That’s right, bigots

That’s right, bigots.

We should penalize racists and ask them for a loicense.

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everything is Trump's fault. We need Trump to fix everything for us. Welcome to 2018, faggots

She did nothing wrong.


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We also need to impeach Trump while he does everything for us.

Your mom is bait.

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blimey the loicenses its for yer protection m8

You have a loicense for that joke m8??

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> Liberals complain about Trump being heavily involved in social situations via twitter
> They then get mad when he doesn't do it for their cause

Waht waht waht

If Drumpf doesn't disavow Roseanne for promoting his rhetoric, he's implicitly supporting his own bigotry!


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OY ye can't be post'n profanity on 'ere!! Where is ye profanity loicence?!

I thought Roseanne hated Trump and vice versa?

I thought she was basically a socialist commie...

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but trump did this



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I just checked her Twitter and it looks pretty much like Jow Forums.

Trump and Roseanne are more center than everyone thinks.

i think you're confusing one old kike 'comedian' with another

oh yeah, i'm thinking of rosie o'donnel or whatever that fat cunt is.

She is. She shilled for Hillary and Bill in the 90s and was pushing social degenerate shit in Roseanne during its initial run. Anyone who thinks this shit wasn't planned in some part is a fool.

Check out the alleged news organization calling for restrictions on the First Amendment. A real news organization would not do that.

And you're a retard. Who still uses your mom as an insult?

>something "bad" happens anywhere

>wanting the president of the United States to spend his time researching to form an opinion on a cancelled tv show with less than 10 episodes
is CNN just full of retards or what?

CNN is so bad at this. Kek.

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Ur mum does ya cunt

ABC/Disney stockholders are going to be mad.

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Don’t think they give a shit. They’re making billions with Marvel and Star Wars.

>CNN actually thinks you should be fined and jailed for saying nigger and ape

The absolute state of (((CNN)))

It seems like they cancelled her show in record time. When someone is caught in literally criminal acts it takes longer as they try to see what they can salvage.

And look at that, the 4th place show (total viewers) and 2nd place comedy was strongly conservative.

What a terrible list of shows. There was a time ABC was watchable.

How the fuck did Agents of Shield get renewed with those terrible ratings year after year?

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this is why FOX news is/was so popular. When you are the only conservative show in town, you get a lot of viewers.

Some Millennials are watching it and they are the future so ABC is desperately trying to appeal to them. Hence the Roseanne ban, since 'our data from our NYC and SF focus groups shows young people are against Trump and racism'.

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What the fuck does Trump have to do with this?

She didn't mean it to be construed as a racist comment. If anything, the connection between blacks and planet of the apes was made by leftists themselves, thereby further demonstrating that they are the actual bigots. Not that I give a fuck about some fat bitch, but truth is truth.

Oh and by the way....
Gas the liberals.

former new organization now dnc pac

because he opened his stupid mouth when the first episode aired about how good the ratings were and called her and congratulated her.

Oi! You got a loicense for that oicing?

What's truly disturbing is how they will never say it outright. It's not, 'Yes, we believe that people who say 'racist' things should be thrown in prison.' Instead, it's 'We think racist people should be *penalized*.'

That way, they can spread their authoritarian sentiment and thought without ever being held accountable for it or open to attack. If you confront them about their hostile intent towards freedom of speech, they'd simply rebuff by saying 't-that's not what we meant at all ;) ;) ;)'.

Straight into the ovens.

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q predicted this

The Jews are doubling down as always, this time they're willing to lose large sums of money which is the hilarious part it must hurt them alot

>How the fuck did Agents of Shield get renewed with those terrible ratings year after year?
Disney owns the production and total rights including syndication, so it's probably just a loss leader to help make them more money to tie into the other Marvel properties (movies). If I had to guess.

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remember her being interviewed on Rubin Report and thinking she was crazy. don't remember her siding with Trump.

Apparently in her own lost bid for presidency she supports Trump.

This tweet is more inflammatory than her shit national anthem or jew cookies photo shoot.

Damn how the times have changed

>when all those niggers, spics, liberals, and jews are penalized
>it'll be #metoo 2.0
I'm actually all for it

I still don't understand what the big deal is about racism. We should celebrate our differences and discuss them, not live in fear of them.

Redpill overdose.