Conspiracy theories and brainlets

Is believing in conspiracy theories the sign of a low IQ? They can't be disproved because they rely on "secret knowledge" rather than verified facts and statistics i.e. "History is all made up!/Thats what they WANT you to think!!"

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Brainlets such as Sam Tripoli popularize dumb conspiracy theories because they need to feel in possession of secret knowledge but they aren't able to apply critical thinking. They also have a hard time expressing themselves and are gullible so they promote flat earth lizard people transdimensional horseshit

That a selfie OP?

There are real conspiracies and real hidden knowledge and agendas, but they are easy to hide so long as brainlets openly push dumb psyops.

If you hear
> I've done the research
> You are just blind sheep
> interesting

You know you're listening to a rube

Luckily within enough digging we can verify everyone who is or isn’t Jewish. I could prove to you 43% of major news media journalist are Jewish, and that number is much higher among CEOs, but it would take hours of information dumbs. So it’s easier for me to list off a long name of Jews, and then for you to point out the ones that aren’t Jewish.

The ultimate brainlet move is to assume that the Established Narrative is any less of a conspiracy theory, it's just supported by ((mainstream authorities)))

This is it, they lack critical thinking. They either leap off into fantasy, or blow up Jewish involvement to disproportional amounts.

Take this statistic:
those unable to reson will blow 20% into 100%, or, being mentally indolent, will decide that the others are also Jews, or "Jewish servants" without bothering to look into their political beliefs at all. Pure anti intellectualism, which of course is what Nazis are famous for.


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it keeps happening

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the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal

a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural

to disregard all conspiracies is to disregard the notion that powerful people sometimes planin secret things that are bad.

op are you impling that powerful people never plan bad things in secret? its totally invalid to make a theory about that? theres rather a lot of evidence to suggest that shady shit is going on amongst the people in power. if you dont have any theories about that then youre probably pretty simple minded.

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Do you consider LIHOP 9/11 to be conspiracy theory?

want to get a coffee and get to know one another ?
We just conspired to get cofffeee

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ah yes, yes the richest people you're allowed to know about, excluding heads of state and *nobility.* Hosni Mubarak the richest man in the world? Who woulda thunk it.

thats not how that word is used. it would need to be something bad or illegal and secret to be conspiring. and in common vernacular the word is usually used to specifically refer to people with actual power planning bad shit in secret.

if you wanted to plan to steal some coffee with me, and if you told me not to tell anyone and i agreed. then it would be a conspiracy technically, though not in the common sense of the word

Not with IQ , its more like a delusion and what a persons wants to belief . I used to belief in all kinds of conspiracies , but today i do not anymore

you dont believe people in power meet in secret to plan bad or illegal activities?

how are you that naive?

of course there conspiracies

>of course there conspiracies
of course there are conspiracies

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>you dont believe people in power meet in secret to plan bad or illegal activities?

That is just how the world works , the jews are a hivemind , destroy the goyim .. They do not have secret meetings for this

I was planning on raping you.

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don't worry about me speaking arabic on my obama phone.

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Depends on the conspiracy theory. PRISM and it's related programs was the stuff of conspiracy theories before essentially everything anyone in the know suspected and more was confirmed by Snowden. Look at the stuff the US government admits to having done or planned to do with projects like MK Ultra/Monarch, Operation Northwoods, Gladio. I mean do you really think nobody is hiding anything at all from you? Because that's called being naive and gullible.

You just made yourself sound retarded as well. Good job!

still not a conspiracy unless you brought at least one other person in on it. if you and a friend made secret plans to rape me then it would be a conspriacy. a conspiracy to rape me.

exactly this

9/11 was an outside job, box cutter cabal

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yeah thats why I said ignore me speaking arabic on my phone.

>no argument just sheer cope: the post

im still hysterical about the fact most people think aluminum is stronger than steel.

in reality the planes hitting the towers would have pancaked and only broken windows.

Get off Jow Forums your in the wrong place

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then the plane would have fallen to the street.
Aluminum can't go through steel no matter ho fast its going.

that in and of itself is a conspiracy theory

>its true because my history book says so.

the word conspiracy has been abused by the mainstream. now any time any normie hears the word conspiracy or hears something labelled as a conspiracy he instantly dismisses it.

when in reality the fact that people in power sometimes plan bad or illegal things in secret should be common sense. but no, its conspiracy, and that word is a dirty word now.

>he doesn't realize the real conspiracy was that the twin towers were secretly built using aluminum foil beams

Lol religion is a conspiracy theory , the kikes hates the christians this is common knowlegde

nigger die kike

you in and of your mom is a conspiracy theory

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The center was made from steel the front was mostly windows , it would not fly through windows ?

There is no secret knowledge. It's blatantly recorded in millions of documents for 125 years. They have sociological terms describing what is taking place, you're just not allowed to identify them in present time. you're allowed to accept there is a deep state, you're just not allowed to identify who they are. There is ample account of actual history, but you arent allowed to cite events that are pivotal and one of a kind. you're allowed to say that britain granted a balfour declaration to the zionist federation, but you're not allowed to ask what britain got in return. you're allowed to say that patton, Eisenhower and McArthur served as generals and presidents, but you're not allowed to bring up how they got there or what the bonus march was all about. you're allowed to say that the US is in a lot of war in the middle east, but you're not allowed to point out that americans dont know why.

America will regain her honor. But it will require blood the likes of which have never been seen.


I just can't help but notice that lefty language tells a lot via it's condensed neurotic projection.

We both understand you don't have an opinion on the topic, just cucked screeching

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So you don't understand yield or sectional density. A cucked Aussie would spout off on everything they don't understand , but fail to mention black cock which is the national food of Australia

> implying the nobility still has money
Any facts to back this statement up? No, didn't think so...

nice selfie OP, you niggerfaggotkike

Term "conspiracy theory" was implemented by CIA niggers to ridicule and shut down those goyim who try digging into Kennedy's murder.

Conspiracy, when you start thinking philosophically about it, is a very vague term, just like corruption, which has been debated since at least the ancient Greeks what it even means.

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True. In fact, modern "conspiracy theory" is basically just a shill tactic to saturate skeptic communities with lies until the information is useless and the concept discredited. I know very dumb and smart people who mentioned flat earth when it really took off in 2016 and it made them both look equally gullible and dumb

What's the point of having many dollars if you'll never be as reach as those who own Fed and existence of Dollar itself?

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what penance do I owe you, Lynn?

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> brainlets in 2018 think a photo means something

> the soviet infograph

brainlet makes case from russian website using ONE WORD

This is an example of projection, lads.

>russian website
you are right. drumpf is finished. he really did conspire with the moscows.

>Wikileaks run by Russia
That's nice conspiracy theory you have here fuckboi

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but he heard it on the msm. the msm never lies or manipulates or takes facts out of context and then distorts them for a political agenda. to doubt the media he would need to use the word conspiracy, and he doesnt believe in conspiracies. therefore its real, even though technically a conspiracy, it isnt, because he doesnt believe conspiracy theories but he believes this.

makes perfect sense

Believing in conspiracy (as a general concept) is really just believing there is more than meets the eye. People who don't believe there is a conspiracy believe that what they see is the truth.