Are women iditots?

are women iditots?

Attached: 1527577940364.png (558x704, 421K)

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wew lower class

Attached: 1525408422146.jpg (2207x2505, 1.46M)

do nigger smell?

Only your mom for giving birth to imbecile

Fuck. I hate the left and it's pitiful "Trump looks like a carrot 'culture.'"

Attached: 1526401339214.png (317x317, 118K)

>dat ain't chocolate hoes
>ayoo hol up


Would smash the ginger on the left

Well fat people hate vegetables so that's probably why they compare something they hate with another thing they hate

None of those accounts or pages exist. Is this a really old snapshot or something?

Attached: 8EE1B68B-03E5-4092-AE1D-9B979C7E2E7E.jpg (1242x1819, 119K)

i don't get what makes women do the things they do.

Really bro?

the Blonde second-from-the-right I would probably feel up, that would be it

Kek, plebeian sows

I already fuck fat nonwhite girls regularly so it'd actually be a bit of a step up

this is the woman with the glasses in the lower left but it's private now. could be fake

Hahaha more power to you bro


It never ceases to amazing me how stupid women think their "symbolic" gestures mean anything

Like pic related

Attached: o-SMASH-THE-SCALE-facebook.jpg (2000x1000, 681K)

yes, and it's failing to realize this that makes the world shit. On both sides of the spectrum.

Alt-righters fail to exploit this, and turn women over to their side, when it could be easy as fuck.

A propaganda effort directed at women, telling them they're perfect and the mainstream media is fighting against their interests would've turned shit around. But alt righters tend to go an other route, portraying themselves as "saviors of western women", which is the wrong approach. Women have it far too good here to realize they're in danger.

Women are rarely as intelligent as the average boy is at 16.

>take that you pieces of plastic
Wow.. that is truely retarded. At least they got a little exercise from it. Probably got out of breath in the first 10 seconds, but its a start

The scale is just a tool that displays the weight of an object. If you set a brick on it, it will display the weight of that brick. These women are so demoralized that they are upset with simple reality.

You're not wrong

Its an old screenshot they all deleted their accounts.
This is why you spend 5 seconds to archive shit and 5 more to paste the link in the screenshot.

The comments are epic

Already done, all that was done out of retarded women was what you would expect from retarded women

I filled my trailer and pickup up with garbage from my backyard and basement to take to the dump. I did not babe anything tied down and despite the appearance that something might fall out, it was all pretty secure. Here was an observation I made.

>Men stayed about 7-10 car lengths back.
>Women were almost touching the bumper of my trailer with their cars.
>Women were pissed off that I was doing exactly the speed limit.
>They would go around me and brake check me
>Woman in brand new Cadillac road my ass for 4 miles because she was pissed.
>Another woman road my ass in a pickup.
>Box flew out, gets stuck to the bottom of pickup behind me. I stop to apologize and offer to remove it, woman keeps driving on down the road like nothing happened, ignoring the awful dragging sound of the cardboard underneath her truck.

Why are women so retarded?

>are women iditots?

It's not that simple really. Yes, they are idiots, but not in the way we often think. I know this is Jow Forums, and women are portrayed as being fully in support of multiculturalism and so on. But talk with women, like really talk with them, and you'll realize that the average woman is far more negative towards other races than men.

All women I have dated have been pretty damn racist, even though they gave off the impression of being pretty SJW at first glance. They may be socialists, or don't care about politics, but get them talking, while feeling safe about what they can say, and you'll be surprised how much they dislike non-whites. It goes for both high educated, and low educated women.

The thing is, they don't feel safe about voicing those opinions if it's not socially acceptable. And the reason it's not socially acceptable, is because most of the "men" in alpha positions, are in fact true SJW believers, so they'll use his position as default.

Because most alt-righters don't really know how to approach women, and don't hang out with them as much as the SJW-men.

And the worst thing is, men who aren't SJWs, automatically think they have to limit themselves, and not be politically incorrect when around women, because they think women actually believe the same shit those SJW-men believe.

Finally. A female comedian thats actually funny

Attached: 55151C13-FDB6-4FE0-802B-4801800E9A1B.gif (320x320, 1.43M)

I quite honestly can't listen to this.





Stuck up women. My gf drives like a grandma. Never got in an accident and always go 60 on the highway.

No. the majority of women can look at this picture and see why it is ridiculous.

Post the captioned version of this pic

Those women are still skinnier than Trump, and they have bigger hands.

Technically? Yes.

Their brains are pretty fubar.

eew, canada. would cum on the glasses, then ride the piggy behind her in the colon