Why don't Millennial women like to go on dates and pair-bond? What went wrong?

Why don't Millennial women like to go on dates and pair-bond? What went wrong?

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>Millennial women don't like to go on dates or pair-bond

Don't, or don't with you?



What went wrong is you creating the same thread you did yesterday

at least post the appropriate animu macro

For some odd reason I tend to think that people cycle through Jow Forums like water through a pipe, I had no idea it has the same neckbeards posting day in day out.

Don't, they want to dance but not pair bond.

>Why don't Millennial women like to go on dates and pair-bond?
They do, though. At least here in Germany. Most young people want to settle down with family and kids.

never been on a date before and im turning 26 next month

Because dating in the American sense is cuckoldry. You'll pay for meals and days out vying for her partnership as she goes on similar dates with other blokes. You're either with someone, or you aren't. You are a massive cuck if you do American styled "dating".

dating a ridiculous modern thing

real relationships grow out of friendships


>real relationships grow out of friendships

Dating still happens, I've gone out with quite a few girls 1 on 1 dates. Traditional dates our grandparents went on don't really happen but millennial girls still definitely go on 'dates'

Kek. Millennials don't even exist in my world. Wherever I go it's boomers and Gen X dicking around. I don't know what other millennials are doing, but they're certainly not lurking on pol.

Millennial men are entitled babies. That's what happened.

I think the problem is you use terms like "pair bond" . That is so creepy sounding.

"Hey Stacy wanna go on a date and pair bond with me?"

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incels: the thread

>Hey, STASI, wanna go on a date and then send me to prison for dissention?

Maybe they're busy pair bonding

They have unreasonably high standards and they still do go on dates, but millennials overall are a very nihilistic and hedonistic generation, so are the other generations, just not as much.
Knowing everything we know now, we can teach the next generations coming up to be better, but we actually have to teach them, not just post on the internet about stuff.

fuck back to 2ch you filthy shitskin nigger. I know russian posters are not even white, just some mongrel pieces of shits that claim to be white but are not. Cдoхни cyкa

>too much attention from guys, can't decide which one to fuck first
>my body my choice, therefore I should fuck with all kind of shitskins before settling down
>I have a vagina, therefore men need to treat me like a princess just like my daddy
>Men are oppressors, I will be turned into a housewife and will be forced to pump kids instead of pursuing a career
>I am a 5/10 and I am not dating anyone below 9/10
>I am not marrying a man who makes less than me and it doesn't matter that I make $100k as a doctor and that I am 30yo
Literally million of reasons. These are the ones that I have personally witnessed and it made me absolutely disgusted with them. Women are the jews of the gender.

> Jow Forums claiming to understand what women want.

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You've never met a woman have you?