How do you feel about non-geographical flags on Jow Forums

From your experience how do they affect your experience on Jow Forums, if at all?

Attached: 4chanPoliticallyIncorrectFlagRarity.jpg (1167x2908, 508K)

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I think they were implemented as a favor to international troll farms and I'm on team MAGA.

meme flags are a mistake, at one point I even had this conspiracy theory that (((they))) implemented them as a cover for when they do mass shillings and sliding threads

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huge blunder
i think there was maybe two years where there weren't any meme flags and the board was much more fun
it went straight to shit when they brought them back and half you motherfuckers were like "nah people will get sick of using them and it'll die off" WELL

Canada is every time the second in everything! :)

Have you tried contacting Jow Forums staff about the issue?

No more shills crying muh proxy!

They're great

every meme flag is an auto sage for me

I hopped on the old ferry and spent a week in Tangier last summer. It was very nice.

it will become more prominent

>whos to blaim?

Attached: overmerchant.png (532x557, 37K)

Eh, they can be somewhat useful for getting across a user's ideology, but words do that much more effectively. They're used more for trolling than their intended purpose (e.g. the pseudo-Black Nationalist posts).

I think they're for pussies.

I prefer this memeflag since it’s more geographically accurate than the burger-flag, and since I can’t get a proper Texas flag.

If people on Jow Forums would understand that attacking a poster with a is how the chews pushed for meme flags in the first place, then maybe people here would actively give their opinion/rebuttal instead of using memes that push the chew agenda of divide and conquer

Jews are always about saving shekels. VPNs for all their good goys and rabbis, to obfuscate the locations of the (((agents))) and make it difficult to block/ban them, could get shekel-y. So the solution is to "convince" (((those))) at Jow Forums to put meme flags so they can continue to jew the goys at less cost.

They're brilliant for trolling. I think they're a great idea.


Bad idea. Only assholes use them.

A few weeks ago there was a poster with a Vatican City flag on one of the Christianity generals. Pretty damn rare.

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I just want a royalist/monarchist meme flag

Attached: 1004122-Charles_Maurras.jpg (267x400, 13K)

the anarchist flag has the worst posts by far. peace flag is also terrible. UN and EU flags have mediocre platitudes as their posts mostly. Nazi is sometimes good sometimes bad. National Bolshevik and Commie are exactly what youd expect. Fascist and WN are generally ok. no step on snek are mid tier. BLM surprisingly have ok posts when its not a clear troll, no idea why they choose that flag

idk who else im forgetting

I have a terrible feeling that a lot of flagposters are leafs

dude what about the CSA people

>CSA people
I forgot about jihadi and muslim flags, theyre usually fine, even if theyre basically baiting.

Confederate flags are faggots in my experience

dude idk i like the confederacy but hey to each his own i guess.

The actual confederacy I like, as in the historical reality, confederate flag posters are usually butthurt and incapable of logic


Attached: high five.gif (483x272, 3.02M)

t. petit bras royaliste super craignos

>posts from Indonesia are just as comon as posts from Latvia


They're trash. I immediately disregard anything posted under a meme flag.

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Je suis tout ouïe si tu as quelque chose de plus intéressant à proposer (autre chose qu'une république judo-maçonnique et qui soit français)

Attached: rois_merovingiens_grunbg.jpg (165x186, 38K)

Custom flags would be nice

une république forte et virile qui embrasse le patriarcat et la science ;)
Et il n'y avait pas de Juifs lors de la révolution française, donc je vois pas ce que le judéo vient faire là.

>Et il n'y avait pas de Juifs lors de la révolution française,

Je phone post alors je vais pas te quoter mais une république en soi ça ne veut rien dire. Si elle est démocratique tu retombes dans l'illusion que les hommes sont égaux (un citoyen=une voix) autant dire que c'est une organisation de pédales qui considère que le moindre dégénéré à autant voix au chapitre qu'un homme sain. Si tu veux un gouvernement fort, par définition il doit être élitiste et non démocratique. A ce moment là pourquoi garder une république?
Quant à la science c'est le cancer moderniste, je suis très kaczynski sur ce coup là. Si ça ne servait que les blancs, a la limite pourquoi pas mais en l'état: au four toute cette merde.
Sinon je n'ai pas parlé de la révolution en elle même mais de ce qu'elle a engendrée par la suite d'à peu près stable (la troisième république) et la je pense pas avoir à te faire un dessin concernant l'influence juive. Bref tu me proposes un modèle abstrait.

I just ignore meme flag posts/responses and it's fine. Slide threads increased with meme flags though.

The NazBol flag is the only good meme flag... the others are complete trash.

Can we get a little less jpeg?

I get more responses with memeflags. I also like the Templar flag because it has the magical ability to do pic related.

Attached: Empalement.jpg (1200x1742, 615K)

I simply use the for anonymity, you know, as this site was fucking meant to be.

mutts are just mad they actually have to debate instead of firing back stock responses

I kinda like em. Nice for memeing

Hate them ...

Bad. Keep geographical only.
Afraid of not being user: You still are, retard.
Afraid of geographical memes: Lmao.

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The fuck is portoia?

Of course. Can't show up with that jew flag when shilling and falseflagging or no one would believe you

Shut it down !!

I know Ireland and the the Irish get a lot of shit on this board, some of it is just bantz, some of it hatred, some of it desrved and some of it not. The one thing that I have noticed though is that meme flags give most of the shit but hide behind the flag. I'm not saying Ireland or the Irish don't deserve a roasting or can't take one but when you hide behind some shitty flag to give it you lose all respect from me. Stand by your country flag and take the good with the bad and at least have a bit of pride in where you come from.