Unemployed members of Jow Forums

What the fuck is wrong with you??

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I’m selling drugs, knifes, guns, hoes and getting bennies. who the fuck wants to work?

None of my 1500 job applications in the past 6 months was successful.

I wish I didn't have this white man's burden, I'd hop on welfare in an instant. This wage slavery shit sucks


Being an unemployed white male under 30 with a stem degree is 100% allowable and understandable.

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did you get a job today user? Congrats, proud of you

stay mad wagenorm

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Attached: “The White Man’s Burden (Apologies to Rudyard Kipling).” Victor Gillam, Judge, April 1, 1899.p (933x652, 1.14M)

Give me one reason to contribute to a society that hates me and that I hate.

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Any white person today that has a job where he has to pay taxes is the biggest cuck. You are literally paying your government to move in immigrants/refugees who want to kill you. And if you're American, paying to feed jews and muslims thousands of miles away.

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I tho u guys have white trash that loves on welfare? You can try that

crippling meme addiction

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You are so fucking right and that is the other biggest reason I feel so morally obligated to stop doing what I'm doing. I just can't live with my parents, I'm almost 30. I have to pay my bills and have a car. I don't know what to do.

Isn't collecting nearly $6,000 a month in cash from gibs considered a job when you have no other mouths to feed but your own? :D

Proportionally speaking I believe whites and Asians are the smallest groups on welfare.

Gone Galt.

You can't get that much - government only gives you like $200 a month or some shit here in the US.

>Unemployed = shareblue/liberals/

That's absolutely and definitely not true pal, but I'll toast a drink to your dumbass at some point tonight.

Please help

To add on to that, it's completely legal. God Bless America.

Was a firefighter, blew out my knee bouldering. Doubt I’ll ever make it back to my career. Currently studying to be a desk fag

I'm not going to post it step by step on a Sudanese origami forum, but there are more offices than just Social Security in the US. If you stop in one, they have pamphlet upon pamphlet of the other programs to sign up for. And for the other poster, SS in the US isn't $200 it's roughly $750 month.

that's disability money.

pro tip: it helps to get on food stamps / SNAP. you then auto-qualify for Obamaphones. bye bye phone bill.

Never bothered with the obamaphone bullshit until they come out with an upddated smartphone, they can kiss my ass. Not carrying around some clunky flip phone like it's 1994 even if it's free.

I am employed but I am seriously thinking of quitting my job and taking the summer off.

But I have zero idea what I'd do after I quit.

I am basically waiting for someone at work to do or say something stupid so I can say "that's the last straw" and leave.

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my relative, has a smartphone from da gubmint.
when I helped him sign up they didn't even have an option for a flip phone.

On my way tomorrow to sign at an 1,800 sq ft hardwood floor condo that overlooks the best part of the city. And buy "sign" I mean buy not rent. I love America.

You will be penalized for taking out SS early. Not sure what you're thinking with that unless you're an old bastard

Oh shit I might have to stop in tomorrow and pick one of those up too better have a mobile wifi option or it can lick my ass. Guess it's still free though.


You don't get penalized if it's for disability, genius I'll be getting it until the day they chuck my corpse in a ditch somewhere..

I'd love to rant about my job search stories, but everyone here will just call me a faggot loser. Just remember I probably don't have a job because your dumb sister got the job over someone like me because she has a pussy. I've also interviewed at several places, and go back to find out they hired some foreigner that is of a similar nationality to the person that interviewed me.

Currently I'm working a part time job in fast food job/pizza. I'm 30 and have a BA in political science.

Work fast food until you can land something, call the place every day until they hire you

Retired. I don't need to work for the jew anymore

Only 750... Australian's get that per a fortnight...

Are you some veteran nigger that sprained his wrist and now collects 3k a month in VA benefits?

Why didn't you intern at a local political office?

>>BA in political science

Sage. You're fucked

no jobs in my rural area
no transportation to where there are jobs
no kind of assistance whatsoever
no will to live

>>BA in political science.

Thinks he should be president.

I used to work but I wasn't happy with people personally profiting off of my good-will and labor.

I was also unhappy with the idea of reorientating myself such that I could exploit other people's good-will and labor for my own benefit.

