Why do people, especially young ones, stop caring about cars?

>For nearly a century, coming of age in America meant getting behind the wheel. A driver’s license marked the transition from childhood and dependence to adult responsibility and freedom. To many, it was a far more important milestone than voting or legal drinking. It was the beginning of a new world—of cruising down Main Street to meet with friends and compete with rivals; the ritual of being picked up for a date and making out while “parking”; and of the pleasures and frustrations of repairing, souping up, customizing, or racing a car.

Now young people hardly care about cars. But why?

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Cars used to be affordable for boomers,in the us, long gone memory these days

I dont see the demise of it anywhere where cars are commonplace. Typical bullshit article.

Too expensive and I can't even get my driver's license

You used to need to physically be near others to hang out with them. This is no longer the case.

>I hang out with middle/upper-class lefty kids
>Why is nobody into messing around with cars?

cars are too expensive and we don't need to go anywhere now because the world is online
also just getting a license is a bitch and a half

I am old, but years ago you could buy a car for $300, no car insurance and drive around with your friends without a care in the world

>care about (((memetravel)))
boomers can fucking die already
they all fucking suck

>literally post a car during a time where a middle upper class vehicle can easily seat 8 people
>compare that to today's cuck hatches that crumple at the slightest bump

Owning and driving a car takes balls. Kids don't have 'em. In a couple of years some retards will start "personal cars are racist" agenda.

>the pleasures and frustrations of repairing, souping up, customizing, or racing a car.

Most people can't do these things anymore. Now, instead of saving a couple hundred bucks for an Edelbrock carb and intake, it costs 5 grand in fuel injector work and tuning. Getting caught street racing is reaching DUI levels of punishment.

>every generation past me has to share my hobbys or something's wrong with them

Boomers need to be necked desu

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It's a combination of increasing costs, decreasing income, and more prevalent rideshare options

Now stop posting this stupid thread

this is the correct answer

You can't even fix modern cars since the electronics and all are so complicated and have to be taken to brand shop.

>"personal cars are racist" agenda

Sweden has already unironically said that they are sexist.

Niggers have destroyed every public space.

>be teen driver
>driving with other teens
>autistic cop pulls us over
>i'm sorry officer?
>i don't know what you're talking about officer!
>i'm not!
>*tazing intensifies*

Too expensive to buy, drive and own.
Can't repair it by yourself.
No place to go with it.
No place to keep it.
New cars are fucking boring in all possible ways.

And no car is fast enough to escape this nightmare we call our lives. I've tried it.

Cars have become less affordable in a general sense (yes you can still get cheap bangers, but they're still more expensive to their equivalents from 30 years ago). Petrol is also more expensive nowadays.

Now that were also so much more connected via the internet, the need to hang out by just driving around aimlessly is also reduced.

More people now gravitate towards big cities that are typically a nightmare to try and drive around and have extensive public transport and cycle infrastructure.

There's probably also an element of young people being more environmentally conscious and feeling like aimless driving for the sake of driving is harmful to the planet for no good reason.

>Now young people hardly care about cars. But why?

Why care about something I can't afford?


Cars represent freedom of movement and the ability to go where people are to be social without chaperones.
Kids use phones/apps/Internet etc for most interactions and car is something you drive to work.

Back in the day you could buy a brand new toyota tercel after saving fron working the summer at mcdonalds. Even a fucking yaris is 15 grand


Mandatory insurance makes it nearly impossible for most teenagers to afford...
Modern Cars are ugly
Teenagers have other shit to do, like video games...

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It’s almost like going out in public means interacting with retarded, aggressive subspecies.

Or stay home and play the electronic Jew.

Cars have gotten too complicated, too cramped, too shit.

Driving around in a Chevy Aveo or Kia Rio for hours on end is not what I'd call fun.

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Wages haven't kept up with inflation, especially america where it's still 1980's wages

It doesn't take balls. 16 year old kids do it.

>drive a car
>don't drive a car

>To many, it was a far more important milestone than voting or legal drinking.
That's the reason, millennials want to be children forever.

