Hey Jow Forums, young drunk doctorfag on his day off here
I asked this a few months ago and heard some really interesting opinions. How do you view humanity in general when you finally exit the browser and go out into the world? Do you still view your world through a Jow Forums lens, or do you just see people across vast spans of indiscriminate random chance of birth trying to make the best of their circumstances?
I'll admit I enjoy coming on here every once in a while to indulge in the base instincts of tribalism, but once I start my shift back in the hospital, it's just all so tiresome in the grand scheme.
I love a ((())) thread as much as the next guy, but none of it really matters when I start my job trying to help other humans. Is humanitarianism the final black pill?
What rules us now is a soft-headed, mushy, egalitarian, feminine sort of altruism, where we are more inclined to feed the starving picaninnies of Africa than to take account of the fact that every picaninny who doesn’t starve to death now will grow up to breed more picaninnies. We feel sorry for the disease-ridden Blacks and Browns of the world, and instead of keeping them and their diseases strictly confined to their part of the world, we bring them into our part of the world so that we can share their diseases — as in the case of New York’s current outbreak of West Nile encephalitis imported from Africa.
What we need is a hard-headed, masculine sort of altruism, which makes us as concerned for the preservation of our own racial quality as for the stamping out of the fur trade, the sort of altruism which leads us to sterilize our own defectives rather than permitting them to breed a White welfare class, just as it leads us to thin out the two-legged population of Africa rather than permitting it to continue encroaching on the four-legged populations.
And you know, whenever I say something like that I can hear the screams of protest in the background. I can hear the softheaded altruists screaming that I am advocating genocide, and oh, isn’t that awful. But as a matter of fact, it is their policies which are leading to a far more terrible genocide, with our race as the victim.
When one has a world overcrowded with races competing for a limited living area and limited resources, there will be genocide. The feminine altruists cannot face that hard fact, and their activities simply guarantee a bloodier and more destructive genocide in the end. The masculine altruists, on the other hand, should be capable of imposing a necessary discipline in order to preserve the health of a beleaguered planet and permit its most valuable life forms to continue developing, instead of being dragged down by the least valuable.
Human exceptionalism is specisist. All mammals are equal. We all bleed red.
Angel White
>do you just see people across vast spans of indiscriminate random chance of birth trying to make the best of their circumstance
In my daily interpersonal interactions, this. I have the time, patience, and responsibility to judge each person I meet on their individual merits.
In the realm of immigration policy, however, the best we can reasonably do is draw conclusions about similar groups of people based on religion, nationality, culture, etc. and each factor's link to criminality, views on women, or ease of integration.
Jose Mitchell
Is this taken from a particular Pierce book or paper? I'd like to read it if so. I can't say I necessarily disagree with it, but it's undoubtedly Malthusian. What would the implementation of such this idea?
pretty much how I view it all as well. The deliberate ignorance and refutation of statistics is basically the democratic platform, as it seems. A hard truth to a humanist, be a necessary one. We need to fix the countries that are swarming in rather than fix the problems that swarming our countries pretend to fix youtu.be/LPjzfGChGlE
What are you even talking about? Humanitarianism will not solve the problem of a an ancient machine that has existed throughout time and destroys Civilization continuously poisoning, torturing, and killing off its questioners.
Hudson Flores
-I see people as personality types with different hardwiring. -I see gay people as victims of childhood neglect that may or may not be fixed with coherence therapy. -I see black people as a touchy race you have to walk on eggshells around otherwise they freak tf out. Because I lived in a black part of las vegas for a year. This isn't fixable, they evolved slower. Kenyan children have no self-awareness until they're 6. -I see mexicans as kinda lazy but mostly like whites, unless they're illegal in which case it doesn't matter, they cost us $9tril every 50 years, and growing. Also they get our hospitals shut down because "gibs me dis fo free" doesn't work with limited medical supplies and millions of illegals. -I see whites as thotty trash addicted to porn and sex, completely under reptilian brain function. Other than they're fine, nice, funny, loyal. -I see jews as untrustworthy to anyone except jews, which would be cool if I were a jew and into communism and sexual taboo.
Jayden Cox
feel free to elaborate
Jackson Ross
>exit the browser and go out into the world
what is this heresy you speak of there is a world outside the web?
oh you want a serious answer. i don't give a fuck about you people & society. to me you are all godforsaken excrement.
well, most of you anyway. that's it.
Ryder Kelly
also jews cause the sexual taboo wherever they go. That's why Germany has Elite snuff parties.
I can't say I see it much different desu, but is there a solution?
Tyler Williams
i'm talking about all of humanity here, so... it's not worth saving the lot of you. not really. the few of us who didn't fall for the jew worls order save themselves, it's very simple. not much of a life, but things will look up after this shitshow.
having the luxury of not having to work helps alot, but it isn't really a deciding factor. over all, humanity's fucked. why save it. hell, there will be punishment soon enough. being a good person is all that matters, shit swims with the stream.
Dominic Gomez
and you're pretty much all shit to me, an intelligent human would have never accepted this kike devilry. thats all.
Ian Brown
Is that really anything new for the Germs though
Luke Robinson
give it a try Hans, helping other people is a philosophical truth that has yet to be disproved as a path to happiness, except for the onslaught of white women traveling across the world. Life is not without its ironies, I suppose
Grayson Gonzalez
Segregation. Communities are closer when they're the same race. Integration is almost like an abomination of nature. Mixed race kids can't find transplants, they have identity crises and can't fit in anywhere, they have no sense of community which is extremely important for healthy psychological development. Plus there's genetic hardening. Integrating also doesn't boost the bad society forward, it drags the good one back. Segregation is the only way we can live in peace. And if other countries want to uprise and tame their countries, good for them. If they want to uprise to reap the good of better societies without any work put in on their part, they can get shot and nuked for all I care..
