Based spaghetti please red pill me on possible govt

So what is going on with italy? Are they gonna have military ships cleaning up the migrant boats?

Attached: Kingdom_of_Italy_flag.png (800x533, 29K)

We gonna have military cleaning up migrants and angry people cleaning up Germans.
Stay away from the Alps for your safety


I'm planning a holiday for Italy soon. Are you spaghettifags cool with Aussies or nah?

Question: is it even allowed that the president does not appoint the ministers he is asked to, from a constituional point of view?

In the German translation of the Italian constitution, it sounds like this might have been unconstitutional, at least it's not so clear.

When we think of you we think of kangaroos so i guess yeah

yes it is allowed IF he thinks the appointed ministers don't reflect the people's vote
since apparently during the political campaign neither m5s nor lega were straightforward about the possibility of leaving the euro, Savona, who made a contingency plan to leave the euro if ever needed, is not reflection of the will of the people
That being said already in the past there were elected ministers that came up with similar plans ( and not advertised by their party during the campaign ) and could get the job no problemo
So on one side you've got people saying Mattarella did nothing wrong : he protected the voters' interests
On the other side you've got people claiming accusing Savona of not being in line with m5s+lega ideas is preposterous and thus describing Mattarella's decision as biased

>yes it is allowed IF he thinks the appointed ministers don't reflect the people's vote
Can you give a reference to the constitutional paragraph where this is defined?

He can't appoint a Minister only for objective reasons. Some years ago, Berlusconi proposed his lawyers as Minister of the Justice, the President rejected his name and this was ok, because there was a clear and objective conflict of interests. This time he put his veto only for political reasons and this is incostitutional for for most constitutionalists.
The President made it clear that no minister of the economy would be accepted that threatened Europe and people finally understood that they were not free. Add to this a new technical government after 7 years of technical or pro-European governments with a majority of 0.3% in the 2013 elections and Oettinger's words. People are furious.

This cartel shows the general climate
"We inform our german customers that for them the prices will be increased by 50% due to the spread. Because we are a people of scroungers, we are sure that you will understand. Thank you. The direction of the Oasis Bar"

Attached: 33692048_2068098293511694_695536418482552832_n.jpg (480x640, 18K)

I hope war reaches Europe. Time to evict the EU menace boys.

we will default and we will emigrate everywhere
niggers will flood europe even more

>Question: is it even allowed that the president does not appoint the ministers he is asked to, from a constituional point of view?
It's actually a debated topic among constitutionalists, though one of the persons that wrote the constitution wrote later in a book that he intended it as no, the president has to accept anyone

There is nothing on the constitution about it, just some previous court decrees about similar cases.
It's implicit that the PM's interest should be Italy and the italians based purely on its constitutional role
There have been cases were ministers were rejected on undeniable conflict of interests or being considered not capable of doing their job but this one's a first

>It's actually a debated topic among constitutionalists, though one of the persons that wrote the constitution wrote later in a book that he intended it as no, the president has to accept anyone
Now that's very interesting. Can you give a link?

(or name the book)

I don't have a link but it's "Istituzioni di diritto pubblico", 1975, Costantino Mortati

The official site of the Italian government explain that the President has no veto powers on PM list of ministers.

Attached: golpe.jpg (820x614, 101K)

Article 92 of the Italian consitution is concerned about the appointment of ministers:
>Art. 92 Governo della Repubblica è composto del Presidente del Consiglio e dei ministri, che costituiscono insieme il Consiglio dei ministri.
>Il Presidente della Repubblica
nomina il Presidente del Consiglio
dei ministri e, su proposta di que-
sto, i ministri.

German (also an official language of the Italian constituion)
>Art. 92 Die Regierung der Republik besteht aus dem Präsidenten des Ministerrates und den Ministern, welche zusammen den Ministerrat bilden
>Der Präsident der Republik ernennt den Präsidenten des Ministerrates und auf dessen Vorschlag die Minister.

For me (in German) it reads like the President has to appoint the proposed ministers.

kys franz


Kind of off topic but how easy is it to get Italian citizenship if one of your parent is Italian ?

Yeah it's also what it reads like in Italian, like all he does is sign the paper without saying a word which would also make sense from a logical point of view since we're a parliamentary republic not a presidential one

Then will there be an uproar?

according to constitutional jurisprudence that is not the case, and there were already instances were the president of the republic refused to appoint a minister because reasons
you can't read the constitution alone to understand what is going on I'm afraid

>motivi politci
but those are financial reason, so completely fair ;^)

>La cittadinanza si può acquisire automaticamente per:
>nascita ("ius sanguinis" o diritto di sangue), in caso di persona straniera nata da almeno un genitore italiano

means that if you have at least 1 parent of italian citizenship you automatically get italian citizenship :)

No but the right wing parties are now calling for a constitutional amendment to make the president an elected figure like in Austria, they've been saying it for years though, maybe this time they will follow through

We're still in the anger phase.

Attached: Italian raeg.png (778x1068, 176K)

stay strong, italos

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