What do you think of this lads? A mate of mine is trying hard to convince me Jews died for me and I should show more respect.
Jewish Anzacs
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Jews are generally very underrepresented in the militaries of their home countries, but back when they were less powerful they would sometimes join as a way of gaining social status.
Either way, they are foreign mercenaries at best and a 5th column at worst.
Probably more in the German Army
I think you should gas your "friend". Jews are not Australian
m8, your lads were (well) led by a Jew
wtf I want to die for israel now
I'm tempted.
General Monash was a jew
Reminder that Jews are just 0.01% of the world population and just 2% of the US population
Yet they control absolutely everything while also being the perpetual victim
Normies need to know these basic facts
Block this fucking shabbos faggot. I am cringing just looking at these typos
We did murder Arabs for them
Respect? Yes.
Means you have to automatically agree with? No.
Spin it on him and tell him that German soldiers died for Germans. Should the germans now automatically agree with the nazi agenda?
>should the germans now automatically agree with the nazi agenda?
The point is to ask his normie friend.
Good advice. Done.
Jews fought in the german army too did they not?
He actually said yes. Hahaha
ask him if hitler was right and report back
This. He was an excellent tactician and brilliant general.
At my local cemetery there are a couple of graves of Jewish men who fought for NZ in WW2.
Kek, this got interesting
just like muslims they do not feel any feels of brotherhood or shared-nationality or shared-religion with YOU because you are not in their clan/cult/club, speak their group language or know all the inside jokes, like blood-flesh-based cult ceremonies/activities/rules that muslims have, that jews have, that christians have, and that other cults have, at least those with "blood" "life" etc being "magic" when there is no such thing and its more cannibalistic than not, e.g. sucking on bloody baby benis is pretty psychotic from any rational perspective, yet it is still defended violently by many.
a hodge-podge force from a large, widely-scattered population of different ethnicities/groups/cults
any one of which can be xenophobic enough to "hate on" non-members of their little group.
they will not openly declare their traitorous feels, but will consider others as "enemies" to be targets of convenience, to be betrayed at some handy moment, and so on.
there is no loyalty oath magic any more than there is blood-animalistic magic, spiritual magic, "feels" magic, or any other fallacies about "magic", so just having someone join up doesn't mean they are now a "friendly", it just means you had the bar so low you were willing to take anyone with two legs and a dick.
fuck the jews, fuck all religions, groups that are all internal family feefee crap where criminal networks breed and thrive.
this book is just propaganda because it is not likely to portray this traitorous subgroup honestly, and the cover, a pic of "lads standing for a pic" is just more disinfo and I wouldn't expect anything but whitewashed shit throughout the whole fucking thing.
>show more respect
for their shilling? c'mon now
The Old Colonial Jews in NZ have basically been mixed into Anglo Stock while the synagogue and that nonsense is just Israelis swaning about
>a hodge-podge force from a large, widely-scattered population of different ethnicities/groups/cults
your friend is an idiot, like most australians
Stop hiding behind a meme flag mate.
Those men would be tearing apart today's Jewish diaspora if they could.
Don't equate them with today's crop of super-rich nepotists.
These men who fought and died for Australia, jewish or not, deserve respect for their commitment and sacrifice.
But just because some jews joined the ADF, does this mean all jews are worthy of respect? Fuck no it doesn't.
Just because a child from a family of criminals breaks the mold doesn't mean the whole family is worthy of respect. Remember there were honorary aryan jews who served the Wehrmacht with distinction in spite of their grotesque heritage.
More or less what I said early on. I respect the fact a handful of Jews fought for Australia, but that doesn't mean the rest of them are suddenly worthy of respect and trust.
>fighting for Australia
pick one.
Australia was never under any threat.
what a fucking lie
If your mate wasn't able to accept this as your stance and continued pushing his good goy shit at you he's probably not worth keeping around.
He sounds like a fucking kike apologist. Ask him if he's got Jewish ancestry.
>Australia was never under any threat.
People saw themselves as British and wanted to fight for the Empire
Then they fought for Britain.
But the real reason they fought which nobody talks about is they were poor men who needed a job and a paycheck. That's the reason 1000 Abos volunteered for WW1 aswell.
a few good acts of a few jews doesn't outweigh the bad, literally using naxalt tactics.
