If the EU was nationalist, anti-immigration, pro christianity would you Americans and Russians support it?

If the EU was nationalist, anti-immigration, pro christianity would you Americans and Russians support it?

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Shouldn't you be off feeding and supporting your state sponsored refugee in your home?

This is the only europe we would support

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People would definitely sperg out against eachother

Not an argument

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Obviously not. Neither Russia nor America want a strong Europe. I thought this would be obvious after two world wars where they fought together to prevent that from happening.

This was unfortunately my concern, USA seems to want europe to be somewhat dependent on the them while russia obviously want a divided europe to continue it's imperalism

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No, it's just USA of Europe. I dont want my country to become equivalent of fucking Alabama.

Your country probably use to hang communists so your opinion is irrelevant

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Would you rather be a lapdog for America or would you rather choose your own fate?

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Under those conditions yes I would

>If the EU was nationalist, anti-immigration, pro christianity would you Americans and Russians support it?

If it was all that the Europeans might support it too.

I dont support the EU as it is a plan to form a superstate by the elite

The concept of EU is cool, in those hard times whites need to be united, because powers of outside world (I mean, Africa, Asia, America) are growing. Sadly, according to pol, it all went wrong.

Instead your country is the equivalent of Honduras. Irrelevant, weak, possibly poor and forced to constantly suck up to a bigger country just to get by.

if only sven.but in that magical far away world it would be helping not hurting

>mfw the world

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It is not so no.

We had nice relationship before Krimea. It is just this retarded ex-KGB 90s bandits' puppet Putin ruining everything what Boris Yeltsin made for Russia, we almost reached non-visa regime with EU.

You know what, I'd rather have that and be independent and not a fucking state controlled by a federal body. Cool our GDP is boosted by 10% epic but we have to follow the laws of Brussels and let in 50,000 arab niggers. Nah, fuck off.
Be a lapdog for Germany, or America? Hmm...honestly tough call.
It's a larp flag

Yes, but only if they also changed the name to Novus Imperium Romanum.

Yes, why wouldn't we?

If anything I'm envious of your genetic stock, I just think you're wasting it by cucking yourselves and not learning from the mistakes of the US (with our ever increasingly lax immigration policies) and Russia (with the Soviet Union and it's destruction of religion, genetic truth, and family)

is yeltsin only hated only for chechnia or is there more too it?I cannot say either way because i am not russian but have always wondered what was up with that.

First of all, Germany wouldn't get any special favours in this hypothetical EU, but even if they did it's better to serve under a European country than a foreign one

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>pro christianity
Nice try jew worshiping faggot, back to plebbit you go. Don't you have Jamaal's son to take care of? I mean if you are done bending your knees to dead kike on a stick go get fucked deep in the ass hole by your pedo priests.

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That infograph is laughably wrong, do your research before you post retarded shit, sven

It's definitely outdated, i just didn't care to get an updated one. The message is the same tho. United europe is pretty stronk

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you shills are too transparent.
>meme flag
>muh buzzwoids
>decrepit understanding of anything

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Mad people who think that USSR should not been destroyed hate Yeltsin for giving them freedom. If I am not wrong he made peace with Chechnya, and we also needed that war because there was not some Chechen republic as they pretend it was, there was no industry in Norhern Caucasus, it was under a rule of bandit groups who were making money robbing russian land.

Anti immigrant means, ethnic nationalism which is rooted in Ethnic Paganism. To be christian is to convert as many people to christianity as possible and let them in because they are brothers in christ just like you. Also bless those who bless Jews. (in other words being Christian means being a little cuck - a spiritual cuck)

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I agree dude, i'm just asking hypothetically

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I would oppose it either way. Centralization of power is inherently undemocratic.

People should govern themselves, and their own communities and nations, and the EU makes this impossible, no matter where the EU stands politically.

Yeah, i agree

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Enjoy fading more and more into irrelevancy as time goes on, this will also affect your precious democrazy considering richer and way bigger nations can completely remove it from you whenever they feel like it

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I spit on the grave of my christcuck ancestors. I mean I don't have a known christan ancestor, I'm sure they existed some point in time, they might not even be true Christians since most Europeans converted to Christianity to escape Pagan persecution by the Judeo-Christian establishment.

