Burger officer who hunts niggers for their Skittles, ama

I only specialize in rural dindus so my knowledge of the nigger menace may be limited to this sub species.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What is the best flavor of powerade

Nigger woman would be hard to Deal with?

you are doing gods work sir.
praise Kek

Attached: pug.jpg (960x540, 81K)

badge and timestamp or you're larping

>being this stupid

filing a report to your station right now

are niggers in the police force redpilled on niggers or are they just doing their job so they don't go back on gibs like the rest of their senpai

how many du's did a dindu du if a dindu dindu nuffin?

>Sub-sub species*

you think pitbulls would be good for situations like this?


Heil KEK !!

Attached: Daumen.hoch_Kater.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

Demand Segregation NOW!

Attached: nog want some of this.jpg (348x450, 28K)

Do you think the guy in the picture is actually the one posting the thread, dipshit

Käptn Dude , redneck county , Alabama


Praise KEK

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Hey there I'm glad you finally showed up.
I want to report a thought crime. Oh wait thats britanistan. Whaz is your opinion on jews?

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holy shit thats like some shit out of a horror video game. cant believe the niggers sister said he was a gud boy who dindu nuffin and dindu deserve to be shooted

eat shit white boy. you pigs aint worth shit you punk ass little bitch.

Attached: whiteboysfucked.webm (1024x768, 2.31M)

> What is the best flavor of powerade

We only drink Irish whiskey on duty, but I'm a fan of beating the watermelon flavor out of unarmed subhumans before planting a gun on them.


this literally took 1 second

stop falling for these shitposts you brainlets

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let the nigger off with only a beating?
no wonder the dindus are running wild there

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Fuck off blue lives matter you comunist subhuman.

Are you trying to tell us to "git gud"?
I am not fluent in ghetto

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Yeah Uncle Tom cops are pretty based.

But if you have a nigger partner you need to get an extra can of Rightguard to spray down him and his seat.

We usually force Asian cops to have black partners so they can do all the paper work for them because black cops can barely spell.

Attached: asiancop.jpg (290x174, 10K)


> post by this ID
report and sage in all fields you r_tDonald newfags

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Holy shit. Police officer confirmed.

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>can't recognize shitpost

pattern never fails

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Can I be your partner and have an remington 870?

>I want to report a thought crime. Oh wait thats britanistan. Whaz is your opinion on jews?

All my bosses are Jews or some diversity hire.

We spend most of our time driving around their neighborhoods and making sure they are safe and that's when we get the green light to go after niggers on sight if they get too close to the gates.

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