Every beach I've ever seen has a curfew that makes it impossible to go to the beach and sit there at night time. The police will tell you to leave, and might even make you pay a fine.
Where are beaches where you can go to sit at night without fear of punishment?
There is a very good reason for this. It prevents the homeless from camping on the beach.
If you really want to do this, you essentially have to go somewhere that's practically uninhabited. I recommend just going to Baja. The climate is nice and it's deserted for literally hundreds of miles once you're south of Ensenada. Just be careful to not get ransomed by the federales when going through Tijuana.
Wyatt Fisher
what ive gone to the beach all the time at night what beaches are you going to that get patrolled by cops
Joshua Price
Try the East Coast.
Asher Roberts
literally most beaches on the Gulf Coast. If you're not on the gulf, something is wrong with you.
this who the fuck would willingly go to some litter strewn hippie filled west coast beach with cold ass water
Wyatt Brown
Beaches close at night here too, Melbourne, but it isn’t really enforced. However, homeless people love going out there. One spied on my friend while he was frogging a girl on the beach before.
James Morgan
I literally conceived a child on this spot. we used to camp out on the beaches north of Santa Cruz,CA .. plenty of places to do that.. we'd have fires, cook food, jam and then crash. Waking up to the mist rising off the Pacific during your Sunrise swim? paradise.
the Gulf is literally the worst coast on earth. tepid water, coarse dirty sand, alligators;;; just ghastly. and the humidity ..God how anyone can live there is beyond me.
Nathaniel Long
lol'd, nice and checked
Easton Brooks
I think , you blowing a load there, explicitly denies it entry into the "Paradise" category.
Anthony Rogers
(((Land of the free)))
Cameron Reyes
Jacob Clark
Yea, it is a fascist hell hole here. Wish we were more like Spixaco.
Daniel Flores
Alaska has beaches you can go to anytime. Just don't ever come here.
I've had one cop come up to me on the beach at night, and it was because I was in the backseat of my camaro with my girlfriend. He just told us to move along, and that there was a cheap motel up the road a ways.
Kayden Lee
Stay out of here. Unless your a bogan, I want to meet a bogan.
I don't even think that there is a single beach in Ireland that has a curfew. We don't have the greatest weather, especially in winter but we do have some fantastic beaches that can be enjoyed by everyone at anytime.
Samuel Young
What do you think of 's argument regarding the homeless on beaches?
Jacob Campbell
228 reporting in. Gulf Coast best coast.
Jaxon Campbell
Never had this issue in Texas. Never even seen a cop at the beach well except for Spring Break.
Joshua Cruz
I miss Hancock and Harrison Counties (MS). :(
Brayden Bennett
Or thru Guerrero negro
Luis Howard
>It prevents the homeless from camping on the beach. mostly robberies etc.
Elijah Sullivan
Good tell your friends and stay far away
Hunter Allen
land of the free
Bentley Cook
how are your jew beaches?
Dylan Myers
It seems to me that if the police are posted there, and they are, then they could simply enforce the law against robbery, while allowing regular, non-robbing beachgoers to just chill there.
Angel Wilson
stop being a faggot and learn to run when you see blue lights
John Rogers
And I would venture to say that the homeless as well, if they are not robbing people--exactly why shoudln't they be allowed to camp on the beach?
Otherwise they'll "camp" on the street downtown.
There are police downtown. There are police on the beach. So what's the difference?
If a homeless dude wants to prop up a tent on the beach, exactly why should that be a crime, in and of itself?
James Gomez
>Sun rises >Hobo encampment all over beach >Expensive property impaired >Tsunamis too rare to be much help KYS
Grayson Morgan
why don't you just go to a beach at night and leave if you get told to? What are the chances that some cop is patrolling the beach?
Christian Garcia
They are allowed to be there all day. If they are allowed to be there all night too the beach becomes hobo town permanently.
I'm pretty sure all public beaches are open 24/7 as long as you're not sleeping or during turtle season
Asher Gonzalez
The police are posted at the beaches as a matter of course.
Cooper James
>Every beach I've ever seen has a curfew that makes it impossible to go to the beach and sit there at night time. The police will tell you to leave, and might even make you pay a fine. I'm not telling you, but I went to certain beach at night, and had no problems.
David Rivera
Olympic Peninsula. free beach camping. too far from cities to be full of hobos.
Sebastian Cook
I don't think we have a problem with homeless people on the beach here. As I said our weather isn't great for probably nine months of the year. I live near the west coast here and vist the beaches regularly and have never really seen homeless people camping there. One thing that might account for that is that most only have a small town/village nearby and only locals remain in the winter. Because of this homeless people would have no facilities or access to easy cash/food/drugs or whatever. This is probably the oppisite for most places in the US with high population centers near beaches. I can understand the reason given for a curfew but I'm glad we don't have that problem here.
Gabriel Morales
>There is a very good reason for this. It prevents the homeless from camping on the beach. Aren't beaches federal land, and federal states that you can camp on federal land for up to 14 days. After that all you have to do is move a few feet.