The Internet, you can do everything from home now

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I'm pretty confident that if car manufacturers stopped cramming cars full of electronic bullshit, prices would go down significantly.

See Renault's Dacia department. Barebones cars that drive the same as any other, but without the 27 inch infotainment ipad in the dash.

A car = freedom. Even jap shitbox. Even with holes in floor, slow and old. Wittingly giving up your small aspect of freedom is a loud sign of despair and lack of masculinity among kids. Price, insurance - these arguments are worth shit. Those who want, they do.

because cars are silly and nothing more than transportation. Why put more thought and effort into it than needed? it has no rewards

We could drive Indian market cars. But muh safety regulations, our grandfathers used to drive home drunk from work.

i have like two good friends.
If we just went driving around for no reason that would be pretty gay. a car is used to get somewhere.

there's literally a shit ton of teenagers getting drivers license every year and doing everything that the article describes.
isn't this just a clickbait article?

>pretty gay
Only in your swollen mind m8.

>Now stop posting this stupid thread
i hope people like you get cancer. Were here to talk about what we want. Stop being a Jow Forums sjw you fucking sperg.

Too expensive people up to their neck in debt, smartphone cost takes up what might be used for car payment, used cars are not affordable anymore, teenage jobs wage is stuck on same place it was 30 years ago

>Be white teen driver
>Driving with other white teens
>Autistic cop pulls me over
>'Oh sorry sir, I must've made a mistake. Have a great day, and you kids have fun :)'

How can you even mange to live in France without a car?

Boomers told us to stop buying cars and only ride bikes because werr killing the environment

The elite have been brainwashing kids to think that driving is bad.

You're right, I have a VW Fox shitbox as a daily driver, but making cars more appealing would make "millenials" buy more of them.

Don't you guys have mandatory parking cameras? It's insane.

30 years ago I had my first car, you could go for a drive & the roads were reasonably empty, especially on a sunday.

Everywhere is just packed with cars now, going for an aimless drive is just a chore not a pleasure.

No nigger, you do need to go somewhere. Get your fat ass off the couch and go ride a bike.

6 million bucks of (((carbon tax))) and other assorted useless payments make it a lot harder to own one nowadays.

The question is why are boomers and kikes pretending to be oblivious about it.

well look at the streets, there is only like 3 car companies, and they are fucking built by the same company parts. Its all the same.

Regulations have made it to where the art in the car is gone.

What we have today is corporate bad business crony capitalism car designs that are soulless.

It’s worth it ...the freedom with mobility...the test is easy if you actually study

Still a thing in less (((urban))) areas. Also any car culture nowadays has to take place with old ass cars because new ones are either boring or ridiculously expensive. Wasn't always that way.

I dunno maybe there's something called MONEY

We're not living in the most prosperous nation in world history that is immediate post-wwii America, which was untouched by the war and rebuilding the entire world at the time so therefore money was in everyones pockets and shit was insanely cheap?

Get a 250 dual sport motorcycle and you have the freedom to go anywhere on or offroad and get like 70mpg

a woman ask me what is it with men and cars?

i responded the exact same thing you did, its a symbol of conquering and freedom thats why we like planes, trains, bikes etc

we are truly in a decaying society with a bunch of soibois, cat lovers, feminist... you need to keep all this vermin away from russia cause we are lost.

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16 year old kids used to have balls, leaf.

Do you drive much? Metropolitan driving is one long litany of compliance - from parking to road rules to kid seats to MOTs.


cars are expensive now, my dad used to work summers at a baseball field mowing lawns and paid for his own car in cash and the entire next semester of college
and my brother was the last era of "street racing" kids in the 90s, it all died down because the legal system fucks you

In norway we love car culture but its to expanisve becouse of toll stations and taxes:(((

Liking cats has nothing to do with onions or masculinity you insecure faggot.

Social media is why. "Hanging out" with your friends doesn't entail jumping in a car and cruising around or driving somewhere, it entails lying on a couch and tweeting inane bullshit.

When I was 18 a girl told me "you look hot af while driving". Never ever will I become pedestrian, lol.

Because 90% of modern cars in burgerland are shitty Toyotas, electric cuck cars, and trucks. And they're also a lot less affordable than they were back then. Most cars aren't fun to drive, and generic.

