Antifa who assaulted Faith Goldy comprehensively doxed
Other urls found in this thread:
I will never forget what they've done. I eat healthy and get checked up every six months so I can be around for the days of justice.
le bumperoni
They look fun where can I join
Ask your local drug dealer
I heard you literally need a micropenis or a castration in order to make it into the official Antifascist secret police
Very nice.
Sam Hyde, truth.
I don't understand why you don't just grab one randomly and beat him mercilessly. That's what we do here and we don't have problems with those antifa faggots.
They hate cops so it's not like they're going to report you anyway.
they accept all wannabe baby rapists
That's not much of an assault.
Good video. Save it in case it gets removed.
Good to know it happened.
I remember the initial threads trying to find them were flooded with shills
french version got shoa'd already
They don't this sideshow to Quebec City anymore because of all the nationalists there these days. Violent communists are basically given a pass in Canada thought Harper passed some fed law you couldn't wear a mask in a protest
>They hate cops so it's not like they're going to report you anyway
Yes they will, also they have the entire state and media apparatus backing them up
>They hate cops so it's not like they're going to report you anyway.
They're the biggest crybabies who run to the cops at every opportunity, and slag them off the rest of the time. They have no honour.
>They hate cops so it's not like they're going to report you anyway.
Oh yes they will, cops are their best friends when "Nazis" punch back. And in a lot of places they'll simply arrest the right wingers
french leafs are the worst leafs
can't make this shit up
wtf why would sam say that ?
Good Goyette! hehehehe....
Actually the entire far-right scene in Canada, in terms of advanced organization and large number of members, is primarily in Quebec, because most people there outside the Anglo shithole cities like Montreal are rabid nationalists. Quebec City is one of the few almost entirely white cities in N. America left, you'd think you were in an ethnostate if you went there. Antifa can only get up to shenanigans in Montreal, where they are protected. Rest of Quebec is basically off limits to them they get straight murked by radical french nationalists and neo-nazis in Laval/QC ect.
... do you not get any mass media at all?
>They hate cops so it's not like they're going to report you anyway.
These faggots run to the police immediately. Have you not seen a single one of the stories where one of these faggots have been beaten in the last two years?
no, 4chins is the only mass media i use
just send us your details and we will get on it.
Va donc te coucher Guillaume
> Anonymous (ID: p77fHeV6) 05/29/18(Tue)22:00:44 No.173411675▶
Mais good post quand meme j'ai like
Does the left really want to kill and rape your family?
Thought the only wanted fruit rights and wellfare
Pic related
Routinely there is ultra nationalist concerts in Quebec and no antifa show for that because police aren't around to protect them. Only if there is a march or something where police are will they show up otherwise they hideout in the anglo areas of Montreal on campuses.
Never forget. It's a cold war, sunshine.
I ignore disgusting fatbodies. If you have no pride in yourself, then what you say has no relevance. All fat fucks need to die.
Yeah, frequently libs will subtly imply whites being subjugated is just historical karma and payback
look man if your going to post a video on youtube talk in it dont make me read a essay i could of done by reading the news
also stop with the jump cuts
good shit. was there in the initial threads posting my findings, hope they helped.
If politicians won't stand up for assault victims, that's a big issue.
the jews own the police antifa the media and politicians
start prepping if you want to win this
I've gotten into fights in town with super liberal fags, didn't go ballistic but smacked them once. Made them bleed and got kicked out. Wasn't even banned.
I've been in a fight at a skate park. I was 18 and just finished High school but this 17 called me out so I went to fight him. He had a huge group of his mates so I left. Couple hours later I went straight to his house with my brother and beat him there.
I've also punched a meth head woman who started screaming at my mum. I've dragged someone from his drivers seat out of the window and grabbed his throat, the whole thing was caught on camera and it didn't even go to court (the guy was literally stalking a mate). The cops here don't give a fuck about right or wrong. They're purely there to enforce laws after the fact. You only get done if it's in a public place. Like when my brother beat up a 40 year old when he was 28 for taking his reserved police machine and betting 200 of his money. He got an AVO and that's it.
Here's some Seattle communists crying for the police a few months ago after they get dealt with
Why do these journalists keep using their dinky cell phones to film. Are there no handles or attachments to grip them better and prevent some faggot from flinging your phone?
