Spain delivers tapes of wiretaps to the FBI between Donald Trump Jr. and Alexander Torshin the Russian banker!

Tick tock.

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>a putin ally ally tied to the NRA?

The NRA is tied to everyone... so?

"Putin ally"

>Putin "ally"

That headline right there is the epitome of American liberal hysteria in 2018.


b-b-b-b-but Trump using the word spy was way out of bounds goy

The last time Spain could blow the fuck out of anybody, the Brits beat the shit out of them with a queen a pirate and immature barrel staves.

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Going to be pretty funny when the wall of evidence Mueller has been collecting for the last year comes crashing down on you idiots.

The Don Trump Crime Family is finally going to face the justice that should have come to them 30 years ago if New York wasn't a corrupt shithole of a city. No surprise that corrupt crime boss Giulliani is sucking Trump's dick lately either. If the Trump Crime Family goes down then Giulliani's crimes he committed with Trump while he was mayor of New York will also come out and he'll go to jail too. Reminder that Giulliani and Trump made a video of themselves wearing drag as part of their initiation ritual into the Satanic cults of sex criminals.

Who the fuck didn't meddle in the US election?

- Pakistan, Muslim World gave Hillary Muslim money to shill for Islam
- Mexican nationals protested against Trump. Cartels made threats.
- UK, Spain were spying on Trump. UK colluded with Obongo cabinet. Spain wiretapped Don Jr.

World vs Trump

Anyone who was brown or Muslim was trying to take down Trump.

oh dang

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can you even read

B-but nobody cares about the Russia investigation

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Patriots do. Commie Russian traitors don't. Only way to drain the swamp is to remove the corrupt crime boss in the Oval Office.

Why the fuck would the exclusively money minded corrupt retards in our government care about USA?

they probably got paid for this ayy

What is the crime that occured here?

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Nothing. It's libshits witch hunting because they're ideologically dead and don't stand a chance this election

The NRA is icing on the cake

Someone was close to an ally of a friend of trump that met with someone that knew trump had a son and had a friend in russia

Oh no that sucks

Just Junior secretly meeting with Russian organized crime figures or just another day in Trumpland

>Spain delivers tapes of wiretaps to the FBI between Donald Trump Jr. and Alexander Torshin the Russian banker!
>Tick tock.


Also, somewhere in there is the NRA. I feel like liberals are still in shock from 2016 and don’t realize how much worse things could get

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That's why I thought it was a joke

The only way to drain the swamp is to go through the voter rolls and publicly execute every registered democrat.

>secretly meeting
so secret that everyone knows about it

>Russian organized crime figures
he's just a banker

>they'll get Trump any day now
>wiretaps from a guy who met with Trump's son once
>literally nothing
You must be on psych meds

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Money laundering. Mueller and team have been following a trail of Russian money laundering related to Trump selling many properties to Russian oligarchs for double and triple the market value, a common laundering technique. The Spanish police were doing their own investigation into a convicted Russian money launderer who is now in jail. While doing that they found more connections between the Trump crime family and Russian money launderers.

Tanks in 30.

So real source is yahoo
Author is our old friend Michael Isikoff

He is reporting on a statement by José Grinda, a Spannish prosecutor

Content is
>transcripts of wiretapped conversations between Torshin and Alexander Romanov
This is also semi old
>Just a few months ago, the wiretaps of these telephone conversations were given to the FBI

The NRA stuff is straight gas lighting
>An NRA lawyer, in responses to Wyden, said that Torshin has only paid his membership dues to the group and that, based on an internal review, the NRA received a total of only $2,500 from about 23 Russia-linked contributors since 2015.

I dont know why i bother checking this trash anymore

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>so secret that everyone knows about it
Thanks to Spanish police


The dumb spics can barely run their own nation.

this has been talked about for over a year, retard

>Hillary 99% chance to win
>Russia hacked the election
>every other thing they've said for the past two years
>still believing fake news
The only cure for your malfunction is a bullet

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So what? Dual citizen Israelis meet with federal officials every gd day. What does it matter if Trump's people met with Russians? It doesn't. At all.

The wiretaps are new, Ivan

>It's just a coincidence that Trump has so many Russia connections and made so many sales of Trump properties to convicted Russian criminals
Purely coincidence. Stop looking. Go to sleep. So sleepy.

>Trump is done!
Says the increasingly desperate shill for the 8,987th time this year.

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>an American citizen at an American organisation spoke to Trump's son
>we've somehow tied this third party to Putin and this delegitimises the president who didn't speak to him
Really reaching here.

De nada

Are people going to look back and call this the Russian scare?

What the fuck?
I just feel like the title isn't even trying to convey any sort of coherent sentence. Really, the only message I can only discern is "wiretap - Putin - NRA - Trump".

No need to be scared, kiddo

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You people are fucking psychotic, TDS is real holy shit
I'm waiting for people to commit mass suicide once Mueller gets BTFO by the IG report

So tired. Let's all go to sleep and stop looking at the crime family of Trump and their dozens of money laundering connection with Russian oligarchs. So so so very sleepy. Let's just stop asking important questions...

Nothing coming from the FBI who tried to steal the election by spying on Trump is reliable.

Oh no how will he ever recover this time

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They haven't named one in 18 months, you think they're gonna start now?

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Yeah the FBI with their 75 years of honorable service are not to be trusted. Let's trust a proven criminal and a crook who has made a career out of crime, lying, fraud, adultery, and evil. Clearly that wicked demon of a hellbound person would be better than the FBI. If there ever was a test from God to see who in America has evil in their heart, Trump is that test. The people who support this anti-christ demon will go to hell. His sins are open and visible to all. There is no excuse. Anyone who supports this evil now has signed their soul to hell.