I found a great solution that could solve world peace

We have to ban all Americans, discredit, disown, discriminate, and dehumanize Americans, kill every American in your nation into their extinction, and annihilate the United States of America. Why did I say that? Because the United States should not be a country in the first place. The only American to see are Native Americans before the pilgrims, which are religious extremists that are rejected by the British Empire for good reasons, colonized the land and exterminate the Native Americans. I'll show you more.

Attached: 1524221594500.jpg (1200x1600, 202K)

>try to kill an American
>get shot

>le pilgrims meme

Attached: jamestown.jpg (752x375, 67K)

Bring it, Mohammed.

Attached: CCECFB3B-3B47-4093-917C-ED0C08C574CF.jpg (600x800, 99K)

Kike detected.

Attached: IQJewMyth.jpg (1680x1050, 672K)

Attached: crappie bait.png (2690x1461, 731K)

she is standing on glasses.
hint: hung dead people don't make fists

Attached: IQjewmyth2.jpg (2600x1976, 781K)

>EU flag
Oh look, another oven dodging kike.

Attached: 1527477939662.jpg (610x368, 271K)


Looks real to me

Attached: 19-year-old-dominican-republic-girl-commit-suicide-hanging-01-768x1024.jpg (768x1024, 100K)

When you people call me a Jew or a Muslim, but Ime actually a Puerto Rican. The Americans destroyed my island, and they capture my family as slaves. Slavery still exist and legal in the United States, and Americans love to exploit their slaves. I am scare that one of the master use his assault rifle and start killing my people for his entertainment. I am scare living as captive in this horrible country.

there was no british empire you stupid shit stain
the pilgrims were pretty much the start
fucking achmed should stfu and get out of europe

>a Puerto Rican
You're still a worthless spic. Here's your (You).

>worthless spic
This is type of thing I have to deal with, people calling me worthless. My people actually died from that, American man.

Silly Bong, while your age old decadent island falls to the Jews, we continue to push the anti-jew thesis unlike any other nation....

why did you post a dead monkey dressed as a slut? Fucking euro degenerate faggot!

>Americans are genocidal religious fanatics
>wants to fight them
Very intelligent post

>Ime actually a Puerto Rican.
the PR spics here in the northeast US are as bad as niggers. sad, because i've visited PR and the people there are much more decent

>talking to a monkey


>good women don't exis--
fap fap fap

Haha, “people”

I support this