It is time

I heard that the US needs renaming. What's it going to be Jow Forums?

My suggestions:
- Amerizuela
- Americado
- Nuevo Cartelo
- Juanistan

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (806x425, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Americado has a fun ring to it, Amerizuela feels a little uninspired and the last two are just not that good.


Ricks Place

I think that one is taken.

Los Goblinos Unidos

Umated States of Delicia

Columbia was going to be the name of the us hence District of Columbia, but that didn’t happen.

That's funny coming from a Doucheman

American Union State. A nation reborn where every man is a king.

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Estados Unidos de America
(Estados or Estados Unidos, for short)
>But it will collapse before its name changes

Unidos dirverse estados de libertad or الخلافة الأمريكية


Do you get it?! Because you're Dutch! A Dutchman is now a Doucheman! lol great thread!

America not Europe.

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A delectable obsession.

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Haha, I get it now. Thanks user

The spics arent so bad.

Pic related

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Spic birth rates are way down

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West Bongland

Our flag is pre-approved for the future.

I like this one how about

America Nueva A Latin


>~60% non hispanic white europeans
Retardation, Netherlander.

or brown people land


Black birth rates are on par with white birth rates


(((you))) will not devide us

Attached: shyalabuf.jpg (640x360, 29K)

Yes. We need an alliance between the whites and the spics (sons of the natives)


Drumph Republic

¡Estados Unidos de las chicas CALIENTIES!

¡Me gusta!


The Castrated States of Ashemaletube.
Disney's Grrrl Power Zone!
The United Feast of Foreskins.
The Anti Defamation States of Talmudia.

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84 California Hospitals have Closed due to Unpaid Bills form Illegal Aliens...What do you want Illegal Aliens or Hospitals ?? You can't have both...


United Apes of America


Zion Federation

La situación no es mal. Los hispanos no son criminales.


ayy lmao

Moving foward focus on border enforcement. Allow all spics with a college education to get perms the residence. Easy

Birth rates aren’t an issue anymore


Jewrassic Park

Typo: “permanent residence”

The Confederate States of North America

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Hulk Hogan

Me encanta los “Stars and Bars”. Los hispanos no son criminales, los persones negros son muy criminales.

¡La alianza de los hispanos y blancos es muy fuerte ese!

I'm thinking you're a spic, but I like you. There is literally nothing wrong with Hispanics being in the USA.

Yeah, allowing immigrants with college educations become future citizens, and deporting all anchor babies and illegals. That would really be the only way we could fix this.

And maybe when mexico annihilates itself in civil war, they can just give us their land to run too, then we won't even need immigration.

>The Nigger Loving States of North America

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3rd world shithole.
spics and niggers whatchu gonna do,whatchu gonna do when theres no where left to flee to?

> not native spanish speaker

el estado de la union al mongherelli della 56% criaturino savage del muttlandia

Attached: muttwoo.png (900x900, 443K)

Thanks. You seem okay yourself.

Hispanics are literally Euro / Amerindian rape babies, so from a historical perspective this is our land to some extent. Nothing against whites tho. The past is the past.

Shit, fucking name was still on.

Terra Negro

Did you know you had a super hero?

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Definitely not. I was raised in the US.
Where did I mess up?
I’m trying to improve

The country known as the USA has no proper name.
"United States of America" - what the fuck does this mean? If "America" means "The two continents in the Western Hemisphere" then you can just as well call Mexico the USA or Brazil the USA, both of them being a union of territorial states located in America.
"Columbia" is sometimes used as a substitute for USA but there is already a "Colombia" and besides Columbus landed in Hispaniola, not in the USA.
The most accurate term for our country would be "The Washington Empire", much like the Roman empire it is defined entirely by the ruling capital, housing the senate and the Emperor, and will inevitably lose all its vassal states in a fall of empire, probably sometime in the 2030s, after which you will all refer to the various states individually and eventually forget there ever was such a ridiculous thing as the "USA".

(Remember, from now on you are to refer to country of my flag as the Washington Empire, because America is not specific enough, and the USA is a completely ridiculous non-name).

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not even giving this kike a (you)
Just fuck off and die

no you are desert dwelling dwarves that would sell your mother tits as tortilla filling if u were broke enough.enough with the equal bullshit,you are unibrow hobgoblins.

>20% of your white population ends up having some degree of black genes
WRONG, whoever made this shit meme meant to say that the average Amerinigger has 20% white admixture, significantly raising the IQ of black Americans relative to black Africans.
95% of self-identified white Americans have 0% black admixture.

Im going with this one

Pero ... Pero los hispanos son medio Europeos


>american humor

West Bongland

==> No...NEW Bongland

Combined Syndicate States of America

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por favor, acéptame “senpai”

Let us do as Prince did:

The Country Formerly Known as America.

It works on so many levels.

White people in America don't mix with browns unless they're white trash scum, and their offspring never considers itself white. Very few of us have anything other than white in us. Spaniards were the ones who liked getting down with brown.

Actually you know what? Scratch that. Fuck all this America-is-finished shit. This country is on the brink of an abyss, and being ironic about it sucks up a lot of energy that might be better used.

You can't say it like a word though

The Area formerly known as the United States of America

Half hispanic qt

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Que delícia cara.

The 4th Reich
We're going to bomb the shit out of you

El Estados Unido Americanos


Shout outs to the guy who donated a Confederate shirt to an African nation.

Hello Thailand
