I don't get what is so great about Antarctica.
Politicians, scientists and more want to go there.
What are the possibilities of what is REALLY there?
Why would Huma and HRC want to go there?
I don't get what is so great about Antarctica.
Politicians, scientists and more want to go there.
What are the possibilities of what is REALLY there?
Why would Huma and HRC want to go there?
Secret underground Nazi city
nothing goy quit being so nosy OY VEY
Land grab as the glaciers melt
alien disclosure
to inspect the ice wall keeping the oceans from spilling off
There's not a blockade tourist cruises go there I know someone that went. I don't think Biden would have gone if there wasn't some Jeffrey Epstein type Mossadery happening though.
As above so below.
Inb4 ancient aliens kraur
Hole to the hollow earth
safe haven, maybe
What amazes me is that there is a massive hole, and no one talks about it. Most people think it is BS like flat Earth shit even, but it is 100% real and known.
Flat Earth psy op is to derail discussions about hollow earth
You know what else is a lie? We never went to the moon, because we can't leave Low Earth Orbit. Space is a meme and the moon is a luminary. Not a solid object.
Why is Marina Abramowitch going on an expedition to Antarctica?
something is fucked up down there
In all seriousness? A global collective to preserve humanity and our history/technology/culture as wee as preserving nature in seed vaults in case of a global cataclysm. WHEN the next meteor hits, or VEI-8 volcano acts a fool, we'll be able to restart faster with the information and materials being stored in Earth's cold locker.
Naturally, those who want to preserve these things DON'T WANT NORMAL PEOPLE AROUND because normal people tend to ruin everything they touch.
its literally where the aliens live.
Secrets are a good thing. Sorry, but most people have no business knowing the truth. They're too stupid to process it rationally.
>nazis escaped to south America and had documented visits to Antartica before that
>it is a rather convenient location for visiting there.
Idk what they found, but I think that the Nazi's chose south America for a reason