>Then they fought for Britain.
Not quite because the Empire was a larger Concept
M8 this was a decade after confederation. We were basically still a British colony and there were good chances if the entente had lost we'd have been suckered into territorial concessions.
Jews died for the creation of the Israeli state which happened and could only happen in the case of an Entente victory.
I wish Britain lost ww1. Then Israel wouldn't exist.
Hell the irony is if they lost the British Empire might still exist
I wish WW1 never happened, it wiped away the last vestiges of European monarchism and led the way for the USA to rise as an ideological golem for the kikes, and destroyed the continent, her people as well as many important landmarks.
>Jews died for the creation of the Israeli state which happened and could only happen in the case of an Entente victory.
No, that makes no sense.
Jews also fought in the German Empire.
Yes true. Early Jews formed a couple of New Zealands most notable business. Notably Lion Nathan Breweries, Hallensteins, the ODT. Every one of our major cities has had Jewish leaders, we've even had one as an All Black. And of course there's the old more yid prime ministers than any nation excepting Israel.
Hitler was wrong and he won't answer the question about Jewish ancestry.
We were sent to die there by Jews
>Jews also fought in the German Empire.
Probably more to do with anti Russian sentiment due to the pogroms and what not.
Hes a (((fellow white))) person.
Drop him like a sack of shit.
Actually an anglo-seppo
How have these not been checked? Fucking newfags
>Probably more to do with anti Russian sentiment due to the pogroms and what not.
From what their own testimony they fought out of Patriotism and the desire for Jewish equal rights.
What part did the Jews play in building the British Empire?
couldnt be further from the truth , the vast majority of soldiers are jewish .
Turks now rule whole suburbs of major cities in Australia
>Israelis do mandatory military service where they shoot unarmed civilians
>"Look, Jews are soldiers too!"
I don't think anyone would be surprised if that doesn't hold for the IDF.
What is interesting is how Jews are represented in the armies of countries that aren't Israel, relative to their population in that country.
>more yid prime ministers than any nation excepting Israel.
Explains why it sucks here.
because they were invited in and allowed to do so by our so called leaders.
>fought out of Patriotism and the desire for Jewish equal rights.
Seems at odds with the disproportionate behavior in the post war revolutions.
>What is interesting is how Jews are represented in the armies of countries that aren't Israel, relative to their population in that country.
it was just absurd that he said jews dont serve in the millitary of their home country while the overwhelming majority of soldiers i know are jewish .
>What is interesting is how Jews are represented in the armies of countries that aren't Israel, relative to their population in that country.
same could be said for germans.
>Seems at odds with the disproportionate behavior in the post war revolutions.
I think it is possible for both to be the case.
After all it was also true for the gentiles, they also participated in the war and in the socialist revolutions, so why not the Jews too?
I am sorry, that meant to be a question.
>>What is interesting is how Jews are represented in the armies of countries that aren't Israel, relative to their population in that country.
>same could be said for germans.
I meant to ask that as a question?
Are Jews over/under represented in armies of their countries?
Constantinople is right ANZAC clay so they were fighting for their homeland
The Australian government has been full of self serving traitors for decades. There's a good reason people say labor and liberal are just as bad as one another, and its not because of legislation issues.
Its because they're both filled with selfish cunts willing to pawn the country off for personal gain.
if you mean people of jewish nationality it kind of makes no sense for a person of a certain nationality to serve in another nation's army . you dont see chinese coming to argentina to serve in its army, they enlist in the PLO.
>After all it was also true for the gentiles, they also participated in the war and in the socialist revolutions, so why not the Jews too?
Well just look at it proportionally, Jews were just under 1% of the population of the German empire in 1910 meanwhile the leadership of the German Revolution was about 66% Jewish. No other ethnic group was more over represented than Jews in what is literally the most anti patriotic movement possible. Gentiles participated at far lower rates.
>I am sorry, that meant to be a question.
No worries
>if you mean people of jewish nationality
I obviously don't.
If you are a Jewish Israeli the IDF is where you belong as a soldier.
