Commie Twitter has achieved peak wokeness.
Commie Twitter has achieved peak wokeness
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>neither of them were supremacists who organized genocides
kek, Mao hated everyone who wasn't a Han and Stalin everyone who wasn't Russian. Why does he think this many people died to their hands? To leave only one culture in total national power, because we all know that socialism only worked when applied to a specific ethnic group.
Stalin was from Georgia. He spoke Russian with an accent.
It's okay guys, I killed 6 times as many as that guy, but he's the bad guy because he targeted some specific group
Maybe so, but he sure didn't give one ounce of shit for the Georgian SSR
>Commie Twitter has achieved peak wokeness.
so you're saying black twitter has chimped out again.
He didn't give an ounce of shit about any of the people in any soviet republic.
He gave enough to know that with the Russian SSR at his back he could take on everything; hence why favoring them and their stability over any minor SSR was the logical choice
I seen one claim the deaths resulting form the great leap forward never happened. It's just people moving into cities.
Some of you faggots love to post twitter accounts with two retweets and zero replies and then pretend like the opinions are shared by some large body of other commie fags. Twitter is for retards and watching you compete with fellow retards for the title of least retarded retard is fuckin unbearable
These people make me want communism solely to see the fat Tumblr dykes starved to the bone, the bearded "white-male ally" numale enslaved to farm turnips, and the ambiguous race loudmouth girl with a nose ring executed via firing squad.
>mass murder is okay as long as you're not wayciss
>Stalin was from Georgia
He dun left his sister for the promise of cheap vokka and machine gun
say what?
>at least they're not racist
holy shit, it's almost like reality is completely relative and means absolutely nothing
Neger wat?
hey the yanks killed 100 million Indians they would probably top the leaders board if you took into account wars by proxy and instilling dictators
>you killed all those people!
>no, I only relatively killed them, read some philosophy pleb
Fuck yeah
It's only a genocide if they are human
ignore strawman threads
No modern historian believes Hitler "organized genocides". The current going theory is that the holohoax was an unspoken expectation from above that was magically inferred and acted upon by subordinates. And magically only the subordinates in Russian liberated camps actually acted upon it.
>Nazis (supposedly) genocide a bunch of groups who were designated enemies of the state = pure evil
>Commies genocide millions of random motherfuckers because their retarded policies always lead to famine and starvation = A-Okay
kys you double-nigger.
Go back
you could make a smuggie copying that sentence verbatim
Why do these delusional retards give commie dictators a free pass when it comes to mass murder? They may not be genocides per se, but S&M still managed to kill tens of millions and failed to create functional societies.
Furthermore, why do these commie morons think they will be exempt from the slaughter? Most of them are capitalists in terms of consumerism and excess.
>proclaiming supremacy is inherently more evil than 100,000,000 murders
Don't engage with these people. They're infected with a virus, almost like rabies or something. Stay far away, and if they harass you put them down with extreme prejudice.
Mao Dedonh
In-group bias. What I wonder is what kind of retard actually likes communism? I mean fuck man if you're smart enough to pay rent 1 month in advance then you should reasonably have the forward thinking skills to see why communism WON'T work...
>100 million Indians
>a nomadic people with zero fixed infrastructure and only the most primitive of agriculture
Yeah, no. Even if you include every native people on both North and South America at that time you wouldn't get that many people.
>21 million
It was 60 million you anti-semite.
Stalin was glad that his son committed suicide due to " honor", Hitler wept his dogs for months when it got stolen.
Hitler, to the very least has been showing empathy towards people and animals around him,communists are hollow narcisistic assholes
wtf i love gommies now
>not a supremacist
>didn't organize the mass starvation of millions
ukranians would like a word with you
The reason why communism never seem to work is because they are missing one key ingredient. The human element. Sharing the means of production, but what about the means of reproduction? Real communism can only be achieved if you're willing to share your wife with other men.
Neither Mao nor Stalin shared their wives, and look where that got them.
Communism needs the sharing of humans in order to be successful.
Real communism is essentially cuckoldry.
If you're not willing to share your wife with other men, then communism will never ever work.
If you're not willing to share your wife with other men. How can you be trusted enough to share your means of production?
You are not a communist if you won't share your wife.
>the swede pops in to give heartfelt advice on sharing your wife
Marx said that communism could only work in germany or uk aka high civilized and rich nations and well
Stalin killed Jews, so it was ok. Even if we basically owe the current state of the white genocide to him today.
These people are real sheep and zombie.
>or uk aka high civilized and rich nations and well
You mean highly intellectual nations?
Wow such scholarship
In the DDR race mixing was not allowed and the east asian socialist friends that came were only allowed to stay in a specific area and their women were not allowed to get pregnant....
Your pic is more a western cuck thing
Daily Beast say it all.
>In the DDR race mixing was not allowed
But that wasn't real communism?
Because real communism is essentially cuckoldry.
If you're not willing to share your wife, your means of reproduction with other men.
Then how the fuck are you supposed to be expected to be able to share your means of production???
I read it more like: Stalin murdered several more times as many as Hitler but Hitler attacked jews and their lives are more important than stupid goyim.
Stalin was just a good as Hitler. The Bolsheviks were satanic Jews slaughtering Russians. Stalin put an end to their demonic rule and ousted all the Jews from power. He stopped the weird degenerate behavior that was being pushed by the Jewish government, and restored traditional values to Russia.
Why do you think that Stalin is the big target we are allowed to attack from the Soviet Union? He is put up as evil in a similar way to Hitler because Jews know he stopped their genocidal campaigns in Russia; the same genocidal campaigns they have planned for the USA.
>they didnt organize genocides
So what are they saying? That communists are so incompetent that they accidentally killed many millions more people than Hitler even thou he was trying to genocide? Cool
>Mao hated everyone who wasn't a Han
Not (((everyone))).
>95% (100 million) of the Americas died from disease spread accidentally across tribes within 100 years of Columbus.
But let's pin it in the country that won't exist for 200 more years...
this is really what it comes down to
whites in blue states live in concentration ghetto camps
Ganowicz. God Kurwa!
Honestly the holocaust doesn't seem like something Hitler would be that interested in.
He always wanted to play general, or project an image of strength and glory. He probably cared as much about the concentration camps as he did about sanitation and waste facilities; just something for other people to handle.
>tfw no college-aged commie gf to slowly redpill into a state of emotional ruin then comfort with my dick
Hitler was an empapath; he was highly emotionally affected and affective towards others.
You do realize stalin made laws against anti semitism right? Fuck off and lurk moar.
you cant have 100 million people in a hunter gatherer society in the americas. maybe 10 million tops. fumb ass
ten times, not six times..
Sug en kuk, kommunist. Vi vet vilka ni är och vi kommer efter er när tiden är inne.
Stalin killed Jews though.
So you're saying people should've stayed where they were from to avoid spreading disease? Sounds xenophobic brah
Will someone please tell this daft cunt about the Holodomor.
"Killing people isnt as bad if you aren't a jerk about it"
Stalin ordered ethnic poles shot bc he was afraid they were spies for Poland
Also killing a person just because they're a certain class (owning three or more cows) is just as bad as killing someone for their race