Israel must not be destroyed even as the west slowly but surely is uniting against zionism. Israel will have a purpose to serve as the quarantine or prison nation for jews in the future. I bet many of you sense what is coming, its kind of already taking shape with Patrick Little's platform. As soon as boomers die out, the left/right, blacks/whites are going to reach a consensus on going full anti-zionist and gutting out all israeli lobbies out. This of course will be fucking suicide for the west, because this will result in the reversing of the Balfour declaration - (israel cannot survive without Western aid, weapons and military backing), the mega kikes will endorse this solution to give it all back to Palestine in return for their safe passage back to Europe and US where they can peacefully subvert the goyim once again.
Left and normies will whole hardheartedly back that solution too, specially if the alternative is "gas the kikes", which is not realistic or would be acceptable. However, if an agreement could be made to just keep israel in place, probably have them return to pre-1967 borders and police them with an international coalition, an argument could still be made with right wing populism to deport all jews to israel and keep them walled off them from the rest of humanity.
Already considered this outcome OP, its not feasible.
Only solution is one kike one bullet. More economical than gas.
Nolan Cox
Ryan Butler
I think you will never find a total consensus on that. It will fail and the jews will be able to game on sympathies of the weak to springboard back into full control.
The quarantine solution is better and more realistic.
Aiden Wright
We quarantined our vicious niggers, funded them, and basically set up separate nation states for them. >Apartheid
Didn't work. Kill them all.
Noah Price
>the mega kikes will endorse this solution to give it all back to Palestine jews cant give anything. there is always money involved its why they dont celebrate christmas and hanukkah presents are just cheap clay spinning tops
hollywood exist and most of the media is jew run in the west. nothing will change on that end. we dont need israel and we shouldnt pay them anything because they are generating more refugees
Nolan Rivera
Yea, y'all kill me with your foolish wishful thinking....
I guess Y'all are in denial that israel is protected by a supernatural power right? See, deals have been made on a cosmic level....theres this thing that is many orders of magnitude beyond our reckoning and ability to deal with....and it guards the jews, nay causes them to thrive....
Can any of your really convince anyone that the continued existence of israel is what many call a "miracle"?
Well any way, have fun with your dreams the jews will get what is coming to them both for good and ill....
Hitler was a Zionist because he believed in "one people, one government"; that's why he made "The Transfer Agreement" to Ship Jews to Palestine and when he couldn't do that because of the British Blockade , Considered Madagascar for the future zionist state. The Rothschild's are Zionist because they want to gather all the world's Jews up and burn them to death with nuclear fire as a holocaust to Satan. They believe this will thwart god and bring the rule of Satan to earth. I'm kinda against this because the US getting nuked is part of the plan because we have as many Jews here in the US as there are in Israel. Why are you repeating the Rothschild meme... did you know that they're behind the anti-Semite meme?
Adam Peterson
fpbp kill all kikes
Anthony Fisher
>Israel must not be destroyed Israel is important to killing Muslims and thus must exist. The North American domesticated jew is the real problem.
Kevin Kelly
i'm far more upset at fellow "christ-ians" who think Israel is the most holiest place on the planet, when it's a fucking degenerate pig sty. Obviously I don't these jew roaches anywhere near me, putting them back in their historic homeland is fine, I just don't want our government to openly support them with billions of dollars in aid every year.
Unless we're getting something out of this arrangement, it needs to end. We can send them some aid, we can help them militarily, we can be allies, but we can't be their bitch.
Lincoln Sullivan
Christopher Long
Hear this word, O people of Israel, this song of sorrow which I sing for you: “The young pure woman Israel has fallen, and she will not rise again. She is left alone on her land. There is no one to raise her up.” For the Lord God says, “The city of Israel that sends out a thousand soldiers will have a hundred left. And the one that sends out a hundred will have ten left.”
The Lord says to the people of Israel, “Look for Me and live. But do not look for Bethel. Do not go to Gilgal or cross over to Beersheba. For the people of Gilgal will be taken away to a strange land, and Bethel will come to nothing.” Look for the Lord and live, or He will break out like fire in the family of Joseph. It will destroy, and no one in Bethel will be able to stop it. You turn what is right into something bitter. You throw what is right and good down to the earth.
The Lord made the stars of Pleiades and Orion. He changes darkness into morning, and turns day into night. He calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out on the earth. The Lord is His name. He destroys the strong, so that the strong city is laid waste.