My atheist Libertarian grandpa used to tell me how he opposed war against Germany, he was disgusted at neocon Christians who supported the war because the chosen people were in trouble in Pagan Germany. My parents aren't christcucks either. Dad is a follower of Sage Varg Vikernes mother is a traditional Pagan house wife. My parents turned me in to a 6ft 1inch Chad. I'm a soldier of Odin and I will use all my power to destroy Abrahamism.

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Will you kill niggers?

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>not based Traditional Monarchism

there's a reason Franco like the Monarchy

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the EU is an internationalist organization, it is inherently anti-nationalist

literally the worst president ever, commited economic suicide too
don't know what the fuck this user is on about
putin was objectively a great leader for the first 8 years at least

That’s like asking if Karl Marx shared the beliefs of Thomas Jefferson would you be a Marxist?

Dumb fuck question

>after two world wars where they fought together to prevent that from happening
nigger that was your country's fault

there is no difference between a pagan and a nigger

anyone have all of the flags in this picture? It's hard to tell with some of the smaller/weirdly shaped countries.

this user gets it; long live the king!

Yeah, sure : )
In Yeltsin time we had freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of life, of art. He let Russia move in western direction. What now? You are gonna get sent to a prison for a tweet. Also before telling people about "economic suicide" better learn what was life in 80s.

Yelstin saved Russia from soviet nightmare. (I wanted to write Gruz 200 nightmare, but if you are not Russian you wouldn't understand, if someone is interested - google it, it is a film)

>IF the EU was nationalist
It by definition cant be nationalist, as Europe is not a nation

I would, I like the idea of a united states of Europe. I only voted leave because they're dead set on importing the third world into our homelands and they don't have our interests at heart. If each European nation was treated like a US state where we can keep our national cultures alive, I'd be on board with that. If we wanted to, we could rule the world and there is nothing anyone could do to stop us.

How about fuck off with your globalist agendas, cunt

>EU parliment
Another country should not decide what happens in my country
>Common currency
Awful idea when you have such a wide range of countries with a wide range of economies.

The common currency is even a bad idea in the usa where each state sets their own financial policies leaving some states poor and dysfunctional and others somewhat well off.

>it doesn’t even state the year for all this stats
>UK still in it, Croatia not

Just stop already

Wasn’t Marx from Germany? Also, wasn’t the concept of identity from Germany as well? Weren’t they also the main players in both World Wars?

We don’t have an EU problem, we have a Germany problem.

*identity politics

>united states of Europe
like that's working out so great for the American version
it would work even worse here

we're not even a confederation and it's already falling apart

fuck off faggot
Marx was a jew and national identity comes out of france

>US military budget
Holy shit I can taste the freedom from here

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yeah that's probably because you're on base

lol your continent is basically my country.
How's that feel bro?

>support competition
Lol no

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that budget your are looking at is why Europe got invaded and America stayed free. Big difference.


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White nations sharing a united alliance with traditionalist values would be as close to a utopia we could get
Which is why Jews will never allow that to happen

This nationalist EU and US would still be allies

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>that budget your are looking at is why Europe got invaded and America stayed free
stop shitposting user

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It worked up until the 1960's. I'd like a European superstate similar to what America was up until the then, minus the blacks.

If we're going to compete with the chinks and the poos then we need more numbers and power.

And to answer your question
Ugh, nah, nope. NO.
Unionization = Globalization m8.
I barely support the USofA.
South risement, WHEN?
Holy shit I think the "UK" is a fucking cunt that needs disassembled, mostly because the English suck cock.
I hate the US of A because my ancestors were right, the "UNION" just wanted to make us their slaves and take away our slaves.

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>It worked up until the 1960's
it didn't even exist back then, you fucking idiot



If you want to compete with chinks, you need to close your market to shit made in chinkland and india.

The American model of a European superstate worked up until then... People from different European nations creating a giant nation.

of course I would. i would view them as a competitor but brother, which is what WHITE europe has always been to white Americans

as it is, it's the orchestrating body of state enforced genocide-through-miscegenation

it didn't even work just in Yugoslavia and you think it'd be any different on an even larger scale?