Now, people just drive their cars to go to work, or go to various other places, no one cruises with friends anymore, everyone would rather stay indoors.

It used to be like that in Europe in the early 80s, but not anymore

Cars are now over priced pieces of shit that are designed to break down in ten years.

Found the gay

Gas prices.

car culture = white culture.
white culture is being phased out.
US Auto market has stopped making vans.
Next they will phase out full size trucks.
vans and trucks = white male culture

Jow Forums is 18+

>(((car culture)))
car owners should just die.
another (((consumption culture))) indoctrinated by jews to create market demand.

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Prohibitively expensive - like everything else the old folk used to enjoy.

The golden rule of humans is that every successful person makes it harder for the next guy to be successful in the same way - including indulgences.

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>Next they will phase out full size trucks.
They never would, it's their main source of revenue.

Have you seen the price of petrol?

Assuming everyone is going to the same place
Assuming nobody has to travel more than a mile or two

>because new cars are boring
“Hey Tommy, can you turn up the air conditioned seats and the ipod?........ ummm... oops. I mean, can you turn up the rattling and the am station, I guess...”

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t. soiboi

>Owning and driving a car takes balls.
oh cringe, you have 4 wheels not two dont pat yourself on the back cucko

Vidya Games

>My dad worked nights mowing a lawn at a baseball field.
>Every night
>My parents divorced shortly after

t. Tyrone

I can’t afford a new car.

>More people now gravitate towards big cities that are typically a nightmare to try and drive around and have extensive public transport and cycle infrastructure.

Shlomo, they're not gravitating towards big cities, you're just trying to shove the urbanization meme down their throats.

At least I won't end up in a wheelchair 4 life.

wrong, they said it was sexist because most drivers are male and they then snow plowed the sidewalks first making it impossible for ambulances to get through.

>A mile or two is my max on a bicycle
You lazy fat fuck.

>I can do my social life online
>why is modern life so fucking terrible
The internet is a communication method. Using it as a substitute for actually being with people is a bad idea.

Quit browsing in second period

I wish, but not all of use live out in the city. If I didn't have a car I wouldn't be able to get to work. There isn't any public transportation that would take me to my job, I'm not riding a bike, and I work with only three other people so I can't carpool because they live too far away. How am I going to get groceries? The grocery store is 4.1 miles from my house.

Look what they did to vans, see pic. They will soon do the same to full size trucks to make them look less masculine.

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That's why leasing makes sense. It costs just as much as a regular car payment and it won't constantly break down in the end. It's more reliable.

I can almost see a victim's smile on its face.

the incoming future of automated vehicles and mostly everyone has one now

yeah if all need to go to the same spot, at the same time, that is 10 miles away. fuck off commie

I bought a brand-new Mitsubishi ASX and pay:
229 € for the mortgage
118 € for insurance
150 € for gas AT LEAST (two full tanks)
9 € for tax
in a month. Which amounts to 506 € in a month, little more than A THIRD (33,73 %) of my disposable income. No shit cars are expensive.

Those are luxuries, and they're not what makes a good car a good car.

but you never own it, you are always paying. so if you get laid off from work or a medical emergency etc. you are fucked because you always have to pony up that 200 -300 a month

I started to learn to drive in January at 27 because I want a motorcycle.

I did the car test first to be more employable but it cost me £130 a time and after I failed in two weeks and had spent over £100 on lessons that week alone too. I couldn't take anymore. I'll probably have spent well over £1000 before I have my license let alone own a car if I even wanted one.

I'm impressed that some kids are able to save from childhood and work hard in their teens to be able to afford a car and the OBSCENE insurance teenagers need to pay but frankly those kids are 1 in a million.

My parents paid for lessons but wouldn't pay for the test (looking back I don't even know what they were fucking thnking with that) so i didn't bother.
Hopefully I can get my bike license and a nice cheap bike before the years out.

>paying the lease jew

Why not some undestructible used 1.4 golf?

Capitalism is dead, it’s all about sharing and not feeding into the kike financial enslavement system.