I mean you diaspora, Jews who are exclusive citizens of a country which is NOT Israel.
I'm displaying my political affiliation instead of my location faggot
there is no jew who is an exclusive citizen of a country which is not israel
are you fucking stupid
When was the last war we were in that went against Jewish interests?
so who are you talking about , people of jewish nationality ? people of jewish religion or people of jewish ancestry or some combination of those ?. and you kind of assumed in your post all jewish nationality is zionism when it is not , zionism is a subset of jewish nationalism.
for a person of jewish nationality it dosnt make sense to join any army not of a jewish nation state . wheres a german who happens to be of jewish religion might join the german army because of his german patriotism .
A pretty significant part, mate. Why do you think it was so jewy in spirit?
>included in pic
>every one there ever was and about 5 fillers who aren't
>Well just look at it proportionally, Jews were just under 1% of the population of the German empire in 1910 meanwhile the leadership of the German Revolution was about 66% Jewish. No other ethnic group was more over represented than Jews in what is literally the most anti patriotic movement possible. Gentiles participated at far lower rates.
Obviously that is true and probably what caused some part the anti-semitic backlash from the Nazis.
But Jews also did Participate in WW1 and fought for Germany.
>the overwhelming majority of soldiers i know are jewish
>in israel
Are you in the Israeli "Special" Forces?
>there is no jew who is an exclusive citizen of a country which is not israel
Of course there are.
As far as I am aware any Jew has the right to gain Israeli citizenship, which doesn't mean that all Jews have done so.
said it better than i did
Bullshit. Only shills use meme flags.
His friend seems to imply a larger percentage served in the anzacs without giving sources
the Right of Return law gives them the permanent option and they can never be trusted the same as an exclusive citizen, ever
An easy way to hate jews it to shit talk Zionists. Never show normies jew pill there is to much mental conditioning
Your hiding behind a meme while criticising a specific place. Show where you are from before criticising other nations cunt.
if you respond to the flag instead of the post content you need only look inside yourself to find the shill
>never read up on anzacs
wew lad
did I give you a redpill
The flag itself isn't the problem swamp cunt, it's the fact you insulted Australia and Australians while hiding behind a meme.
>But Jews also did Participate in WW1 and fought for Germany.
Yeah but nowhere near as prominently and to the same extent which raises doubts as to their claims of patriotism.
And its not just Germany, the leader of the provisional government during the Finnish Civil war was a Jewish man as was the leader of the Hungarian Soviet State (whose government was almost soley Jewish with the exception of Garbai). Indeed where ever you look Jews were hugley disproportionate in their contributions to communist revolutions and actions
get used to it, you are from a country that sucks and is full of people who suck
We will re take it.
actually there has been talk for decades about getting rid of it.like we'd accept jews in case of crisis as refugees but not just give out free citizenships. have a regulated path for foreigners who want citizenship like many other countries have.
Ok mate. Poofter clearly can't handle it when someone hits back at whatever shithole they crawled out of.
have people been abusing the system?
you'll never get rid of it because you want a jew POTUS with all the powers that come with it
Jesus died for you and he was Jewish. What is your point you shill bastard?
Tell him that more jews should die for us, another 6 million would be nice.
not that im aware of it , the original intention of the law was to allow people of jewish nationality, zionists to come to israel .no to serve as a backup state for non zionists. people feel it cheapens israeli citizenship when its given out to anyone with a grandparent with a jewish sounding name.
we should have a deadline past which the law of return ends and a new law replaces it . maybe some starship troopers type 'service guarantees citizenship' thing (service in israel is not only military , some people go for police (border guard) or civil service.)
of course but why would he need israeli citizenship ? pretty sure potus cant have other citizenships then usa anyway.
so he can super fuck shit up and have a solid exit strategy
the right of return isn't technically citizenship and they'll try to get him in on that
my bet is you kikes are going to try it in 2020 or 2024 with zuckerberg
also there's shit like this. basically fuckem, they had the choice to join the jewish homeland, chose not to AND do shit like this.
so us president will fuck shit up in us and then use right of return to come to israel ?.
dosnt that seem a little far fetched to you ?
have you seen him ? does he look like a person humans would vote for ?
i hope usa gets an american bibi