If a civil war were to happen

...would you join?

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No, I don't support any side so much that I would risk dying for them.

Jow Forums complains about muh immigrants storming through Europe.

White europeans invented this by colonising Africa. Surely Jow Forums should be on the side of the Africans who are trying to create an ethnostate?

Fuck you bong. Niggers don't deserve a fucking shit. They destroy everything they touch

>what is in group preference
No shit im going to defend my people you worthless anglokike
>letting your brothers and sisters get genocided because "muh principles"

> Jow Forums complains about muh *non-white* immigrants storming through *whte* Europe.
We are on the side of white people.

Except you won't do shit. You are probably in very poor physical condition and would useless in a combat situation.

No, the white man has no place in africa just as the black man has no place in europe

I would be down but the thing is that the Europeans are about as native as the bantu niggers that are the majority in SA except they contributed significantly less to the region's development.

At least white people weren't completely shit at it.

Attached: White+people+help_067158_5877758.jpg (709x2048, 176K)

Implying everyone fighting in wars was fit tall chad.

you do realise that because of the white farmers, south africa isnt a barren wasteland

and now the negro is breeding like shit, well done boer shit

You forget that South Africa was completely empty until boers came

Who would fight and die in the name of faggot rights, Abortion,and Socialism that begets matriarchy? Maybe if a theocratic white only government emerged.

Whites won't get support if civil war happens.
The aviation will be controlled by state military niggers
How are you going to get there? Would you camel across all of fucking africa ?

I bet the whites who will leave to fight will be considered worse than jihadi europeans that left for syria

I support the Boer but at the end of the day I can't sacrifice myself for their prosperity. They are white, yes, but they aren't my people. I have much work to do in America.

youve got a point there

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except most niggers there are poor as shit


I'd imagine they'd make it as hard as possible to actually help the Afrikaners. They'd probably arrest any young white guy that enters an airport

To be expected from the eternal anglo

Do you have a helicopter fleet that needs maintenance? Will you offer incentives like a plot of land and citizenship? I'm not going to risk my life like an idiot for nothing, ideology is one thing but a man still needs to go to work after war.

When this happens, it is quite simple

1) you want to kill your enemies and fight - you go to ZA

2) you do not want to risk your life - you stay at home

sure some goy went to ukraine or desert land because they BELIEVE. They are pretty stupid. If you go with the expectation to fight, then you can't lose

>colonized worst place on planet
>cries when problems come

>is white in current year

>cries when getting enriched

The land was uninhabited when the Europeans arrived. Then the bushmen came down.

Also we don't give a fuck about playing by any rules that either we or someone else sets because the game's rigged against us in the first place, so what one has to do in order to survive is ultimately a good thing.

"arrest" aka fill whitey with stab wounds

We need to set up digital infrastructure to help the Boer coordinate. Fucking hell just thinking about it turns my stomach, this is going to be a bloodbath.


I'd likely contact some of the groups moving down there and try to join them.

>Yep cringe collection
Thinking pol will actually fight and thinking a bunch of beta males will fight and leave their rooms for months

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The bushmen have been there for tens of thousands of years mate

Why would any beta seriously help you in this board be honest do you seriously think pol soys who can't even function in their own society will travel half way around the world for this shit show

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In my country?

In fucking Africa?
Hell no.

Europe for Europeans and Africa for Niggers. "European" colonist can be raped by niggers for all i care.


None of us would side with Negroes. Fuck off, Mehmet.

>le fat neckbeard meme

yeah he got the details wrong; bushmen were around; bantu-niggers invaded after europoors.

bantu niggers were pretty unapogeletic about holocausting bushmen so 99% of the gibs demanding niggers you will find in SA today are bantu niggers.