Who the fuck would want to sit at or on the beach at night.
Dominic Kelly
Like five miles up the road, and you cannot return to that site for a year.
Robert Wright
Is there a picture of Alaska that doesnt look depressing? I bet thats a sunny day there, too.
Lincoln Allen
>>Sand flies literally the nigger of flies, I fuckin hate those things.
Colton Hernandez
California is choked with hobos, and certain fags here think they should sleep on the beach. I am thankful they sleep in California and not where I live.
Logan James
I'm not saying they SHOULD sleep on the beach. Is it really government's role to prevent them from doing so?
Oliver King
Adults with their own mind and ability wanting to enjoy what amounts to public land and in our case, part of the "common" "wealth" of the country
Fuck you.
Oliver Reed
Israeli beaches are populated almost exclusively at night.
Theoretically the government want them to sleep in shelters.
Nolan Fisher
>Where is it legal to go to the beach at night? Hawaii. All beaches are public.
John Bennett
I vacation in Westport, WA sometimes and I've never had any issues hanging out late on the beach.
Nathaniel King
swear to god this is what happens when you smoke too much weed
James Lewis
You just have to break curfew. Go to ones that aren't easily accessible by vehicle, because cops are fucking lazy and usually won't get out of their car and walk a bit to tell you to fuck off
Jack Gonzalez
Where the hell do you live? In California, only beaches that are public parks close. And that's because of city ordinances. Go to one of those beaches that closes. Walk half a mile along it. You are now outside the public park, most likely, and can be there any time of the day or night.
Jason Ortiz
Jordan Roberts
Beach shagging is terrific. Try it if you can avoid being gunned down by the freest police force. It's such a good place to take a girl at 3am after the clubs have shut. They always want to go, and once you're there you are almost guaranteed a jump. Mong out afterwards and watch the sun rise. Comfy. Try leaving America for a holiday if the Dibble are such pervs that they patrol the beaches trying to shoot shaggers.
Ian Hernandez
I can only imagine how many are drawn to there and the problems it can cause. Its totally different for me here. Sometimes when I go walking the dog on certain beaches here I'm the only person on that beach. It makes it more enjoyable in my opinion when its less crowded.
Mason Fisher
but fucking with the risk of being gunned is what makes the experience so good
Nolan Roberts
Dogs aren't allowed on a lot of beaches here.
Landon Rodriguez
resorts with beach access
Isaiah Phillips
also, why are you posting this on /pol
Anthony Adams
discussions of what the government prohibits and allows are not outside the realm of politics
William Moore
There are some beaches like that here too. Some of the most popular and busier ones don't allow dogs at certain times. There is a lot of smaller and more remote beaches where this isn't a problem and they are the ones that I prefer anyway. I often see people bringing their horses down for a dip and a run too and there has never been a problem.
Brody Mitchell
You're just looking for an excuse to try and come here.
I'd imagine it adds an extra dimension. There's so much beach. Just walk away from the bits with sun loungers and I'm sure that whatever you go there for you'll get your privacy. Cops can't be everywhere and America is a big place.
Never seen this before. You must be on the west coast.
Camden Moore
>Flag >here >Melbourne
What. Is there a Melbourne in the US somewhere?
Jason Collins
private beaches
Charles Phillips
Get fucked, simple cunt. Learn to appreciate and enjoy this God-given earth a little.
James Barnes
>Every beach I've ever seen has a curfew lol america land of the free
Nolan Nguyen
How many seconds before hypothermia gets you in that water?
Oliver Howard
Outer Banks NC, on the 4x4 beach you drive 24/7. Nothing better then cruising past the surf with windows down. They still have drive thru beer stores.
Brayden Myers
Here in Tassie, any beach I want, literally hundreds all within a couple of hours drive, next to no people if any at all, clear, pure air, fuck all city lights to dull the night sky view. Fucking lucky to live here. Tell no one.
Michael Watson
They tell us under 15 minutes. I've fallen in a few times and even I'm like "fuck this is really cold"
Dominic Powell
This is from the liberal miscreants and minorities fucking everything up for the rest of us.
Robert Allen
On some remote lake in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Aiden Nguyen
Literally anywhere besides the land of the free.
Nathaniel Evans
>Where are beaches where you can go to sit at night without fear of punishment? Fukishima, theres a beautiful glow right out at the edge of the water. Take a blanket, your favorite gal, and a nice chianti.
Jeremiah Murphy
Yes, in Florida. On the east coast. I live about 10 minutes from the beach.
Adam Martinez
>land of the free >go to beach >get shot Beneath the paving stones...
Carson Gray
Native reservations
Jaxson Ross
Ocean Beach in SF. Just watch out for the Triad.
Ryan Roberts
Pretty much every beach in Texas.
Liam Phillips
I have a flashlight that is as bright as a car headlight.
I was walking on the boardwalk at night.
The beach is a few hundred yards between the shore and the boardwalk.
I shine it out on the beach.
ATVs start zooming from the edge of the shore towords the boardwalk.