They hate him who speaks strong words in the gate. They hate him who speaks the truth. You crush the poor under foot and make them pay taxes with their grain. Because of this, even though you have built houses of cut stone, you will not live in them and even though you have planted beautiful grape-fields, you will not drink their wine. For I know that you have done much wrong and your sins are many. You make trouble for those who are right and good, and you take pay in secret for wrong-doing. You will not be fair to the poor. The wise man keeps quiet at such a time, for it is a sinful time.
Look for good and not sin, that you may live. Then the Lord God of All will be with you, just as you have said. Hate sin, and love good. And let what is fair be done at the gate. It may be that the Lord God of All will show kindness to those left of Joseph.
So the Lord, the Lord God of All, says, “There is a loud crying in the city. In all the streets they say, ‘It is bad! It is bad!’ They call the farmers to cry in sorrow. They call those whose work is to cry over the dead to sing songs of sorrow. And there are cries of sorrow in all the grape-fields, because I will pass among you,” says the Lord.
It is bad for you who want the day of the Lord to come. For what will the day of the Lord be to you? It will be darkness and not light. It will be as when a man runs away from a lion and is met by a bear. It will be as when a man goes home and rests with his hand against the wall, and gets bitten by a snake. Will not the day of the Lord be darkness instead of light, very dark with nothing bright in it?
“I hate your special suppers. I will have nothing to do with them. And I am not pleased with your religious meetings. Even if you give Me burnt gifts and grain gifts in worship, I will not receive them. I will not even look at the peace gifts of your fat animals. Take the noise of your songs away from Me. I will not listen to the sound of your harps. But let what is fair roll down like waters. Let what is right and good flow forever like a river.
“O people of Israel, was it to Me you gave gifts of animals and grain on the altar for forty years in the desert? You also carried with you Sikkuth your king and Kiyyun your star god, the false gods you made for yourselves. So I will make you go as prisoners to the other side of Damascus,” says the Lord, Whose name is the God of All.
It is bad for those who are taking it easy in Zion, and for those who feel safe on the mountain of Samaria, you great men of the most important nation, to whom the people of Israel come! Go over to Calneh and look. And go from there to great Hamath. Then go down to Gath of the Philistines. Are they better than these nations? Is their land better than yours? You put off the day of trouble, and bring near the seat of anger.
How bad it will be for you who lie on beds of ivory and spread out upon your long seats! You eat lambs from the flock and calves from the cattle-house. You sing songs to the sound of the harp. Like David you write songs for yourselves. You drink wine from the holy dishes, and pour the best oil on yourselves. Yet you are not filled with sorrow because Joseph has been destroyed! You will be among the first to be taken away as prisoners to a strange land, and your happy times of rest will pass away.
The Lord God has promised by Himself. The Lord God of All has said, “I hate the pride of Jacob, and I hate his strong-places, so I will give up the city and everything in it.” If ten men are left in one house, they will die. The dead man’s brother, who is to take care of the body, will lift him up to carry his bones from the house. And he will say to the one inside the house, “Is anyone else with you?” That one will say, “No.” Then he will say, “Keep quiet! For the name of the Lord must not be spoken.” For the Lord is going to say that the great house must be broken apart and the small house into pieces.
Do horses run on rocks? Does one plow them with oxen? Yet you have turned what is fair into poison. You have turned what is right and good into something bitter. You who have joy in Lo-debar, and say, “Did we not take Karnaim by our own strength?” The Lord God of All says, “I am going to raise up a nation against you, O people of Israel. And they will bring much suffering upon you from the gate of Hamath to the river of the Arabah.”
Honestly I don't know what "solution" there is for the Jews other than just killing them all. It's been proven time and time again just how toxic and dangerous they are for humanity as a whole. If you let them they'll keep Jewing humanity over and over and over again. It's what they do. They don't know any other way. They cannot peacefully coexist with Goyim and they never will.
Daniel Brown
Hitler wasn't right about everything, and here he is half right; the Rothschilds didn't create Israel to give Jews a place to live... no. They created Israel so they could kill the Jews. Now, maybe you're good with that... but half of the world's jews are in the US... we get nuked too. The "central organization" of the Globalist is in London, not Israel.
Thomas Rivera
STOP BULLSHITTING. I can't believe you Jews are still here posting bullshit like this when you know for a fact that anons on Jow Forums know the fucking truth. It's like you expect no resistance to your lies.
Israel is the headquarters for all the schemes and crimes that the Jews do worldwide. All of their evil operations are based there. It's a place that Jews can run off to when they get in trouble for the sick shit they do.
Jason Campbell
You need to get red pilled on Albert Pike and the planned Three World Wars. Your blue pilled repeating the Rothschid's meme is just pathetic.
