What a world we live in, where blue collar work pays better than white collar in 95% of instances...

What a world we live in, where blue collar work pays better than white collar in 95% of instances. There's such a shortage of skilled labor, wages have sky rocketed. I have a few certifications and licenses, and I get calls and requests for interviews 3x a week minimum in power plant stationary engineering. I've had DHS request a job interview, which is one of the ones I actually went to, and they essentially begged me to take a job I was unqualified for. And I had to say no because they couldn't pay more than the hospital I currently work for. They said they would renegotiate the contract and try to get back to me. I make 65$ an hour watching boilers, cogens and chillers... What a world. I've had companies from California, to upper New York, down to south Carolina ask me to come take a job. I have no college degree, and am 25 years old. All my college graduated friends work for 19-23$ an hour. Any person who says the working class is dying is an idiot, Trump's America is certainly real, even if he didn't have all too much to do with it.

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what field do you work in and what qualifications do you have

congrats you're a unicorn. I mean seriously. who the fuck applies to work at a job watching boilers?

>pick cushy $100K job in bay area
>make nothing at all after expenses
>company makes millions off your work

most of my engineer friends fell for this

Watch boilers and shit post on Jow Forums ... listen to podcasts and audiobooks all day... Sounds like a good deal to me

what certificates?

Can confirm blue collar money is legit. Power plant fag here.Though watching over packaged boilers sounds gay as fuck compared to a combined cycle, right up there with hydro fags. Pay sounds worth it I guess.

The best ever is the lazy cunts that swap to management cause they hate shift life or actual work. No OT for those fags and after a few years the power trip subsides they have nothing but regrets.

> All my college graduated friends work for 19-23$ an hour

i stack french fries for a living and make 26 an hour

What certs and what pay?

Shift work is gay

yeah but taxes are still skyrocketed when you want to start your own business. insurance and workers comp shit is like literally thousands a year. but yeah, the rich still want a 1st world life and really suck at building ultra-intelligent robots so they still have to pay people to do it

No certs, just OJT. Unless you count a GED.
Pay is about $150k a year depending on bonus and OT during outages.

If your up north in the US you need boiler operators license and shit. Plus union bullshit. Fuck that.

Because we have inverted the skill set

Now many people can do white collar office work with basic college ed or high school ed.

Very few people have the skills to pull off a trade

This used to be reveresed when the majority of peopel couldn’t type and half of people couldn’t write or do anything beyond basic arithmetic

Supply and demand

>100k in the Bay Area

I’d rather make 40k in Texas or Arizona tbhq

Those 12 hour days without ac and mandatory overtime probably suck though. Also, how long did your dad work at your first job in the business?

Can I ask what training you had? (i.e an apprenticeship in mechanics, or something?)

Traditional stone carver here.
Amerisemites call me all the time but I refused to import my euroass in Fatland. Fuck that shit.

Op posts about a job need that pays well.
Jow Forums tards shit all over it... it's not good enough, it's boring, you're tired... you want a job wanking to porn.
God damn it. When's Putin gonna nuke us?

answer me op or you are full of shit

This is a meme.

On nights, no managers = fuck off watch movies and surf porn on the phone. Always catch Live PD.

Weekends are the same. So only really work 3-4 days a month. Yeah I'll stick to the shift work grind.

Got high pressure steam license, CFC universal and NYC Refrigeration License. As well as oiler and hospital oiler and fireman licenses.

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i laugh my ass off whenever i get the daily emails from headhunters: "awesome java programming job...$160,000/year, SF bay area." they act like that's an amazing salary for that area. the folks that are doing it right are the ones who are making $150K/yr and living together in a house so they only pay about $1500/month for a room and eat frugally and don't go out much. after taxes, they're clearing $5,000/month. that's the way to do it.

Shift works awesome. I wish I could go to that. Night diff is cushy as fuck. But I work 7-3 monday-friday.

