This is a thread for discussion of why all rational and compassionate progressive-minded men must remove their penises.
>Statistics on the epidemic of rape culture
>The eternal role of the penis as a weapon
>Why women feel safer around men without penises
>Penetration and dominance VS mutual safe contact: penis removal & gender equality during sex
>Trans solidarity: penis removal beyond the trans community to better normalize their identities, lowering trans suicide rates and saving lives
>Penis removal as a beautiful apology and symbolic act of redemption for historical oppression of women
>Go green: penis removal as a a method of male birth control to protect the environment from overpopulation
>'Nullos' and 'smoothies': early pioneers of penis removal, living proof that sex is better without a penis
Women's Studies Int. Forum, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 25-27,1984
>'To be a man' means a certain kind of genital functioning which can & must be rejected, for it is based on two lies. The first is the lie of the male orgasm, which is experientially neither synonymous with ejaculation nor at any point inevitable or uncontrollable. The second is the lie of the male erection, which is necessary only for the penis to be used as a weapon in rape, for, experientially, hard erections are neither comfortable nor pleasurable nor anything other than symptoms of the aggressive tenseness & rigidity of the macho man.
Unfortunately this paper was mocked by the alt-right penis apologist Dr. Jordan Peterson:
Become a better person. Right past wrongs. Protect the environment. Support the trans community. Make women safer. Equalize your sex life. Remove your penis today.