Leftists Eugenics Is Literally Space Alien Propoganda


>George Soros is follownig fucking alien propoganda
They have already sent ships our way, the watchers were heretics. It's just a matter of time.

Attached: unironiclol.jpg (275x183, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>They have already sent ships our way

>Traveling at sub-light speed, may take up to 5,000 years to get here.

>Or perhaps the cosmic hackers could trick us into building self-replicating nanobots
>Elite was jacked into a higher dimensional broadcast to build a super ai that destroys us
>Literally alex jones was fucking right.
>99% of light speed would take 101,000 years. But it would only be 14,000 relative for the people on the ship.

Attached: urioniclol2.png (277x351, 85K)

Depends on if they freeze dried themselves for later re-hydration by robots upon arrival.
The Egyptian pharaohs practiced a primitive, hamfisted imitation of this procedure.

>“Do this for us, or we’ll make your sun go supernova and destroy Earth.”
That is retarded.
When some civilization possesses that kind of technology, it doesnt need to do any kind of such tricks to humanity.
If they want to achieve something specific, they have more means to do it themselves, because our possibilities are extremely limited compared to their "make sun go supernova"; if they just want a destruction of humanity - there is also a lot of more easy ways, like launching some metal chunks towards earth with 0.5-0.9c speed.

>Falling for an aliens larp

The watchers supposedly came down from Mount Hermon in the Israeli-Lebanese-Syrian border mountain range.
>If they were actually heretical and prevented the worldwide demise of all people. The comet that hit in hyperborea destroyed the most technically advanced civilization on earth, that could have been from some godlike computer which nudged it after noticing the signs of earths growing advanced population.

When we look out in the universe, we look back in time. It's no representation of what they are now like now. Space is curved.

If there was a sufficiently advanced AI like that, it could be on it's way now to finish the job.

Liken it to a galactic an overseer that manages any potential beings that may evolve into a threat later on. That kind of immortal machine intelligence, could basically eliminate numerous civilizations if they are predicted to reach space faring technological capability in the future...if it detected us in the middle of the neolithic less than 100k years ago, it could be on it's way now.

I dont see why this would be that strange. There is a real chance there is numerous alien species that have detected us and are on their way right now.

> There is a place roughly spherical 4x wider than the distance between the andromeda galaxy and the milky way called the great void, where there are literally no galaxies where they would be expected. Potential kardishiev level 3 civilization.

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So the best strategy would be to pretend like we are unwilling or unable to leave our gravity well. Then Turtle like a motherfucker and have sudden breakout into space.

That would be actually a good plan. The issue is, we already sent like, the equivalent of the new neighbour making a party brochure to come and say hi.
>With naked pictures and our position in space in Voyager probes which are trillions of miles out, and in the Oort Cloud or some interstellar medium.

Not to mention we've sent signals out into space. Radio. Their signal strength fades something like the inverse square of the distance they've travelled. theres no reason that as they get out there they still couldn't be detected.

>The greatest minds on earth like the late Stephen Hawking and several others suggested telegraphing our location to aliens is a very bad idea.

The truth is, we are already far, far too late for that. Most scientists operate on the assumption of what they know, but tell me that they think aliens that could detect us, did so a long time before we got technology.

Or if they did now, they would be on their way to wipe us out. We are in an arms race that most of the population doesn't even understand is going on.

Did you know that the UN has an equivalent to the FCC? This organization also has the ability to launch a global moratorium on any electromagnetic frequency range to make it easier for scientific study (This can even be done in secret).
Did you know that no nation broadcasts on the Hydrogen line? (This band has been described as the best one for sending out a deep-space communication)

You are assuming that there is no reason they couldn't nudge an asteriod, or physical travel. Limitations exist.

What if they aren't biological, or are a machine intelligence that captive. We've just established propoganda in the past few centuries as information warfare. If it's is physical restrained or confined subversion could be an intellectual game. Maybe they are actively playing with our civilizations culture, it's because it's broadcasting on the only spectrum that it can, with the knowledge someone, eventually will pick it up.

>Or something that doesn't want to travel billions of lightyears. Lightspeed is a meme for anything macroscale, so far as we know.

get in here, big happening
black men are going to get mass redpilled

Holy crap, thanks this is an interesting rabbit hole.