So I stopped working. Thankfully I have parents that haven't totally swallowed the "work will set you free" meme.

You’re doing it wrong

one post slide thread

>t. Boomer fag

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That's a fraction of what I get
I'm not doxing myself, but if you had half a brain you'd know that general contractors get the same benefits as soldiers when injured

seen this thread 6,000,000 times

>what the fuck is wrong with you?

Works 60hrs a week, and hates every second of it, and wants others to be as miserable as him...

hahaha, fuck off jew

Bought my house at the bottom of the market and stay home to take care of my child. If I worked I would only keep 60 cents of every dollar pay $10,000 in child care and commuting costs and lose my government subsidized health care.

Family, community, nation, in that order. Don't for a second undercut your family to benefit a community or nation that robs you blind.

Ain't nothin' wrong, I'm livin' stress free my man, keep paying taxes for the welfare leeches tho lmao

Why can't you live with your parents? Does the kike brainwashing run that deep in you?

whats a job i can get that isnt fast food and doesnt make people think im a fag

Despite the trend growing, most jobs in our country aren't advertised online mate. I despise boomer bullshit about shaking hands and how easy they had it but honestly finding a small business to get your foot in, in person is one of the only/best ways.
.t Unemployed "student" for 2 years that has now been working for the last 5 and loving life

I literally have a mental illness

All you need is a strong handshake and hit the pavement, son.

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tfw a quarter of your paycheck is used for taxes

I went to business school but failed to land an internship or a job in a multinational company.

I refuse to work in the shitty regular economy at some dinky ass brazilian company where I'll be condemned to a life of suffering as a middle-class cuck. My plan is to imigrate to Germany using my portuguese citizenship and make a living washing toilets or being a garbage man or something. At least I'll have white children.

Its really hard to get a job here in Austin texas. I can't even qualify for a security guard position because you have to pass an FBI background check, and two misdemeanors disqualifies you. I have two for driving while under the influence. the rest of the open jobs are sweating your ass off in the sun or running a cash register.

Fuck off cunt, you're part of the problem. Stay in your shit hole.

>At least I'll have white children.
In Germany? I have bad news for you.

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Literally cancer. Doing chemo right now.

being a neet is a highly evolved form of life

I have a job, but it's a casual position and I have very little hours, in fact I have no work all this week and probably the week after.

Businesses here figured out it's cheaper to hire "Casuals" as they don't need to give them any benefits and can fire them at a whim.

So basically while I am employed, i might as well be unemployed.

It fucking sucks.

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Don't worry Cleetus, I wouldn't want to imigrate to the U.S. even if you paid for my ticket and gave me a green card. Hans will be happy to have me over working hard on his toilet and spreading the big dick gene on the german gene pool.

Nothing. I worked from 22 to 47, retired and spend my day shitposting.

>tfw inherit millions in cash & property
Can't argue with Satan on this fact, in this realm work is optional, if you cease to desire material things that is

Boomer plz go.

I can't get a job because I'm cripplingly shy, socially anxious and severely depressed (I tried suicide many times before... real attempts not pussy cries for help)
I couldn't even return to studies in my country because many years ago I maxxed out all my available student loans by going to and from university (each time I had to stop due to mental health)
Without any qualifications my only option would be to apply for menial, minimum wage jobs, but i'm not willing to suffer that ignominy

I've tried. All my efforts seem to get me nowhere though. I started too late it seems. I've pursued a lot of different paths. I couldn't land an unpaid internship after graduating. I did some campaign work, and that went nowhere. I only get called back by my local Registrar of Voters every election because they need volunteers to work the polls. It's an easy $150 but it hasn't helped me get anywhere.

Yeah, it wasn't a great choice, but it was the only field that interested me at the time. I'm thinking of going back to school for accounting.

I never thought that, but my stupid relatives made the same sort of jabs.

Yeah labour laws are fucked.
Unions are pushing Labour to force businesses to make casuals permament after a few months or something, its going to fuck everything up worse than if they just eased up the mandatory additions for permaments so people like you could actually be kept on.

It's pretty crazy that when you add on the super, insurances, GST, payroll taxes, penalty rates, licenses etc etc each min wage employee is costing businesses like $50,000+ just to keep on, not taking into account productivity losses from all the public holidays and the general rule of thumb of an employee needing to bring on double their wages when every other expense is added on.

