I have noticed that if you go to any comment section that relates to Tommy's incident the newer comments are crying out for revolution or civil war. The police of this country has betrayed us. Some of them even had sex with abused victims.
Some National Action members were found in the army, all arrested and sentenced. I believe there are hundreds more. I was also shocked that within 24 hours almost a thousand people found themselves trying to climb the fence on downing street. It was indeed a spark of hope that there are adults in this country ready to risk something. I think we should all start preparing, clothing, busting our biceps, creating and spreading posters that are anti-state and police.
The social tensions are reaching their peak. The more bullshit this state pulls the more they harm themselves even if they get minimal backlash from new 1984 laws.

No and stop thinking like that. I'll automatically class any defeatists as fucking shills. If you actually think its over you might as well stop posting low-morale replies and fuck off from my thread.



>Previous thread will contain a ton of user made posters. →
>Look at the replies of each poster.
>Pick the best posters according to feedback.

>When going out you should do it with a fren.
>Wear all black if possible.
>Face completely covered.
>Wear a beanie.

>Time window for postering 12PM-5AM
>Do it with a friend, not alone.
>Do it on bus stops where people pass every other minute.

You get the gist.


>The goal is not for media exposure.
>The goal is to expose white population of the country to the atrocities of the government.
>However, if kike media does cover this then its an extra benefit to our cause.
>Take a picture of applied poster to encourage others.

Attached: _3.png (680x450, 182K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Good luck all going out

We are here to help Britbros

Attached: tr3.png (541x340, 24K)

Attached: yummybread.jpg (2048x1365, 646K)

I had great keks from that thread. Thank you based Burgerbros.

I want to do another jumb but the police have taken my trivers license away. So now I have to be drived all the way up there

I got more. That was pure gold

Attached: tr.png (584x772, 25K)

we can but a bigger jump after the water

Fuck of foreign agent. Sow your dissent somewhere that doesn't regard your shit for the nonsense it is.

Fellow burgers:
How should we be helping?

Was that you on the webm?

Someone dump the best posters to use. I have about 20 minutes before my sortie.

>How should we be helping?
We were helping w/ the designs of posters.

Fuck is a sortie?

it's kinda comfy thought you probably don't have it like this in other countries, but it is hot like hell here. and you go up in the mountains where it's snow, so it were up tpo you you would stand there in your trouseers. There is on problem with being naked here but the bongs have this stuff

crude kek

Attached: who called me a farb ill batter u m8.jpg (444x374, 91K)

Anyone made posters promoting Part and Parcel yet?

Attached: sadiq.jpg (1024x683, 73K)

I could lie but no it was not. I was just baiting. I know the guy though

Still happening, Yorkshire shut down their chatline though so they're hitting other ones, kek

Attached: tr2.png (620x908, 28K)

People need to come up with some imaginative place to put the posters. Litter loads of them somewhere that will grab attention. Outside popular monuments, Tory HQ, Around a police station, anything really.

I want to do it though

Doesn't need to be limited to Yorkshire. The gangs certainly weren't.

Why not this

Attached: 1lsIv7C.jpg (2954x1421, 681K)

Yeah around popular places in London would be great.

Attached: 1527570811489.jpg (940x634, 121K)

Attached: 1527570911041.jpg (707x800, 149K)

can we make a Tommy Robinstien sweepstake?

dubs/trips follow day and month when proud Muslim finally gets close enough to the Jew loving thicko (with help of terrified prison guard) and slips a blade between his vertebrae

pls more.
can i do it in france too or i'll get interpolled?

Attached: 1527613974996.jpg (740x440, 61K)

Attached: 1527614194329.png (549x655, 35K)

Attached: 1527617102903.jpg (2480x3508, 274K)

More please

Attached: 1527619207882.jpg (960x720, 90K)


Attached: FREE TOMMY ROBINSON.jpg (2248x3488, 1.43M)

Thats a great idea. Like 50 littered around a significant place.

this time atleast it wasn't me, but I want to go too

Attached: 1527623577557.png (1812x866, 803K)

Attached: 1527624048217.png (1213x1469, 308K)

Attached: 1527624257959.png (900x1347, 56K)

excellent :D
still keking

Attached: 1527623365345.jpg (2480x3508, 374K)

Attached: 1527626076373.png (366x537, 261K)

GOP Senator Devin Nunes is part owner of a Winery that hosts cocaine/prostitute parties

"Plaintiff realized that the men had 25 brought prostitutes, hard liquor, and what appeared to be cocaine onto the Yacht. Plaintiff was 26 extremely disturbed by the presence of the prostitutes, especially because it appeared that some 27 of the girls were too young to consent to sexual activity. 28 8. The Doe Defendants drew straws for which prostitutes would be claimed by each man."


Attached: 1527627227858.png (2048x1536, 2.57M)

can you just imagine though you go u p there and all these retards will go
>memmeme that's homophovic
>memem sexist
>Amemem whatverr
and you just go down hill, cross the water and do a flip
stupid americans never know how to do proper trics

Attached: 1527627596592.png (2048x1536, 2.6M)

it's seriously fucking true, see pic related

Attached: 1527630567264.jpg (2465x2285, 1020K)

Attached: 1527628127805.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

Attached: 1527633277567.png (1812x862, 767K)

Attached: 1526575567004.jpg (300x195, 19K)

Good luck lads! Post an AAR after its done.


