FACT - Nazism is actually the future

FACT - Nazism is actually the future.
Capitalism is dying
Half of all millennials support socialism
Eventually, with their newfound obsession with "muh nazism" they're going to realize that Nazi's are socialists (a fact the media and academia has conveniently tried to conceal from them)
As racial tensions boil over, they'll eventually choose racism over multiculturalism.

Bang. Nazism is the actual future.

I'm good at reading the lay of the green here. I know which way things are going to roll. I am tell you all right now, despite how besieged we often seem by the (((media))), (((academia))) and the (((elites))), the wheels are in motion now and victory will eventually be ours!

Attached: branco antifa nazis.jpg (600x429, 68K)

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Yep. We're going to get nationalism with mixed economy (social democracy without democracy)

I hope you're right, but the people of whom you speak are much more inclined to reject anything that gets in the way of "dude weed lmao" and putting the next-largest thing into their buttholes. They're some of the most garbage human beings the world has ever seen.

Who do you have an anti nazi comic and a pro nazi post.
Are you fucking retarded?

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i'm not the retarded one. just because one point is intended by someone it doesn't mean they didn't unintentionally make another point. pls look in the mirror, the brainlet is you.

Are you? OPs point is that all those lefty faggots are eventually going to find out that they are not so different from the natsocs

its true the overlap in the ven diagram is pretty intense
weed and abortion and a few other issues will be the lynchpins of politics in the future because as our politics becomes "more divided" it actually becomes "more unified" as both sides approach the far ends of the horseshoe. we essentially become ideologically like minded.
"communism" will fuse with "nazism". it will be the racial stuff first. the "nationalism" will be added, thus making it "national socialism". as far as the other stuff, drug laws, abortion laws, free speech laws ect, all of that will be up for debate in the public sphere to some degree originally.

but make no mistake "national socialism" will be the dominant ideology. 1488 HIEL HITLER!

Of course. Anyone with half a brain has put this together already. This is the death spiral we are in. There will be another World War, the winner of which will then decide how we proceed.

If the socialists win, countries collapse and people starve to death to the point where people will eventually revolt. If Liberalism (Actual liberalism. not the subverted American modern definition of Liberalism, which is actually socialism) wins it's a repeat of the previous century, with all those who remain redpilled by personally living through the failures of socialist systems, until of course they start dying off due to old age and the socialist ideas take hold again.

>Nazis are socialists meme again

>The National Socialist German Workers' Party aren't socialsts because I say so

>Nazi's are socialists

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The comic is anti nazi, you're the fucking idiot.

>i'm not the retarded one

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>antifa are the real nazis
My hate for libertarians only grows stronger.

Depends on your definition of socialism. Hitler redefined it.

>Hitler redefined it.
Hitler would have fit in well on tumblr.

Nazism mixing with communism will get us National Bolshevism which doesnt sound quite as appealing

I think he means antifa and sjws are going to be the browncoats who beat up conservatives and liberals to help install the 3rd position.

>Depends on your definition of socialism. Hitler redefined it.
>its only socialism when itsmy specific definition of socialism and what i want it to be!
you do realize there was no private property in the reich, right? there was private property on paper, but not in practice. jesus christ this is what happens when you buy into the college meme, i'm guessing.
do you understand that hitler believed in universal healthcare? welfare state? "volkish equality" AKA a classless state?
do you see all of the "nazis" in this thread unironically saying "yup, totally right" because most of the actual nazis on this board are *gasp* rank and file socialists on economic issues?

wake the fuck up you dumb ANTIFA loser.

>lefty faggots are eventually going to find out that they are not so different from the natsocs
lol fuck off kike, do not compare these communist degenerates with the followers of the National-Socialist philosophy

Attached: difference.jpg (650x1024, 200K)

>Parties are what their names are Democrat party or the Workers' Party of Korea!
Nazism explicitly opposed socialism, it outlawed Unions, endorsed corporate cartels, opposed international socialism and most emphatically opposed the philosophy of egalitarianism which is the centre around which the rest of socialism revolves.
The only aspect in which they were even socialist-adjunct is that there were nationalised works projects, but they were all carried out by private contractors which is not a socialist approach.

He thinks nazism is going to become the big thing again, of course he fucking is

That's cool, I'll just be over here, hoping for monarchism

We've got a Croat, a Russian and a Bong in this thread advocating that "Nazis aren't real socialism"

That in an of itself shows you.

Friendly reminder Australia had a National Socialist leader around the same time, who took power through the left wing Labor party, contructed a Welfare state in the same way Hitler did and advocated for the continuation of the White Australia Policy.

Nazis have always been left wing and were thought to be left wing during WW2. It has always benefited the Marxists to distance themselves from the Nazis after the war and the atrocities committed by the Nazi party came to light. Thus this reclassification into "far-right"

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>As racial tensions boil over, they'll eventually choose racism over multiculturalism.

please count how many white people are in this video


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You would be at the very bottom lmao

Better than being at the middle of the current shithole world

smart post, honestly.
also a smart and underrated post that made me lol.

National Socialism is the fringe of the fringe. It's a meme ideology for edgelord teenagers and meth smoking trailer trash felons.

Why are boomer conservative toons the worst? This shit is literally an oxymoron on steroids.

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I don't think you realize how retarded you are and how much worse off you would be

Prove it
Or are you one of those monarchism = serfdom retards?

take a look at history retard
try to prove it works

Which part of it didn't work for the 300-400 years Europeans were dominating the world?

Ive been saying this for a while now.
The kids who are communist today will eventually realize that national socialism benefits them far more and is a solution to degenerate capitalism

So you're implying it's all black and white?
You don't realize you would be a slave to that system and sure, maybe Europeans would continue to rule, however it would only benefit a select few.
You and I on the other hand, our lives would be much worse than it is now.

I doubt it
Those kids today who are commies are mutts and are outcasts to any nationalism
They don't belong anywhere

Do you even know what monarchy means?

Yes and stop thinking you're important and special.
You're not.

We're just rehashing the old Communist vs Nazi debate.

Tell me one reason why people's lives would be worse off in a country where the ruler is decided by birth rather than skill at demagoguery.
Where the ruler would be taught how to rule from childhood, rather than having to learn it in the few years he has in office, before offloading all his problems to the next person.

so long as there's no voting Im good

>Capitalism is dying

They've been saying this for at least 100 years now.

youre a fucking idiot mate, grats