Why is it so fucking hard to find a job?

Why is it so fucking hard to find a job?

I got a masters degree in comparative ideology with a 3.5 gpa (i know its not stem) and i'm afraid my only option is to flip burgers or work in a call center/scam sales job (if they even let me since i've had an expunged shoplifting arrest on my record since i was 18).

fuck this gay america, we need a communist revolution. the right to work should be a human right, it makes no sense how the answer to our horrendously bad economy and financial crisis is right in front of our faces but no one is fighting to make the change.

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Comparative ideology? What possible use would that have in the practical world? You fell for the college meme, and now you have buyer's remorse.
I'm very much against the Jew run education system, but you should've had a little foresight.

Because you spent $50,000 or Moreno on a education that no one values. Fuck head.

>comparative ideology with a 3.5 gpa
Should have gone for the PhD. At least then you could teach your worthless nonsense to kids and a school might pay you to do it

>expunged shoplifting arrest on my record since i was 18

That is not how it works. Expunged charges are expunged. Your problem is that you have a masters in comparative ideology. Are you also an icky, cisgendered, heterosexual, white male?

Actually I just read the rest of time your post and you sound like a tremendous faggot. Get some kind of blue collar job so my tax dollars don't get wasted on you

Shouldn’t have gotten a meme degree

That's how it works man, you get a job flipping burgers, use the fact that you have a degree to get promoted, care about your job, pretty soon you're in at the corporate level sitting on your ass.

>i have a master’s degree in comparative ideology
>why cant i find a job?

Go for a PhD. That is probably the only way you'll get money brah.

What the fuck is Comparative Ideology? Sounds like trash and useless.

>commie flag
>comparative ideology
>shoplifting arrest
>cant find a job
Free market seems to be working just fine

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Comparitive... what?
Just apply for HR or education jobs and just fuck things up more, you'll be happy.

I was going to help until I saw the meme flag.

Came here to say this.

If op isn't a retard he'll join the military, leverage the 'education' for promotion within officer ranks. Get an MBA and do something useful with his life

>I have no useful skills or training and my education is not indicative of discipline and talent
>Woe is me
Go wash cars already.

Not the best long term job but if you need bread. Hotels my dude. Crazy fucking high turn over but if you are willing to sacrifice your social life for a bit. Night desk clerk is literally the easiest job on the planet. Go to every hotel and ask to speak directly to the manager. Tell them you are willing to take the night shift full time at the desk and I will give you my word you will have a job before the end of the day. Multiple if we're being honest.

>worked night shift 2 years
>helped maybe 5 people in 8 hours
>sat in a comfy chair and shitposted on Jow Forums and played FFXIV all night
>maybe 45 minutes of genuine work each shift
>after 3 months got a $6/hr raise by threatening to quit since it had been literally YEARS since they were able to find a stable night shift

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Nice, I am a student, might try that shit..

>lack skills
>can't find job
>demand gibs
Fucking commies are dumb as fuck. No wonder you can't find a job.

Good luck user. Dunno if the hotel situation is the same over there as it is here but damn that was easy money. If I wasn't such a fucking dougly doright I could have gotten a lot more money and ass. I had drunk guests offering me over $200 to use the hot tub after hours. Like two $100 bills on the table. I had a few girls offer to suck me off or let me fuck them to use the pool after hours or for a free room. I turned them all down because I didn't want to deal with some knocked out drowning victim or an undercover cop but honestly I should have taken all their offers looking back on it.

>undercover cop
Cops enforce the law, not business policies... What authority would they even have at a hotel?

Is there a law about people using pools after a certain time?

>What authority would they even have at a hotel?
I was pretty sure accepting sex as payment was considered prostitution at the time.

As for the pool. No law but the lights automatically shut off at 11PM. So if I let anyone into the locked pool area they would be drunk, surrounded by water, and practically blind. One slip and a head trauma and now I got a face down dead guest floating in my pool. Plus the owners have cameras everywhere so pretty sure I'd get fired for opening them up to a huge lawsuit.

Please start this commie revolution.
I am so sick of you pathetic losers crying about muh edumication.
Shit or get off the pot boy..

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>police officer baits you into doing illegal thing
>then arrests you for doing illegal thing
How in the fuck is that allowed

Welcome to the real world leaf. One thing is what they are supposed to be doing, another thing is what they do...

Dude I was 19 I am expressing regret for not doing it now I'm older and wiser. I literally cucked myself out of free pussy because of police boogeyman.

>I got a masters degree in comparative ideology
Guys, is that a joke or do you really have degrees like that? I'm not even sure anymore to be h.

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Cause nothing seperates you from the next nigger with that same paper, unskilled limp wristed faggot.
T.hvac tech

You do have the right to work. People have the right to not hire you.

Maybe you should have listened to people instead of screaming "NAZIS REEEEEEEEE" when they tried to tell you to rethink your clearly shitty degree, and you worthless attitude.