Fuck this place

Kills journalists
Meddles in election
Has no democracy
And is shitting all over the world with their divisive plans to sow dissent and basically try to make you as miserable and angry as possible.

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>Has no democracy

UK is literal fascist state with no freedom of speech and fucking butter knife is considered as a weapon. gas yourself fag

Don't reply to shill threads.

Journos deserve to die, though.

>Kills journalists
You say it like it is a bad thing.

No we have freedom of expression. Which means we don't all rattle off the same acerbic talking points repeated from someone else. you must be the loser we have all been talking about. Go lose else where titter

Shill shitters in the hoos

>killing liberal journalists is a bad thing
>meddling in anti-white countries' elections is a bad thing
>democracy is a good thing
>sowing dissent in anti-white countries is a bad thing
fuck yourself OP

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don't be an air bnb

if it were the case. It's packed for you spongebob

No, you can’t have it back, Mordecai

make sense

So basically the same as UK?

>He doesn't like weed and hookers
Are you a faggot, OP?

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The last guy they killed in Kiev wasnt a liberal but a russian ex-soldier from the chechnya war who was simply critical.

Oil prices are going back down again. Russia will be back to living on scraps as usual.

The problem with modern Russia is that we are too liberal not that we are not liberal enough.

All newspapers that are against the state should be shut down and all their journalists killed.

Elections should not be held because the consent of the masses is a retarded way to govern a country.

Democracy should be replaced with an authoritarian state built upon aristocracy and imperialism.

Last one we could be much better at it if we stopped trying to be friends with the west.

Says the brit. Your country was built by inbreeding, imbeciles

>No we have freedom of expression
There are dozens of people in jail for saying things on Twitter, don't you dare consider your country amicable in regards to free expression.

>freedom of expression

Yes, comrade, we should start with the deporting of kids of the Russkyi elite from the West and extortion of the Western estates of the Kremlin officials.

surely if a journalist is killed in Ukraine Ukrainians probably did it

was he a journalist?

>Kills journalists
>Has no democracy

Bruh, I think you missed like half of your post or something. Where are the bad things about that place?

>journalists can go to hell
>they didn't meddle in the election
>democracy is a shit system that equates the opinions of women, jews, coons and degenerates with actual human beings
>Russia isn't making people miserable, their shitty governments are making life miserable for them. Russians don't need to tell the French to be pissed off about the niggers currently infesting France

Sounds like my kind of place, fuck this cucked world

You may be a faggot bongo but I do agree.
>where your loicence for this bad-speak

Fuck russia. Fuck putin. And Fuck the russian people. They do nothing about the shit and export it over here. Putin fucks his people, America gets orange herpes. Fuck. Them.

Completely redo the former KGB and actually assist in solving problem.
.youre still a 2nd world country and not a super power as much as your military parades try to suggest

Glow more liberal shill

that applies to US and UK as well bongo

>polish education
you’re the literal Mexico of Europe lol

>their divisive plans to sow dissent and basically try to make you as miserable and angry as possible.
Umm, no sweetie, that's the media.

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>Has no (((Democracy)))
America isn't even a (((democracy))) and never was you stupid jew

No bulli bong, once the queen dies, im sure the monarch will come back into power and assert dominance

Brainlet detected pumpkin

Current elite should be killed. They have liberal tendency and they idealise the west too much. We need Russian elite.

>Kills journalists
>Meddles in election
>Has no democracy
>And is shitting all over the world with their divisive plans to sow dissent and basically try to make you as miserable and angry as possible

You talkin' about the United States, eh?

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We like Russian banter tho

Putin was unironically cooler than Obama and half our country was cheering for him when that pathetic nigger was crying over gun control

But yeah you are right though

Then we should burn Moscow. There's too many j00s in there.

quiet down miss.
youre irrelevant

M*scow is the home of the worst scum in Russia.

> Kills journalists
Do they? I mean I am Russian myself, and I dont remember anything like this. Yes, they killed Nemtsov, but he was more that journalist.

if yall are gonna try this at least more suble

lol I give it about 3 years before the liberals completely destroy themselves with all their self-victimization, fear, and their beloved diversity that continuously weakens them.

They're running out of people to blame and the fingers keep ending up pointing back at themselves.

bruh remember the journo they killed in Ukraine, right out side the kremlin, saintpetersburg, the list goes long my friend.

Subtle about what?

>Implying we don't need a bounty on the heads of journalists right now

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Im sure political assasinations and election medling doesnt happen in america.

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Yes, it probably happened a couple of times, tho I only remember one case.
We already had it, it was called Russian Empire and it failed horribly.

The Russian Empire had elections and tolerated opposition which was why it was brought down. The Tsar granted pardons for everybody and then they killed him anyway.

Tsar>Modern day russia


Saged for muh Rusha mental illness

> The Russian Empire had elections and tolerated opposition
Only after 1905 armed protests. Who knows what would've happened of tsar haven't accepted their demands.

Keep hiding behind that proxy muhammed

He could have killed them all but he didn't want to spill blood. Tsar Alexander III would have just killed them all and been done with it.