Aaron Garcia
>golan and west bank suspiciously missing fix your map you kike shell
Nope. The Rothschilds don't live in Israel, and the Rothschilds call the shots. The Jews and you are just useful idiots. No big shame in that... I was a useful idiot once. Believe it or not, you're SUPPOSED to be antisemitic. It's the Rothschild's meme.
Joseph Bennett
>I just don't want our government to openly support them with billions of dollars in aid every year.
That's the thing though, without unconditional military support from the west there is no israel. They cannot fight iran in full fledged combat, hezbollah routes them whenever they come on the ground to fight, iranians will crush them. Now without western support you're probably looking at a united shia/sunni front to take out israel, it'll be over in less than a day.
So stopping gibs for israel literally means ending israel if some kind of agreement is not reached with the muzzies to let israel exist as a policed entity where they don't come to grab land or slaughter innocents.
David Lopez
>Israel will have a purpose to serve as the quarantine or prison nation for jews in the future hahahah we aren't making the same mistake twice
Then be prepared to accept all jews into the west/europe, from where they will subvert the goyim until there is one giant star of david instead of 51 star representing states today.
The misdirection is towards the Jews. The amazing thing is the Rothschilds got the Jews to play the part. It is the Rothschilds that own the central banks of the world. It is the Rothschilds who are destroying every nation that doesn't trade in their fake money and their thieving banking system. While Jews get rich from wars, it is the Rothschilds who get far more power and wealth from the slaughter they cause. Not even sure what you mean... but I'm sure you're wrong about more than just me. I don't have a drop of jew blood.
Matthew Robinson
American """christian""" zionists aren't Christian
Benjamin Perez
I’m a mason and half Jew. Fuck the Jews, fuck the Roth’s, masons for the most part are cool tho, the real ones at least
Zachary Richardson
I see some truth in the logic that zionists "hijacked" judaism. That said, there are evil practices in judaism such as mutilation of babies which must end. Most jews may not be directly involved with rothschilds, soros, cia/mossad controllers, but they play the useful sheep part very well, and for that they need to be held accountable first.
Robert King
Freemasons are the ones that protect (((progressivism))) and ((("neomarxists"))), my fraternal, universalist, antiracist brother
Joshua Butler
This. How can they believe that they have to fight and die for the Jews if the only way to salvation is through Christ? How can you have it as a religious belief that another religion is the one true faith? It's idiotic, yet there are so many people who believe it, like my niece, her husband and even my own mother.
Landon Collins
I don't care if different people mutilate themselves. I went to college with an African who was covered in scars - in his country they cut themselves and rub shit in the cut to get a nice scar. In the US, women punch holes in their ears and paint their faces with toxic shit... that's weird too. If the Moslems want to mutilate their women, fine! Do it over there. And if American Blacks want to slaughter their unborn children, who am I to say no? (suicide for us to stop them, btw) If Africans want to play with dead bodies or eat them and get Ebola or Kuru.. fine! No worse that us Amerimuts eating bread and sugar and getting fatter than pigs.
Jace Parker
I see your point, but while they are in the west they should not be allowed. Butchering out the foreskin scars the psychological development of the child too. Its a barbaric practice that needs to end in all civilized parts of the world, israel is not one of them.
Nicholas Brooks
>I see your point, but while they are in the west they should not be allowed They shouldn't be allowed in the west.
Samuel Anderson
Floor in Mosaic - black and white square chess floor white, with which the temples must be clothed; symbol of DIVERSITY of the globe and of the RACES, united by Masonry; symbol also of the opposition of contraries, good and evil, spirit and body, light and darkness. in Page 46, Introdução à Maçonaria [Introduction to Freemasonry], António Arnaut - former Grandmaster of masonic obedience Grand Oriente Lusitano belonging to Continental/Irregular Freemasonry Source for the book in Portuguese, free distribution by University of Coimbra Press: a Maconaria.pdf
Freemasonry is a UNIVERSAL, PROGRESSIVE, philosophical and philanthropic Order. It is open to ALLLl people, of any CREEDS, IDEOLOGIES, RACES, and IDENTIFY with THEIR goals. They were and are its members, kings and presidents of the Republic, intellectuals, artists and workers, aristocrats, scientists and plebeians, military and worship ministers.
>Freemasonry has always been at the FOREFRONT OF LIBERATION movements.of man, inspiring the most beautiful pages of history: the proclamations of human rights and the child, the abolition of slavery and punishment, the anti-colonial struggle, universal suffrage, EQUAL RACES and sexes.