Attached: Take Your Path.jpg (683x806, 281K)


It's preposterous you would even bloody suggest that, mate. Stiff upper lip

Attached: 1527480642585.jpg (700x612, 83K)

Also for the one from that nigger country, I didn't mean to be mean to you, but you sort of put it out there didn't you?

This wan't my thing this was your thing

Hi racist wankers! Im here too.
Fuck You Burgers, Leafs and other nation flag pricks who I dont care about;
dont reply, to me I dont give two shits about you.

To Brits,
If you want to help young women and prevent exploitation in the future, pissing and moaning and making future toilet paper posters, wont get you anywhere. Supporting racist and religious hatred will land you in trouble with the law and will fuck up your life. Presumably most of you dont want that to happen, unless you're a retard.
What you need to do is volunteer your time and energies with charities and youth groups who are crying out for help.
You also get a better sense of fulfillment from real service and your'll be making your community a better place.

Especially around police stations and court houses, police need to feel the public pressure. Just be extra careful putting them up. Also nonbrit anons can support and tweet the posters/memes directly at them:

Attached: IMG_0132.png (720x1280, 191K)

Want to save the UK and secure a future for the white race in this land?

Find us here - Discord - bCZcmz

Moving to secure comms. soon.

lmao implying racism is a choice, what a fag.

Pedestrian crossings. Both sides of the pole if the text is bold enough to be read from a car.
Along school routes, especially primary schools where parents might be walking with their kids.
Near to police stations.

Attached: calm.png (940x2104, 92K)

As long as he doesn't go loco with that pathological altruism shit and helps only White people, i see no problem with your suggestion.

I didnt realize the politics of a country like Uruguay is so uninteresting that you LARP online encouraging people to commit acts of religious hatred?

Bumping for support

okay at least you are not a nigger, I like you more and more I lit had called for you it was over now but you are still here, that is good actually

Seems like a dangerous hobby if you ask me.

All right I'm going, wish me luck lads.

stay safe user

I'm all about being a religious fanatic, and yeah, nothing ever happens here.

This thread reeks of underage tourisits


Attached: absolutely part and parcel.jpg (962x723, 430K)

Attached: 1527617557982.png (605x754, 25K)

Not soon, now
keep one only for recruiting and discuss about actual organization in a secure one

You need to already consider you in an extreme dictatorship, you are

All the luck, all my energy, stand tall, you're doing a heroic and just thing.

Attached: get angry.png (1705x2399, 232K)

Attached: tr1.png (720x1280, 212K)

Good luck lads, print heaps and paste them up well. Use wheat paste and slice the cornes up so it's a huge hassle to rip down. Post results.

we can provide you with safe and we can provide you with far the safe, but that is ofc ofc if you pay them the money, then you can be safe wherever you are in the word..

unfortunately I have no bone inthis disgusting game

Oi, who's "we"? White people? who's White? how do you define who's White and who isn't? you see.

Seriously stop being a prick.
Reports have already gone to the Old bill about this little scheme.
You put that poster up near a primary school, dont think the police wont get a warrant to get your IP address.
Jow Forums collects it all.
The servers are hosted by a US DoD contractor, called Ustar.
Go ahead user and any other Brits, if you want to incite racial and religious hatred, keep doing what you're doing and kiss your life good bye as the Law will fuck you, make no mistake -it's an easy cop for them.

Attached: busted4808wwrfr.jpg (454x681, 43K)

text needs more dark outline, aka stroke

You're almost as autistic as me, almost.

Mate dont do it.
They have your IP address.
What you are doing is religious hatred.

Anyone in his right fucking midn is who.


my village is 100% white, this one is on urban lads

It's all about race, you literal Arab.

I am just appling the part line. what I am told to say

I only feel sorry im not from UK to attent the protests.

If its not the time now, what more shall they do to your people, YOUR PEOPLE, more?

It's an old meme, and I suck at editing.


Good luck man

>not tagging every fucking lightpost in the vicinity of London

Its like you're not even trying, user...

I would say only unmixed North-Western Europeans, but sure, whatever.

there are enough ... plenty of e-celebs on YT to make a compilation/collaboration with very basic messages; and the idea has worked well in the past read: today it's about Yaxley, but many came before him and many will come after targeted for speech. there has never been such a collab done on this side of the pond re: Rotherham. the boiling frog approach can be exploited

Professional graphic designer here, I am here to serve my country.

fuck you cyprus cuck aint you our colony? or is that malta? stfu you worthless queer faggot

LMAO, all i ever wanted to be was a real boy.

I don't know if anons are in danger of this, but just in case, keep a recording device with you always, and if anyone comes for you record absolutely everything. If police arrive, try to reason with them through the door. Get them to show their unreasonableness for the recording. Keep the recording safe. Stream it, upload to cloud, give it to someone.