No wonder they can't stay open more and put more shifts on. I've seen my boss start 4 different small businesses and holy shit its no wonder people don't bother.

How do I get 6k in gibs?

My Ex got over a lot of her anxieties and mental issues when her psycologist (i can't remember if it was chaitrist or cologist that actually gives people coping tools and strategies rather than just write medication scripts) forced her to encounter the triggerings situations slowly but surely similar to how I got over my introversion.

He made her go to the shops every day, just walk there and back and then eventually look around, and then buy things and just greet the servers at the counter and then progress into small chat.

Same thing worked for me but I wasn't being treated I just did that as I was growing up. Same thing with my Arachnophobia actually and now I can cold call, do client meetings, even drive 2 hours to go to a leads house, sit in front of their family and sell them on things they need.

Good luck mate, also
> minimum wage jobs, but i'm not willing to suffer that ignominy
Get fucked. Have a decent dig, for yourself.

I don't want to betray my people for worthless trinkets.

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Nothing. I'm using my NEET bux to become a millionaire.

stop fucking calling you cunt.

I havn't answered the phone in years and it just rings non stop.

What is it that you sell?

I'd guess insurance.

we should have laws about being employed by foreign multinationals.

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every class has it's benefits even the unemployed.

Trying to find an internship for the summer. Probably shouldn't have waited until the end of the spring semester to start looking, but whatever

We stopped a few years ago, now it's referral and digital request based that get us the initial meetings and phone calls.

Finance. Investment, Retirement, Insurance, Tax & Debt. Our reputation is in the shitter but good old Jordan Belfort helped me out there.

If someone calls you for "insurance" tell them to fuck off. 999/1000 it's not the companies or products you'd actually want if you were actually wanting personal insurance.

hey fuck you kiddo

That's pretty much it user, I know I'm going to be sacked as soon as they have to make me part time.

They have too many people on the roster as is.

NEETdom is basically living a post scarcity life in a world ruled by a system of artificial scarcity.

Too many things to name.

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and I bet $100bucks that the higher ups are pressuring the managers to "cut wages" in their monthly and quarterly figures. It's all I hear these days from business owners, accountants and managers, they have to keep as much downward pressure on the wage costs or wage ratio in their budgets because its such a big problem that can easily blow out and fuck the year up and their cashflow.

I dunno, I'd personally be doing everything I can to find a stable FT min wage job and save every dollar until we go through a reset or official recession or something. There's an air of stagnation going around that's not good.

I wouldn't work if I didn't have to.

upskill faggot

I'll write a step by step book one day but it'll cost you $799.99. Well worth the investment in my opinion and guaranteed to work.

Yep, hit the nail on the head, I took a wage cut just very recently, and to make matters worse they also have cut peoples hours.

Coles is a cunt of a company to work for.

>he says this as a lolbertarian
LOL the irony

And during that time you will be unemployed how hard of brain are you?

Unemployed but always in money. Bad upbringing. There's literally shit I had no clue about.

I got rejected for a software developer job that I was more than qualified for. Wasn't even interviewed.

A girl that I used to mentor and who is my age got an interview, got a phone call asking her some easy as piss questions and got the same job.

> we are the same age
> she worked for 8 months as an intern at the same company I worked at
> the company I worked at hired me full time because I was going to leave to another place that offered me more money, before I finished my degree because I'm not a plebian
> literally had to sit down at her desk, and run her through how to write a unit test
> continued to work full time for a full year after she left
> company begged me to not leave to go back to school to finish my degree
> have honors degree, she has bach

So even with twice the experience, better credentials both degree and work wise, a github that is fucking stacked that I contriboot to every day, she was chosen over me. I just got a standard rejection email. Fuck affirmative action. Obviously I'm not worried about getting a job as I'm interviewing other places, but you're obviously discriminated against if you're a male.

She messaged me yesterday and asked me if I wanted to get referred to the same job I got rejected for. It's a good thing she likes me, being a chad helps. Reapplied.

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Networking is just as important.

You're pretty good on the computers, son, why don't you go to computer school and work for Google?

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>MVMT watch
