other, getting high and exploring every man-on-man love relationships (man-on-boy nuturing, boy-on-man, man-on-man lust) . Its all a bit much. If you're British, this is probably normal. If you're a hetero, its a bit much.

Being on a ship is the ultimate red pill. However its a shame that we're living in 2018 instead of taking a journey to the north pole.

> implying
You know how I know you're ragingly buttblasted that your stupid 'troll' didn't pan out?

>not having taken high school history

God lies in all realms.

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Get a load of this faggot

>Kill yourself you spoiling bitch
bro its based on a true story. the first spoiler came out like 180 years ago

Can we make britain great again.stop fucking around.

its actually really good. the only thing that really bugged me was the fact that the dialogue it often hard to understand from the combination of English accent and ocean/wind/sea noises