Every day I can't wait until the US finally implodes on itself and it burns itself alive for being such a fucking shit...

every day I can't wait until the US finally implodes on itself and it burns itself alive for being such a fucking shit country.

Say what you will about how cucked the UK is, we don't turn our people into fat fucks, our tourists aren't as retarded, and our beer doesn't taste like fucking water.

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lol I’m offended and have made a call to the local bong authorities
Get ready to serve 12 years in jail sugar tits

>has never done a quick image search for fat bong.

that's it. show me your license right now.


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Don’t forget you also live in a white country. We do not

And everyday I run around innawoods shooting guns and having fun. I'm even going to grill a burger.

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>our tourists aren't as retarded
Americans must be really, really bad because your people have the reputation around neighboring countries as classless garbage

Well you are just adorbs sweetie.

Your beer literally tastes like water you retarded shit. The US could blow the fuck out of your beers 9/10 times. Sure, you’ve got brew dog and beaver town, but good beers are few and far between. Expressing that opinion is probably illegal here though.

You need a license to watch TV.


Shut the ever loving fuck up. Your opinion is so goddamn worthless you should be banned from even fucking having one, you absolute fucking waste of air.

Id like too see it falling too so they will drag the whole world with them

europe is already past the point of no return , UK shortly following the rest of it . USA will soon be there .

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This is exactly your problem OP. You and the majority of your country is so infatuated with America you turn a blind eye to what has happened to England.

Our (((milk))) tastes like water compared to Euro Milk too. It's Frankenmilk

Beer is for degenerates anyway. Alcohol is a Jewish Trick to keep you under control.

Europe is generally more cucked than us for that, somehow. Take Germany, where it is mandatory to pay for that tv license. At least here you can ignore it.

>You and the majority of your country is so infatuated with America you turn a blind eye to what has happened to England

We left europe because we knew they were faggots and 2 years later, STILL no regrets

You don't know fucking shit about american beer you stupid limey cuck.

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>Say what you will about how cucked the UK is, we don't turn our people into fat fucks, our tourists aren't as retarded, and our beer doesn't taste like fucking water.
I'm amazed at how you Brits broadly choose to focus on meme topics to get angry about the US on.

It's like you've resigned yourself to irrelevance on your own.

I guarantee he thinks Miller & Budweiser are all people drink over here...

>Europe is fucked
>UK is fucked
>Russia (maybe) and US soon joining them
>China beyond fucked
>Middle East waaaayyyy beyond fucked

Thanks Israel.

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you guys arnt as fat because you chain smoke all day nasty fuckers

Brooklyn lager is slightly tolerable, but that's not saying much

Fuck off you nut.

Give a food comparison

Rather, compare cuisine.

UK are fat fucks.
Your tourists are retarded.
Your beer is glorious though.


We mostly eat fry ups, chicken, battered fish, and indian. (the indian takeaways and restaurants here are fucking everywhere)

Americans just take whatever food and deep fry it because they can.

When it comes to food, we have better taste than yours.

UK basically rules diabetes in fact u fucks invented it

Name one UK beer that isn't vastly outclassed by an average american micro amber ale.

>Alcohol is a Jewish Trick to keep you under control

Alcohol use has existed longer than Jews have

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Eh Fowchan requwise a pown loisense Aght are you doin ere.

>Americans just take whatever food and deep fry it because they can.

You have clearly never set one fucking foot in the USA.

>still butthurt about the revolution
>in 1776+242

I wouldn't be so sure

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You need a licence to drive. To fucking drive. Pathetic.

You're fatter than Americans, don't be mad because Americans have a bigger selection of light beers and your tourists aren't as retarded because we have to deal with you dumb fucks

New Castle.
Bass Ale.

>he thinks Miller & Budweiser are all people drink over here...

Given their overwhelming market share in the US he would be correct.


that's IRISH you fucking spaz

UK owns it

Sweet sweet bong tears.

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It's like the death cries of a doomed man who doesn't know where to turn his rage as his Big Brother government crushes him, so he turns it on another country. Enjoy not being able to post on Jow Forums for much longer.

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My last trip to Londistan begs to differ. Uk obesity rate isn’t but 6% below the IS rate fatty fatty bo batty Akmed.

K Muhammad.

Newcastle Brown is the Budweiser of ale. Drinkable but shit tier compared to anything by Fullers.

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Just throw a nice revolution already and people will stop mocking you for being spineless cowards silently watching their country, people, values, and legacy get sacrificed on the altar of social "justice."
Until then, enjoy cutting your vegetables with your fucked up teeth.

UK has higher rates of obesity

What a pleb

You have no idea about food mate. Your country is the laughing stock of the planet when it comes to food. You may as well claim you have better dentistry. Clearly never been abroad on anything other than some bullshit package holiday with mum and dad.

I need to remember to thank God every day that I wasn't born in the United Cuckdom.

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But you are the fucking middle east and will soon be governed by sharia law

You haven't had the (real) colorado beers. Try a six pack of gold rush, shit'll put a sway in your step. Coors isnt a beer. Its an unflavored soda pop.

