He is right you know

He is right you know

Attached: pol.jpg (617x219, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>"eceleb" spam
Imagine my god damned shock.

"his mother is a secular Jew."

Attached: 893475634875345.jpg (2590x1728, 847K)


Creator of Golden Girls, too. Can't forget that, though I'm sure it had zero effect on his rise to prominence.


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You literally posted a god damned tweet from a god damned Jew.

He is still right regardless

You literally posted a god damned tweet from a god damned Jew.

Yea much as I love some of Sam's trains of thought,
there are times like this that he just makes me fucking cringe.

>hates identity politics
>excuses israel and male circumcision because he was born jewish

he's a jew, anyone that might exclude him is detestable and repugnant.

We're all equal but some are more equal than others.

Attached: naftalibennet.webm (320x236, 2.42M)

>Racism and acknowledging race is bad, but white people are not the same

>all identity politics are bad
>statement implies equality
>white identity politics are worse

why does this kike have such dead eyes and no emotion? is it an affected behaviour or is he just a psychopath?

He said that he tries to copy dexter

Thats Right you cant love your own people cause a landwhale had a heartattack whilst others were attacking a car at a protest by evil people who did NOT want a statue of Robert e Lee who was against slavery and instrumental in several US battes. But this got counterprotested by idiots.

Taken down

No because they are literally equal.

The only way they wouldn't be equal is if identity politics led to people consistently murdering each other in identity-based crimes because white people tend to be more wealthy and able to afford dangerous weapons. Of course we know those types of murders don't exist.


(((Sam Harris)))

It's just his personality.

>Yeah, goy, nothing to see here! There is no anti-white sentiment that you need to watch out for! Better not band together and defend your own interests!

Attached: civil rights has led to a race war black on white hatred.png (2800x1964, 2.71M)

Proud to be jewish when

>calls identity politics detestable
>plays identity politics in the very next sentence

This image, does indeed, encapsulate people who say "JOOWS" and its derivatives as if it's some kind of rebuttal. Very perceptive, memefriend.

Pic unrelated.

Attached: sage.jpg (600x600, 22K)

>it's all a coincidence just be quiet

>Hates identity politics.
>Makes excuses for American wars of aggression.
Wow I love the US and white genocide and dying for Israel. Thank you for opening my eyes Sam.

Read his comment. It literally makes no sense.

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Yeah, we should know better and set an example for the rest of the world, regardless if they want it or not.

>Jewish identity is good
>White identity is bad

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>identity politics are detestable
>especially those damn whites

Does this guy not realize how stupid he sounds?

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