Fuck, my account must be shadow-banned.

Thread link:

Hidden posts:

>So /u/diegoNT replied to my comment (sent via PM) with this:

>*Its obvious by your tone of righting that you have a problem with indigenous people. I'm not taking any further part in this discussion. Good day.*


>If you would like to see the comment, take a look [HERE]

Attached: auspol.png (900x658, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Brave abo beats all odds and becomes a doctor despite racists trying to keep her down!

Attached: 8456648-4x3-460x345.jpg (460x345, 36K)

I can't post anywhere on auspol now, seems they've completely hidden my posts/replies.

What happened to this place (reddit)? It used to be that the comments stood unless there was some threat of violence or worse. When did this heavy moderation come in? Why can't I honestly respond to another poster now? Have I been targeted as "not worth seeing/listening to"?

Anons, this feels.. wrong.

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Attached: auscap.png (897x626, 77K)

she's like 3% indigenous probably, so not really indigenous.
Would have gotten 100% free education & also would have been handed a job regardless of her merit due to her race. There are quotas for hiring coons in both private and public sector, but the public sector is full retard about it.

There are teams full of Abo's who do nothing because all of their jobs are fake.

You walk any floor of any building used by gov agencies & you'll see lots of Art & Craft shit all over the walls and hanging from the ceiling, similar to a reception/year 1 classroom in a school. These are the areas where all the deadbeat Abos get to hang out and get paid top dollar in their fake jobs with no workload, all because they are fucking worthless pathetic Abos that need white people to hold their hand through life.

reddit is gay /thread

b& for this, pic related

Attached: ausnip.png (933x448, 41K)

Why tho? Specifically, I want to know how/when/why this has happened to reddit..

Reddit is Jewry incarnate

Attached: Frankfurt_School_Cultural_Marxism.jpg (1608x1600, 500K)

Lurk more you dumb faggot newfag

>banned off plebbit for demanding proof
truly shocking. harrowing stuff.

this but also kill yourself

Thanks lads, really got my wheels a turnin'..
Can we get some more reddit jewry/info posts in here?

If the answer is just: the jews, I'm not going to argue against that, but I will ask that you provide some sort of EVIDENCE.

Let's see if Jow Forums is better than reddit.

If every clueless faggot made a thread demanding a spoonfeeding when they first started browsing here we'd have nothing but spoonfeeding all day.

Lurk, you petulant cunt.

stuff like this is good, but it really needs a source for the claims.

Anyone else have any relevant, well-sourced information?

Interesting, you make the point that this place would be mostly spoon-feeding if it were only suited for newcomers.

How should this issue be resolved? How is a normal school set out? How do they handle having to literally spoon-feed the 6 year old versus teaching the 17 year old?


Are there any guides for lurking?
How does a newcomer know when to start posting?
Are there any guides or information-stores for new users?

Do you know what the term 'lurk' actually means? It's not an insult in and of itself, and is actually years old advice that you should follow. Dickhead.

>Do you know what the term 'lurk' actually means?

No, I do not. can you please give me the definition that applies here?

>Fuck, my account must be shadow-banned.
That is what you get for being on that site. Looks like it is time to KYS OP.

That was your cue to google "Jow Forums lurk meaning". Stop asking for a spoonfeeding.

17 year old in need of education indeed. Your bib is showing.

So, I just did it, I just googled "Jow Forums lurk meaning" and I got this (pic realted).

I hope you guys ralise what this means.

Hint: you're just as hypocritical as the aboriginals in the reddit thread above.


Attached: LURK.png (585x380, 26K)

So, in summation:

Tthe users at Jow Forums want new people and "outsiders" (defined only by how they act/speak) to keep quiet, listen, think, keep quite, listen.. keep quite, listen.. and finally, listen.. before posting.. only when the newcomer has a belief system that matches or closely resembles that of the existing members.

Sounds REAL effective and non-hypocritical.

What do you actually want, attention?
>My account had been shadowbanned. Does this mean that my account has been shadowbanned? What a mystery

A decent thread died so your pointless rambling blog could take up space. It's a quality concern, not an ideological one. I sincerely enjoy debating cogent leftists.

Seriously, lurk or fuck off.

people are here specifically because they don't want to be at reddit, it's a shithole, when newfags shit this place up with reddit bullshit it makes us want to reach through the interweb and strangle their dumb fucking asses. We don't know why reddit sucks, mayhaps you should
>go back
and investigate the situation for us, don't bother coming back with an update though, we'll just see you over in Jow Forumsgreentext
lurk more just means do the thing you should have been doing your whole life: Shut the fuck up and listen for a while

Also, answers to your basic bitch entry level questions will come from lurking. Disagree or agree with those answers as you please, it's no skin off my back. Just don't waste time and space making yet another newfag thread identical to the ten thousand before it. Geddit?