No it doesn't. Stupid fat cunt mutt making the idiotic mistake of comparing non objective government figures instead of a meta analysis that accounts for the differences in how obesity is defined in different countries.


Um sweetie? You all could be on weight watchers with how much beer you guys guzzle while watching the footy. Stay sedated with your hoppy estrogen beer while watching the gayest sport in existence, soccer. Why do you hate America more than yourselves. Look in a mirror ya cuck.

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While the USA is indeed a shit country, yours is just as bad if not worse.

>Retarded Tourists
Never met a brit tourist who wasn't a chav or a total libcuck. The last one who came through here literally let native americunts bang his wife for peyote.
>beer doesn't taste like fucking water.
It does and damn near every country in Europe has better beer than English piss.

Then on top of that add Sharia lite, horrible teeth, and mutt royalty.

Now you are just projecting M8, Looks like you need to go to JimmyRustler.com so that you can cool off.

>we don't turn our people into fat fucks
Instead, you turn each other in to the police
>our tourists aren't as retarded
Why go travel when you have already imported half the world into yours
>and our beer doesn't taste like fucking water.
Your ale purity laws are stagnating your beer culture, m8. Also, tons of europeans can’t handle most american craft beers.

>tons of europeans can’t handle most american craft beers
>cramming in as much estrogenic hops as you can is what makes a beer good

This is exactly the same attitude as "white people can't handle spicy food". IPAs are the ultimate soiboi beverage

I said UK, you illiterate fuck.
Sad that an American knows more about Europe than you.
Yeah, but all the ice in your cooler can run out, but nukes are drinkable warm.
Learned that camping once. This makes new castle unique.

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Direct that anger into motivation for solving your own problems.

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Well all proper ale is meant to be drunk warm and have low or no carbonation. It's what distinguishes British beers from Continental beers. That and the fact lager is cold brewed whilst ale is brewed in ambient or warmed temperatures.

Are you aware Ireland is not part of the UK

thanks bong love you 2

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>we don't turn our people into fat fucks, our tourists aren't as retarded, and our beer doesn't taste like fucking water.


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Hell yes, may they all burn. Hey Bong, I admit to have insulted Britain before, but if you actually woke up to how shitty the Amerimutts are we could make common cause and destroy them. They are literally just niggers anyway. Hitler always wanted to ally with Britain anyway so I am for it, let's waste them. Let's send every single Amerimutt to the gas chambers


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What a fucking triumph Tyrone, how's that watermelon?

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>every day I can't wait until the US finally implodes on itself and it burns itself alive for being such a fucking shit country.
keep waiting user. wait and see

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>we don't turn our people into fat fucks, our tourists aren't as retarded, and our beer doesn't taste like fucking water.

Yes you do. Yes they are. Yes it does. You also don't have any semblance of free speech or gun rights. Your government kidnaps and murders children when it isn't doing everything it can to import more savages who will subsequently be defended when they rape British girls.

You are beyond pathetic. I'll be informing the UK police that you are posting without a hatespeech license.

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Go to bed, Muhammad.

Funny. Wikipedia says it is.
CNN says it is.
Even Taylor Swift says it is.

Everyday I hope and pray that the US will sink in the sea so there will be justice for all your victims, such as this holy man

Look into Hitler's deep blue Aryan eyes Amerimutt. He is judging you and he will have his revenge yet

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Every day I thank god I dont live in the UK, the lowest circle of hell, where those who enjoy pedarasty are protected by the police who jail natural citizens for wrongthink. Thank god my ancestors had courage to throw off the chains of the satanic self-genocidal parasite cabal there, if only partially.

you faggots were right next door. its our fault now? bet we kept you from going to the moon too huh?

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daily reminder

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Im of the opinion that much of the west is a shithole and for a wide variety of reasons.

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>blames america for self-degradation created by rothschilds

That includes America

They are banned from having opinions though

>we don't turn our people into fat fucks.
oof, should we tell him pol?

The moon doesn't exist, but if it did it would be rightful Swedish clay.

Also we didn't attack Hitler, that was all on you.

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nice rock man fren

>Amerimutt doesn't realize that license in this case means a fee, not an actual permission
The absolute state of Amerimuttland

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I agree with everything in your post except the tourist part. British tourists are the worst I have personally experienced. Loud and obnoxious.

>fucking water
No, you just prefer to drink warm piss

>it was only america that attacked germany
>the moon cant be real if we didn't go on it
>this is how delusional eurofags are

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>Say what you will about how cucked the UK is, we don't turn our people into fat fucks,
You're the fattest fucking natives of Europe. You are right behind us in obesity rates. You're the Americans of Europe in that regard.
>our tourists aren't as retarded,
You are renowned around the globe for being obnoxious, retarded tourists. The Spaniards, the Italians, they all know you to be daft, belligerent cunts. You're the Americans of Europe, on that account, too.
>and our beer doesn't taste like fucking water.
...hey. Fuck you.

The earth is flat faggot

Also you are the reason they lost. You deserve only full hatred and the gaschamber. Nothing personal though, we just hate you

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Hey bong you got a licence to open your mouth with out a cock in it?

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