PEWdiepie called out the Jew today with a video that read (((GERSH KUNTZMAN'S))) article about firing an AR-15. The reading was in OYVEY jewspeak. IT IS ON "YOU LAUGH YOU ABSOLUTE WUT"
In the US they don't spout off unless they are in a controlled environment and surrounded by their friends. Essentially the only time you would have reason to pound some lefty fag's face in is when he is in public with police nearby or a dozen of his friends all with phones out and recording. They never go 1-on-1
haha wow I really want to see these people die
is that the galactic center?
Here our coppers don't like bullshit so we don't have too many problems
If you see one , have a nice little chat with them . But first say you recognize them from an Antifa meet up and all that jazz , that way you are certain .
So what are the faggy leaf police gonna do about them? If they are anything like the British police then nothing ...
Pic related is Sydney antifa. They have so little stuff to care about here that they do protests about Charlottesville (they probably don't even know where it is, and neither do I).
the best thing about ANTIFA is the fact that whenever you see them organize, you know for a fact that that is every single one of the people the they have. there is no stigma, risk/cost, or sacrifice to them participating, so anyone even slightly inclined joins in. what we are doing is the anti-thesis and we still thrash them. there will be no resistance when the time comes
it's going to be hilarious
yes senpai, its mostly dark matter tho so not much to see, our galaxy is spherical, only the baryonic stuff is disk shaped.
I don't care, I'm a centrist and I'm glad I can just sit here and enjoy the fight
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
I thought it was a joke but holy shit all these antifa fucks are all muts. None of them looked good looking at all
As gay as the Proud Boys are, sometimes they do some pretty alright stuff like exposing what fucking hypocrites many on the far left are. The same people who scream "Fuck the police!" then cry out for them. The same people who claim there's no biological differences between men and women and that gender is a social construct scream "You just hit a woman!"
Yea they will. Cops are definitely not your friends. They repeatedly assault right wingers and leave the left unscathed. Over and over, then they pretend to be right wing.
I miss Nasim so much
Yea, the cops are not your friends, they will follow the mayor's orders in large cities who most likely are the biggest pinko liberal faggots to walk the earth, then good luck with degenerate kike nose judge who will literally make you out to be hitler. It's a lose lose situation, only fun part is blending in and tripping them up, been there done that a few times here in NYC, it's easy when you're with a racially diverse group and the faggots never see it coming.
god im so happy i live in adelaide, insteads of leftists we have drugs
You should end their suffering with a 50 bmg.
Never forget what the Trudeau and the Pearson family did.
Hey guys the other thread just got taken down and I couldn't respond anymore. So I have to get this red pill out.
Glasses are a fucking scam.
I have -1,5 doprin or whatever it's called shortsightedness.
Well I took 5-meo-dmt in microdoses a few weeks for social anxiety and guess what my vision was almost complety restored while I was on it. I even went to a optics dude and had tests done and he didn't believe me on how it could possibly become so much better.
I think most eye problems are caused by our stressed out brains and how that affects our eye muscles.
So much for da tolerant left lol ecksdee dey are jus as bad as the notzees!!!
Donate to my patreon guys! Conservatism is the new punk!!
this is some top-tier work user
What's up with the gay overbearing music playing throughout the entire video? I can't even watch this shit for more than 30 seconds without getting a headache.
Glasses are only bad because most of the industry is controlled by a monopoly.
It's just a few milimeters of glass yet your paying hundreds.
Bump for the ovens.
saying what you think is not a redpill.
this is basically bro science tier.
The red pill is that bad eye sight is not due to genetics or natural.
I just said why that might be and from my own experience because the drug calmed my brain, obssesive thoughts and agitated state down.
No some mild vision impairment is caused by other streesorss and you just calmed down so your not fucking with your eye muscles and nerves.
Depending on my blood pressure deforming my eyes how tired i am changes my vision changes a lot
My vision is not mildy impaired it's really shit.
I couldn't read the chalkboard from the second row in class and no matter what I am doing or in what state of mind I am my eyesight doesn't change.
I don't know how that drug did this exactly, I was just guessing.
Impressive video
Seeing shit like this pisses me off so much.