What are some good things that feminism has brought to the west?

What are some good things that feminism has brought to the west?

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Literally nothing. Its really not even good for cads who want to screw lots of different women since married women are generally easier then single women (single women are looking for almost any reason to reject you, married women are looking for any excuse to cheat on their husband with any man who shows interest).

Consumer spending and tax.

Any other answer is blue pilled as fuck.

It's brought me hours of entertainment.
But I'll be laughing as the world burns around me

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Its easier to spot insane and retarded people

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That was the CIA's justification for backing it but it doesn't really work since the mass of women working long term tends to be a drain on the economy due to externalities.

this is so retarded. dont they get that matriarchy only happens in fairy tales?

Red pills.

Feminism is a jewish trick so you tell me.

Free pussy

Any nation that denies the value of the labor, intellect, and cultural contributions of half of its population will always be at a disadvantage against those that don't, especially so given that a significant proportion of the energy of discriminating nations has to be directed towards the active suppression of women.

No, the CIA psyop justification is that all this PC diversity and tolerance stuff is social engineering to soften the people up so laws don't need to be enforced, since everyone is too airy fairy to commit crimes, even white collar crimes like fraud.

This is the transhumanist optimist reasons, but is quickly negated by affirmative action and all the privileges these idiots get.

If it was simply about spotting retarded people so they're easier to ostracise, then they would be ostracised.


The soviets discovered what I wrote about in the first paragraph of this post and somehow turned it violent.

Stop this Jewish nonsense, it's stupid. Israel has literally nothing to gain from weakining the west.


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Unshaven armpits, on-demand abortion, blue hair, 8yo drag queens, school shootings etc.


Chlamydia and fatherless kids,


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>Israel has nothing to gain
Feminism is turning us into a bunch of spineless wimps who will never stand up to them

Israel wants you brutish, pro western and willing to flatten Islamist terrorists. Islamophilia is absolutely against their best interests and they know it.

Grow up, just because every second Marxist is Jewish doesn't mean this literally fascist cultural Marxism is in the wider Jewish community's best interest.

It's time to let go of antisemetism (without fear of the Jewish question, of course).

Trump in the White House.

Exchange "women" with "men" and you're on the money, Jew.

sterile casual sex and single moms

Nothing. We gave an inch and they took a mile and doomed us all.

Easier pussy maybe? Idk


women work, and even fight in the army to pay welfare checks for NEET males


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Slags only want to fuck chad.

The married slags of the past were better married slags and girls in LTRs have much lower standards when it comes to guys. Incels weren't a problem in the past because most women were married and married women are actually much easier to fuck then slags (especially for "non chads").

Slags are looking for reasons to reject you, married girls and girls in long term relationships are spinning their hamsters for any excuse to fuck any guy who shows an interest in her.

Jesus, just brain yourself. Society thrives when women do the women things and men do the men things. Once you have women shirking their duty to become bread winners and voters, that's it. It's the beginning of the end. Try to keep up with the class and don't just rely on fee fees to come up with your stupid ideas.

You're a fucking idiot if you believe this. The West used to be the light of the world back during patriarchal times, when it supposedly "denied the value of the labor, intellect, and cultural contributions" of the inferior sex. That was when we invented industrialization, steam engines, nuclear weapons, vaccines, etc. and greatly improved everything all over the world.

Nowadays? Our inventions are (((Facebook))) and (((Google))), and whites are being bred out of existence because feminist modernism has taught women that kids and families are oppressive.

Feminism follows success, not the other way around.