Fuck off shilling your own thread shitbird.

also look to when the UN was formed, alot of talk about aliens around that time

>Something fun to read about Book of Enoch and the Watchers. If you aren't religious, odds are you haven't read this, it's a translation orginally from the talmud. Their were these "fallen angels" that bred with the daughters of man, and taught us technology, astrology, writen language, etc. Their seed was the Nephilim, or half breed giants.

These fallen angels could have been some dissenters, who believed that intervention with growing civilizations was the right thing. Most of the time researchers don't intervene in natural animal predator-prey cycle. We see that as the right thing to do.

pretty interesting

Ne-fill-heim. Sounds alot like Nordic Mythology suffix naming convention, doesn't it.



What fucks with my head is that no nation broads on the hydrogen line. I've never heard before now of that.

Sounds like something that has been kept a secret


Attached: speed-of-light.png (1922x1080, 206K)

what EXACTLY am i watching?

Or probably we just never were the experts on radio communication. How could they make us know, write on every corner "hydrogen-line frequency broadcasting is prohibited!"?

Here i found explanation on some ancient site
and briefly mentioned on wiki page for ultra-high frequency range:

they would just simply not talk about it.
its a pretty obscure subject

answer me leaf

so thats why they push race mixing so everyone is gray and they slip right past our eyes

Lmao, the moment you consider that a cyclinder looks like a line far enough away.
A 3 dimensional cylinder looks like a flat 2d line, far enough away.
Quantum Entanglement is basic wormhole travel thats been worked out at the atomic level.

can you help me?

what is this?

There is actually a really good plot for a book there.
Maybe they can tell which planets have the chemical cocktail to create not only life, but intelligent life eventually. COuld be intelligent life is a common apex predator adaptation - we just don't have a common enough sample size to know. We barely know anything even about the history of our planet, and will probably never know. Apes are in the stoneage now, orcas have the only non primate social culture vocalizations known to man. Other than that we hardly know any intelligent species.

Aliens superintelligent (digital) beings, may be actually malevolent but can't reach us. Or, they may want a companion.

>they may want a technological outcome, so they can have eventually, identical copies of themselves as a new deux ex machina.

> they would just simply not talk about it.
There is some radio-enthusiast discussions for "1420mhz banned/forbidden" search, or for the same in russian.
Seems they dont really care, "space study" is a good enough explanation for them. And everywhere it is mentioned, they understand that the frequency is important for science guys to seek the signs of ayyyys, so its not actually covered or obscured.
Besides that, there are a fuckton of government/commercial/military frequencies around the world, that will get you in trouble if you broadcast on them.

Homogenization of the human race, would be the fastest way coincidentally for disclosure to happen. Without FTL, we will never need to worry at that point about a new human divergent mutation becoming eventually, with enough time, a new species.

Across a galactic time scale. Aliens can be literally one species with time. We after all are related to our dogs, maybe something like cousins 10 million times removed.

No, i don't understand this. Look up and send it to Isaac Arthur. He's a friendly physicist who may be able to help.

my instints tell me this is important but i am a brainlet

maybe its fucking nothing

i dont think Isaac Arthur will respond
>btw the one of the youtube channel? he is awesome


Yeah, i wasn't sure maybe if you knew of him.

Found him indepently recommended on youtube watch next, he blew my mind.
I watch/listen to one every night before bed as a habit, may get lucky and great a cool dream.

Alot of math stuff is very hit or miss. Elaborate math or physics majors can flex on you. I'm studying chemistry and i am cautious when it comes to woo woo stuff I can't yet understand without someone explaining it to me, because i have to independently vet their trustworthiness which is extremely difficult online, even for people who you'd think otherwise with their credentials.

>Octopuses can multipulate their RNA, and have brains spread out over their tentacles. Tentacles can completely regrow.

One fermi paradox solution I find very interesting, is that cephalopods are the aliens.


>copies not only color, complex patterns and even textures...it can observe and copy other animals behaviours.

thank god you are still there, can you help me?

do you know the name of the triangular parentesis inside the integral?

any idea what S[g] means?

i think i have seen the third ecuation before, but i cant find it, the one with DΨ
any clue?

posting cuties to keep you interested

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com bac

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not aliens, but fallen angels and demons LARPing as aliens as they LARPed back then as gods



Attached: BECOME A HUMAN AGAIN.png (343x565, 328K)

The left is so fucking retarded. If an advanced civilization wanted us dead, we would have already died 2,000+ years ago.