>Mocks Polan's talking points repeated from someone else
>Literally reposts British media's talking points

This is boring, at least throw something new in your bile.
As for Babchenko's murder - you are so quick to judge it smells bias from 1000 miles away. Right now Ukraine is dangerous country to be Russian in, no matter who you are.
Pace yourself.

> He could have killed them
Shit hitter the fan after he ordered to kill peaceful demonstration. Do you think more deaths would've improved the situation.

>makes accusations with literally 0 proof to back shit up lmao

keep listening to your biased lefti progressive media, I'll love to see you arrested in the next antifa protest

what is this kewl hip slang the negroes use?

Yes. When you start killing the opposition the trick is not to stop and eventually they are all gone and only your supporters and those too afraid to do anything remain. I think Stalin and Hitler proved that right as a method.

> you are so quick to judge it smells bias from 1000 miles away
Unironically proofposting

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being this much of a brainlet you can't decipher what left or right.

> Stalin and Hitler
Both if them eventually ruined their countries by their stupid totalitarian systems.

>Has no democracy
Implying democracy is best option and UK is democratic country...
so its basically like in cucked UK....

LMAO boi how much of that propoganda do you eat up on a daily bases?

Because they had a bad ideology. The Tsar had a good ideology but a bad method. Too much tolerance for his enemies. That order you talk about for example was an accident because his soldiers panicked.

If the Tsar had been ruthless he could have wiped out the people who would go onto lead the revolutions. For example people like Trotsky and Lenin went to prison but if they had just been shot it would have saved many lives in the long term.

It is a mistake to treat enemies with kindness.

As an example Putin makes the same mistake now. Rather than kill people like Navalny or Grudunin he tolerates them and just harasses them. It will eventually come round to bite him. If he just shot him it would solve his long term threats.

Since when do you consider asking for proofs something bad?

What is you point mate? Or you are here just for fun?

Then he would gain many more...
Thats not how you hold power

wish my country killed journalists and had no (((democracy))).

> The Tsar had a good ideology but a bad method.
If it was so good how did it happen so many people supported soviets?

literally the hypocrisy of your post is my point

t. Podzalupino

Point the hypocricy out you fucklberg.

Pic unrelated I see.

That is why you keep killing user.

Because as I said the Tsar tolerated enemies too much. Also the Soviets were not actually popular outside of the army (they got less than 20% of the vote in elections). Bolshevik revolution was actually a military coup in reality.

As for the February revolution it was caused byt he Duma betraying the Tsar. That is the mistake of compromise. The Tsar thought he could make a concession and gain support that way when in reality the only way to gain support is strength. Strong leaders naturally draw the people to them.

You picked the wrote flag my friend, I think you meant to post the flag of bongistan.

then you run out of people to effectively manage a country, while simultaneously getting the attention of foreign governments.

Didn't Zhirinovsky say during a debate of the presidential candidates if he wins he'll impose a brutal dictatorship and start a purge of all traitors? hahaha
Sadly he's only a joke candidate with just 5 million Russians backing him.

Fuck him, thoughm he is a commie clown in disguise.

He is not a serious candidate just a clown.

No, you don't because a terror regime always works as long as it does not decapitate your own leadership (see Robespierre). As long as the terror is directed by the centre it will bring the country into order. White terror in Hungary is a good example after WW1 in which the white forces terrorised the countries left into annihilation and installed the regency government.

>while simultaneously getting the attention of foreign governments.
The Tsar was already called a butcher by foreign media. It would have made no difference what they though.

>Kills journalists
Good. Journalists are literal human filth
>Meddles in election
>Has no democracy
>And is shitting all over the world with their divisive plans to sow dissent and basically try to make you as miserable and angry as possible.
Anglo talks

Russian girls are the best though.

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It was mostly fucking jews who were political activists in the Russian Empire.
The common people had zero allegiance to these people.
The tsar could've simply proclaimed for jews to have no more rights and protection from the state and peasants would've killed them at will where ever they found them with the result that most jews would be driven into exile like it happened during the Khmelnytsky Uprising.
He wouldn't even have to use the military or police to deal with the problem.

>Kills journalists
>Meddles in election
>Has no democracy
>And is shitting all over the world with their divisive plans to sow dissent and basically try to make you as miserable and angry as possible.

Haven't we had enough UK hate threads?

He is not a journalist. The moment a journalist proclaims himself a Putin, Russia, or XYZ critic he ceased to be an objective journalist.
He was a shill.

This, also look at his phenotype, a pure 100% kike.

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you are retard

>Kills journalists
wtf I suddenly love Russia now?!

>Kills journalists
>Meddles in election
>Has no democracy
>And is shitting all over the world with their divisive plans to sow dissent and basically try to make you as miserable and angry as possible.

...and now the bad things?

Rusbros can I go to your country teach English?

BJ, is that you? If so, what the fuck is wrong with your hair?

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Kills journalist - YES
Meddles in elction - YES
Has no democracy - YES but they dont want or need it
Shitting around - YES
invade countries - YES
but so does the US for decades now,
>shit is leading to nowhere
you want to isolate the US for same reasons?Then isolate Russia AND the US
>GB moral fags are worst, leave EU to only cut off immigrants then point fingers at others

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Go, but french is worthless language.

some people can't talk frido

get reality, go on have some you look like you need it. This is a direct attack not an ideological entrenchment blinko blabbins