Benjamin Powell
oh great another arrogant know-it-all doctor who thinks hes the smartest person ever. do push drugs, and lots of them? do you get big payouts from big pharma for doing so? btw i can tell you get intellectually insecure around me when you ask what i do and i say mathematician, because all the pre-meds barely pass calculus courses and get all mad about their GPA.
go fuck yourself, youre nothing more than a glorified drug dealer.
Ryder Sanders
Racist ideology on Jow Forums seems to hinge on the idea that a pleasant, well-ordered society is possible to create when all the degenerate groups are separated from the productive ones. My experiences on the world have led me to the conclusion that all humans are basically scum. Helping people is all great and everything but it does not really matter in the end, at least on a mass scale. Society is made up of the sum of it parts; trash.
Jaxon Morgan
Not since the jews took over, which is the point.
Michael White
If white people were good enough to create governments, and overthrow them when they got corrupt, I'm sure blacks and browns can too.
Otherwise all of our ancestors sacrifice and war time was for them to ride on.. Not us.
Mason Gonzalez
Humanitarian? Do you work for free? I dont expect you to. But lets be honest. You are a paid mechanic. Not a humanitarian.
Sebastian Martin
Never not met a med student who doesn't act like a cunt to others.
The hippocratic oath doesn't make you immune to bullshit.
Ryan Powell
The way modern medicine it practiced, it encourages dysgenics.
Jose Hernandez
It's possibly a very bad idea. Humanity is all we have.
Jordan Jackson
I'll answer straightforward enough. Most people are very ungrateful, uncaring and outright distracted by a multitude of devices. Working in a service industry has really showed me how hedonism twists people on top of everything else I know from Jow Forums
It's to the point now that I don't very much care for other people as much as I used to. I bodybuild now and the same people who treated me like scum now treat me like an idol.
I try to live my days as best as I can, usually avoiding people based on the books I've read. It's very easy for me to see the gist of a person's character (and that's half a curse). Most people are just in it for themselves which is ironic because whatever these people try to acquire will always pale in comparison to those in power and I keep note of this as I go throughout my day. I truly wish for the collapse we've been waiting for all this time. I'm mostly prepared and I know how bad humans can be. It's just hopeless. These people think so differently from me, it's like I'm an otherworldly alien compared to them.
My solitude has been a gift, whereas before I was feeling lonely. The more I push myself to betterment, the more I study history and the Jew, the more I realize that in a sad sort of way that only a few of my closest friends even think slightly like me. It's very easy, sometimes, to become distracted or outright distraught attempting to organize my life in a society that is is as robust as media is distracting. This is why I stopped going out and quit drinking, I hate wasting time which is basically what Jews want you to do. Because I feel like there are so few as open about politics as me I have become a recluse. Relationships are hollow, save for our only Father. Not to sound so blackpilled, it's just my experience that drives me to think like this. The women I date too have zero clue about anything. Nor do I think they could grasp it. I see women as ploys for powerful men (voting, consuming).
yikes, bud, I'm sorry you have such a slanted view of doctors. I understand the frustration in terms of your view of the world revolving around your interests, but math is normally seen as a stepping stone towards another path as far as medicine goes. But you have to understand, what is more likely: that every doctor you meet has been in cahoots with pharma from the moment of inception in undergrad, caring for nothing but big time "doctor money", or that we legitimately care about our patients, and that we use statistics to guide our patient care through infinitely rigorous standards set by standards across independent medical boards and the FDA.
Chase Moore
Perhaps we will one day meet, and that fuels me for the need of a tribe. Everyone else has a tribe, everyone else is free to say what is on their minds. We are the only ones censored which adds my thoughts on reality and what is tangible. My hope for our children (for those who do end up courting) to live peacefully, not wasting away by Jewish degenerate distractions - focused on living a fruitful and gracious life with a loving family. At this point in time, I feel like we need a restart. Too much noise, too many people singing songs that don't matter.
It's just like a voice in the back of your head in public but you still act the same treat people with kindness, how you want to be treated all that crap. This site is just comedy meme virus that infects your brain. It doesnt change your behavior in regards to your public persona... That takes someone being an asshole/violating. Then the masks and gloves come off.
Adam James
It's really simple. Systematically, and with people as a whole in a group, you treat things on a general basis to protect yourself and your economy from murphy's law. Individually, I give almost everyone the benefit of the doubt until they have wronged me.
Nathaniel Powell
>do you just see people across vast spans of indiscriminate random chance of birth trying to make the best of their circumstances? Nice writing NOT copyright uworld
Jaxson Torres
he might be a drug dealer but he saves lives too so it cancels out.. ying ying
I am an md/phd student and have been in the field of immunotherapy since 2010.
I have been part of papers that made it to clinical trial with tumor killers that were so strong they broke up the tumors in the patients and caused tumor lysis syndrome and fevers of 106 plus.
The issue here is not that the cure exists, it is that academia doesn’t reward effective therapies. My boss got nature papers for shit that wouldn’t work and things that were all but irreproduceable. Fellow physicians take heed, it is incompetence, idiocy, and psychopathy standing in the way of innovation.