Why do we get the meme flag
Fuck that

Putin betrayed Yeltsin basically.

Guy is such a paranoid fuckhead, he's ruined Russia's relationship with the rest of the world for another few decades.

Hope he takes a helicopter ride once the US gets sick of him.

nah the EU will just continue to inflict wounds.
We don't go for 2nd place user, we want the best.
EU gotta go.
Along with the EU:
UK and GB, I hate that country that has like 10 countries and they have different names, shit is a fucking mess more than EU is.
USA also mess, it's Britian2.0.
Once we get rid of the EU then things will improve.

America is a larger scale.

>would you Americans and Russians support it?
I would not. I hate Christianity

Yeah but you assume it works.
Ask me about it, user.

I have a couple of questions:
how would that influence policies?
>pro christianity
absolutely not, huge fucking NO
I assume this doesn't apply to EU countries? then yes

no. That is like saying "if an apple was an orange, would you support it?" An organization such as the EU could only exist be depriving European nations of individualism (inherantly anit-nationalist) and being run by globalist jews (not Christian).

america was built upon people from the same nationality working together, i.e. Englishmen, Scots and Irish
they eventually became "White American", a new nationality, unified in their colonial history and use of the English Language

This would never happen in the EU. you'd need all nations to discard their identity, their history, their traditions and adopt a single language
meanwhile, we have places like Flanders and Wallonia in Belgium that can't even agree on their language, the Frisians here in the Netherlands who still hold onto their identity, the Kosovars trying to be an independent country, etc etc etc

And you think this will succeed on a larger scale?
You're an absolute imbecile and extremely arrogant to think you could change human nature like that

>from the same nationality
i meant "from similar nationalities"

I voted to leave the EU but I would not mind a European Union if it weren't a tyrannical overlord. If it was an NGO and just facilitated trade and continuity between nations that would be great.
I might even support an EU army if it were only a collection of divisions from nation states. while each nation maintained it's own military's.

My own philosophy is European National Unionism.

But fuck the EU bunch of marxist twats.

It worked fine for 40 years, the communists just wouldn't liberalize the market which led to economic stagnation and fueled nationalism.
To be honest, most of us are better off now but all of our factories are owned by foreigners.

No. Having the EU exist as a semi-sovereign entity at all should not be allowed.

you have freedom and have had it, what do you think you're doing now?

yeltsin was a pathetic drunk, the economy halved in his years, he created the oligarchy at the expense of every russian. He was the one who destroyed the government and gave the president too much power by sending tanks to fire on the parliament/congress when they voted against him . Putin was pro west up until 2008, and started to build relations with the east

and yes, I know what the fuck gruz 200 is

>My own philosophy is European National Unionism.

this is exactly the type of shit that makes us hate anglos
just fuck off and let us be

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fucking shkolnik, you have no idea what you're talking about

>choosing its own fate

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Please elaborate more. I'm saying every European nation remains self governing . But remember that divided we fall.

Go back to hell, you lizard rapebaby

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Yurope was fine until Hitler decided to Nationalize every country in order to feel "safe", what he did was obviously the opposite. That's when he imported Communist influence into the west, thanks to his fucking Autobahn failure.
Now people forget that Confederacy, when states in each country had to prove themselves loyal to the state, reaped in benefits of freedom in every sense.
If it comes with a pair of rosey-glasses and claims that "We need to consolidated in order to prevent a threat from Russia." they want you to sacrifice everything so that other group can stay safe more than you can.

Anyways, if Russians could get rid of Russia that would be great.

Sweden died the day Vikings converted to christcuckery.

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>In Yeltsin time we had freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of life, of art
>its a leftist pidor thinks the 90s were good
lmao. This is bait

Jesus had no part in this.

As the US becomes more like Brazil we'll have to distance ourselves from them.You can imagine the propaganda they'll spew when whites become a minority there.

Russia will inevitably become closer with the EU because we have no choice and they are ethnically similar to us.

Most people who have a brain understand the threat that's ahead of us.


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it would be better but still no. Eu is just a tool to give Germany control over the rest of Europe through economic leverage.

>muh (((jesus)))
Are you sure about that christcuck?

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