Well, is he wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd feel safer in a Lightning II than an OV-22. At least ejecting is a viable option.
Those things scare the shit out of me.
Military doctrine is: "If it ain't broke, replace it with an over-engineered, more cost per flight hour, unstable piece of shit so politicians can take kickbacks."
yes its basically the greatest warplane of all time (f16) but improved in every way. so far it performed very well as a bomber. perhaps soon it will see air to air engagements.
I can't fucking wait
>so far it performed very well as a bomber
Requirements for a bomber:
1. Can it fly?
2. Did the bay door open?
3. Were munitions released?
You forgot:
>Does it have payload capacity to hold one (1) Major Kong?
When are they going to start mounting nukes on the F-35? Last I heard was 2020.
we should be using triplanes by that logic. a good bomber needs to be built for future integration with new and constantly upgrading electronics,targeting pods,communication equipment and bombs. needs good flight performance with max payload\bombs and low radar return + countermeasures and jamming.
F35I Adir has all of these , its basically a better version of the sufa.
as far as i know they already have mounted cruise nukes
>Major Kong to Kangdong
French rafale rekt the f35 on multie occasions sorry amerifags
They can carry a B61 or B83 within an hour of being ordered to do so. It takes longer to go through the security and safety measures to get a PALS unit from nuclear storage than it takes to actually install the PALS in the cockpit.
>greatest warplane of all time
Can't wait for it to be violently fucked by s400's
putin is israel's greatest ally . we have all plans and specs for all russian antiair + killswitches for export models .
this already happened senpai, look up operation orchard.
Everybody knows Russia is kiked already but you're still going to be violently skullfucked Schlomo.
nah achmed we're gonna be fine
s400s will be long gone before f35s are in range.
What's it like getting fucked in every fight if you don't have air support
Sure mutt
Only when placed directly on the 35's tail to start. Don't be the safari hunter that travels to Africa to shoot a caged leopard, Jacque.
Why anyone would buy the F35 is beyond me, you just know Lockheed has an inbuilt killswitch that will shut down all the advanced systems at a moments notice at the orders orders of the mutt in chief.
Redpill me on them since my cunt bought shitloads.
why wouldnt we have air support achmed ?
They go VRRRRROOOOOMMM!, rat-a-tat-tat, KABOOMIES and then Windows 7 on board Blue Screens and the pilot dies.
I'm just saying your entire army is shit and heavily relies on air support.
The IDF are actually pretty good, which explains why Israel still exists even though it's enemies are numerous and in close proximity. Also, air support is the only thing that matters in modern warfare, tanks are literally useless now due to the easy availability of small shoulder-fired anti-tank missiles and IEDs.
They're mediocre, they have survived because their enemies have even worse training and equipment.
its the world's most powerful army currently