Bongs can't speak, so we speak for them

Bongs can't speak, so we speak for them

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Woah there, you might actually tizzle that bobby’s toppie and she might actually file for emotional distress. You might actually get them to ban negativity.

based yank, hehehe



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bump for just cause. its time to fight back lads. bongs on the streets and allies on the interwebz

Mike Judge has created a monster

Absolutely based

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Are the chats back up?

>not even posting the link
Your thread is garbage.


Tomorrow 18:00 in Wien-Austria,Metternichstraße at the UK Embassy. Demonstration for Tommy

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I hope your country falls.
Eat shit.

Geoffrey Marson is an Uncle Tyrone

Good luck Germanbros, make a lot of noise for him!

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Thank you for your service.

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damn i would write them too, but the UK has extradition treaties with bulgaria :( i wish i werent a pussy

Great work. Keep at it!
Let those cunts know!

bump. Keep going lad

Kek. Spat my tea out reading this

Read this in kvetching jewish voice, good times

you're doing God's work, m80

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Silly burgers the first sign of wrongthink and the agent will be disconnected for their own personal wellbeing. Report a hate crime or something instead

Most fat fuck burgers need to do this. The delusional smugness of Americans is amusing. Top tip. Concentrate on london.

Doing this as a Brit is a triple-life-sentence, but doing it as literally anyone else is just a joke on the internet.

Brits, why do you allow your police to behave like this? You do know that they work for you, right? The citizenry was not established to provide for the police. It's sad that this needs to be explained to you.

At least our police don't murder us, fat boy.

>giving up liberty for security
That is why you will fail as a nation.

anybody know if the uk cops can file a EU warrant if I talk shit on their site?

I keked. Are they replying?

if you can decipher bong law

>Brits, why do you allow your police to behave like this?

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You police just outsourced the murdering to your migrants. Every time you eat kebab you should question if you might be eating human meat.

kek, classic rusty

Somebody ask them where you can obtain a butterknife license.

from some user yesterday

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>damn i would write them too, but the UK has extradition treaties with bulgaria :( i wish i werent a pussy

>be bulgarian
>write a shitpost to a small town police force in bongland
>get arrested, extradited and turned into Tommy Robinson's cell mate

Don't be ridiculous. Even if they wanted to arrest you, the local Bulgarian police will probably be too scared to go into your gypsy camp.

>why yes, there are some free firewood in our area. But you need to purchase permit before you collect them :) But please dont use the N word, it might hurt some feelings.

Bump for harassing UK cops until they kill they self
(Did you like that nigger grammar?)

lol gyppos get routinely beaten by the police here. my only problem is that the bulgarian foreign ministry is a joke and that britain practically now can arrest anyone without charges. so if they want me im guessing i might have to fight them legally in britain.

Unless you do something stupid and illegal (like reporting a fake bomb threat) you'll be fine. Calling a police chat line operator a kike loving nigger is not grounds for extradition.

holy fug

I fucking love this. How can I become a part of shitting on the cUK police

>Sometimes a tongue can be your sharpest blade
These guys need to memed to oblivion, but the politicians need to be ridiculed as well.

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if you wanted to be disobedient people would larp as us bongs to waste their time, what an awful act of terribleness that would be, and i strongly condemn anyone who tries that, just giving you a notice that is bad as i'm sure many people have tried it already

>tfw you used to fax police stations movie scripts and make it seems like you got the number wrong
>dedicated threads for it on /b/
>a station could end up being faxed 200+ pages for a script to a dreamworks movie that was never made
>actually managed to send so many one day that the station posted in facebook about closing their fax number
>they didn't
>could probably fax them the script for 1997's The Pest
>mods ended up deleting all new threads after they realized what was happening
Nothing we can ever do will being back 2010.

having illegal far-right opinions and wrong-think seems to be quite the issue there

dumb bitch hope the she has lots of rape babies from prison guards for being a racist xenophobe

>if you wanted to be [redacted]
What are you trying to say?

>having illegal far-right opinions and wrong-think seems to be quite the issue there
Yes but to be extradited you need to commit a crime that is also a crime in your country? Is it illegal to troll in Bulgaria?

isnt it committing a crime that is a crime on the foreign teritorry and then fleeing somewhere else? how does international law view funposting?

saved for the next pol humor thread

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do I need a licence to harass their (((cops)))?

I'm trying to say [REDACTED]

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Someone tell them there's a homocidal madman wielding a butterknife back and forth on a piece of bread and actively glares at passers'by while morsing dissenting opinions with his eyelids. He also wears a t-shirt that questions tv-licenses. You can find him on Goerge Orwelle street 69.

They enable your state to murder you as a people though.

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Mate, too much of your post got censored, can you use different words?

Sorry - I meant this one

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yes, they are trying to murder you


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gotta reach to them then. what makes a bobby tick? what will make them realize they are traitors and tyrants?

I think they know it already really

>how does international law view funposting?
Favourably. You have issues Bulgaria, you're a fucking girl. Try getting on testosterone replacement and be a man.

but what will make them act?
like says, probably i wont get into trouble funposting, but i am reluctant to do so. what will make a bobby quit the force or become a whistleblower?

They already shut down the live chat.

>t.Mutt NEETS obsessing over a tiny Island to feel better about their Jew owned hell

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Doing my part

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Nothing will. Why would they act? They're just doing their jobs at this point.

It's back up:

funposting? The fuck ? The Brits cant say shit ?

there is always something that makes men act

Mentioning pay cuts, budget cuts, insecure pensions, job security, poor work conditions, racism/sexism among colleagues

Maybe? Or maybe they wont give a fuck

this will hardly make them turn against the "tide". no amount of money or shaming will make them do something. hope will. what can they hope for, which is in line with their moral? true morals, not this multi culti diversity crap

God's work gentlemen, at least now the police aren't completely abstracted from the ridiculousness of the policies they enforce.

Niggers march waving signs telling cops to kill themselves.

Whites meme the cops so bad that they actually kill themselves.

Once again, proving our superiority.

Chat closed and text was removed automatically but it went like this

Police: Hello, welcome to the West Yorkshire Police 101 Live Chat, how can I help?
Me: Just so you know, in the U.S., if someone searched my house for a television or demanded I pay a TV license I would shoot them with my AR-15 and they would be dead.
Also I would be recognized as a hero.
Police: Laws are different in different countries but I respect that you took the time to state this on this service.
Me: Yeah take care dude

excellent pajeet impersonation there

They will just send you a check about 2000 euros that you will not pay because fuck them.
No legal battle.

Top shelf

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Solid effort but you should have used Sanjeev as a name

Common law. Its what made Britain great in the past. Magna Carta and such should do it, but the police simply dont comprehend such a thing

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wake up, stephen yaxley is controlled opposition. use your energy for things that are more productive than protesting for an ***agent*** of controlled opposition

>wasting police time is an offense. lol

i think this is out of the question. they would never comprehend why their jurisdiction should be reduced. it has to be something more human and down-to-earth.

Fuck off shill leaf.

>can not refute

Guarantee this correlates with a increase of female diversity hirings


I like you.