Take a good hard look at yourselves, and what you're asking the newcomers to do; see these:
Also, when you say something like:
>Shut the fuck up and listen for a while
You're only proving my point.
Fuck me, and I thought reddit users were brain-dead fuckwits.

OH WOW, another one.
Another one, while I was responding to the literal retardation and hypocrisy of the last two posters, another one.


Lurk more


Fuck off, newfags. Just fucking lurk more. Jews are talked about in almost every thread. If you want to learn, then lurk and read. If you want to stay whiny, smug faggots then go back

You're not fucking special. Lurk like everyone else did.

Pathetic. You're not fooling me, kid.
Look up, and if you still have the gall, try and respond without parroting yourself.

Another one.
See these, retard:

only retards fell for the "lurk more" meme. it's an open board and you can pick up the lingo in a few days and pretend to be an oldfag. burgers probably take years to learn it though.

but we don't want you to interact, you suck; no offense, but if you
>lurk more
one of the things you'll notice is that the good threads around here are actually good, the people that made them actually put a lot of time and effort and information and resources into them, when someone slaps together a screen shot with an age old question about a shithole we hate, what do you expect? Just to give you an idea, I've been here since 2014, I quit commenting after a few days and I lurked for months, occasionally saying something, usually not, I STILL HAVEN'T MADE A FUCKING POST. I never had anything to add that would have been worth anybody's time that wasn't already being talked about in a much better thread than I would have made anyway. This conversation, and others like them, added nothing; you will be here for years before you ever add anything of value, no offense. Just. Lurk. More

t. low IQ brainlet

>nothing of value


Listen you fucking morons, I'm willing to bet I've been here longer (circa 09), but that is besides the point, isn't it?

Look at the entire thread above, you retards are turning into literal parrots, unable to make good points, and unable to speak your OWN mind without getting all "lurk more you newfag" on anyone who speaks openly.

This is seemingly how things have always been around here.
Also, wtf, you morons can't work out that when I'm replying to people, that my ID is changing? ffs who taught you retards in school? the class pet? does anyone here even understand how an ISP or DNS works?

Geez, lift your game kids.

Look, more good advice! Don't be dumb, just read. I promise the jews are a popular topic.
Oh, fuck off. I didn't say lurk for 5 years or some dumb shit like that. We both know all these newfags have to do is read a few good threads to be generally caught up on the big stuff.

Only people who actually need to be told get told? Wow working as intended


I've LITERALLY (yes, really) been lurking for more than 9 years. Whoops.

And yet you somehow didn't know what lurk means?

Attached: 1300044776986.jpg (600x600, 34K)

What is with this stupid trend of redditfags coming here to complain about their shitty website?

This is like the third one this week.

Attached: 1467187411227.jpg (375x578, 34K)

The meaning is seemingly obvious, I just lurked, and lurked and lurked, and no I'm posting, and I'm being told to lurk; so, as I am now kind of confused, I decided to look up the meaning of the term and post it back here, to those advocating it.

Make sense, retard?
Every point I've made still stands, you faggot virgins are just as bad, if not WORSE, than every other nigger faggot kike on the goddamned planet.

Understand this.

You don't get it. Doubt you will. Please leave. You won't be missed.

Sounds a lot like:
>"get out off mah LAAAND!"

nobody cares about your r*ddit drama you fat little nigger cunt, fuck off back to the cesspool.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals,and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained ingorilla warfareand I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet?Think again, fucker.As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USAand your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid.I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corpsand I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot.I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

are you serious right now?

Attached: b60.png (1018x782, 136K)

Attached: Oh Look.jpg (500x500, 18K)

Yeaaaaaah, whatever kid.

>Being this fucking new
Got me to repsond, good bait. Natural aussie shitposting.

i c u
b o i

Likely. Useful thread for actual curious newfags anyway.

thanks user, we have found some use.

>when you use AUS/POL/ in your title to get clicks
here a (you)

We don't want anything.
This place is the sanitarium of the Internet. Join us or don't, we don't give a shit.

You're embarrassing us you fucking cunt. Kys.

Attached: kjghkj7.jpg (832x719, 74K)

Attached: not an abbo.jpg (481x359, 56K)

Hey, I thought that guy held his composure well, while addressing the questions directly.

>It's a quality concern, not an ideological one

Attached: kikker.jpg (1036x749, 115K)

i looked at an abbo once and she started going off her rocker.
please dont reddit as well op. just ruins my day knowing how many faggots there are in this country

oh god why are redditors moving to aus/pol/
I think it's time for another exodus lads

>i looked at an abbo once
rule 1

Attached: DSCN0270.jpg (1200x1600, 236K)


She looks like one of us Yanks.


Make a new account and fuck off back there.

Attached: huge_faggot.jpg (213x250, 11K)

I'm gonna be continually downvoted and my posts hidden..

wut do?

this thread is fucking cancer stop bumping it newfags

OP here; definitely not a newfag.