>Jow Forums tards
Op posts about a job need that pays well
newfag shills claim Jow Forums said this or that when no has said this or that at all
newfag shill smirks to himself. Hahah I finally got them

OP from what this person said --> Standing in boiler room doesn't sound that comf but you mentioned refrigeration or other gigs where it's not super hot? Or is it super hot? Or what's up?

>All my college graduated friends work for 19-23$ an hour.
you work $19-$23/hour until your career takes off. one shitty certificate later and you're making $60/hour doing exactly the same work you did before

Interesting, how does one get these?

Live and work in Bay Area, not in software, but at a tech company as a program manager. Making 140K-200K a year depending on bonuses and stock performances.

Most people I know out here fell for this trap. Why? Because they're get obsessed with living alone in a 1-2 bedroom in SOMA or Pac Heights, end up paying 4-5K in rent just to say they "Live in SF," when the vast majority of them either stay inside 90% of their weekends or go to shitty dive bars ironically. All that money wasted so they get write "Lives in: San Francisco" on their Facebook profiles.

Me and my fiance, on the other hand, live in the best part of Oakland, are paying $2K a month for a 900sqft loft that's plenty big for the both of us, and are socking money away like crazy. Joint net worth just shy of $1million in liquid cash and stock right now.

We'll do this for another 2-5 years, then move to North Carolina, Colorado, Texas, Nevada, or somewhere in Appalachia where we'll be truly wealthy, not just "Bay Area Lifestyle" wealthy.

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I want the race war to happen. I want to be the firs to go into the synagogues and ghettos and stack the bodies high and the skulls even higher. I want there to be absolute carnage that creates the greatest blaze to burn away the erosive crust of liberalism that has shaped this country. There will be no remorse, for we are legion.

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I know exactly what you mean, its here too
crazy, but you can look so smugly at these limp wristed office guys, its funny

You can find that info easily on Google

its already going on

Me and another friend both turned down 6 figure jobs in the Bay Area for his reason.

Why the fuck should I move to San Francisco and live in squalor. And usually the saving grace of these liberal shitholes is “the schools are better”

Lol no

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It's all super hot. But the control rooms are a nice 70 degrees year round. Got me a nice gaming desktop set up. So it's comfy as fuck. But you do need to work as a mechanic for some time to get the super cushy job I have.

>Refrigeration License
you need those for travelling to the UK?

I work for a moving company. It is hard fucking work. I get $20 an hour.

My boss, he charges $120/hour for two guys.

>not living in San Mateo and commuting to SF for work
>living next to niggers

Big move here In Phoenix is to go suffer a stint in California for a year or two then transfer back to leverage a big income gain

>Or is it super hot?

yeah its probably super hot in the control room and probably super fucking cold if you need to go out and work on the machines

my experience from working in a frozen warehouse

Another meme. My brother works in PA as a big IT weenie. He's a fucking CTO now for a satellite communications company and I still make more than he does watching over gas turbines.

You trade never getting dirty and the 'prestige' of an office for a lot of cool shit and a better retirement. I can max out my retirement accounts and still have more take home pay than his overly credentialed ass. Fucking office pricks only make more than blue collar if they hit the top... the very top. And that shit's rare as fuck.

Aha, no it's for New York, which further limits the work pool up here, making wages sky rocket. Because some of those tests are genuinely hard as fuck. While actually running a plant is pretty easy if you can follow lines.

Can you tell us how you got there?? Like what was the progression of certs and jobs that you had?

Or whats the path you would recommend taking to get to comfy gig?

Thanks in advance OP

>did job interview yesterday
>other 2 applicants were a white woman and a black man
>I was the only one who actually brought all the required paperwork
>tfw I'm still going to get dicked by the diversity quota

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>things that never happened
1 post by this ID

Good job op
I work on a (legal marijuana) farm, I just got into the field recently after working for 10 years in various manufacturing positions, always some type of machine operator or powder coated, whatever.
I only make 14 an hour, which is more than I made at any factory (Mexicans = good luck getting more than 12 an hour) all the people I work around are lazy ass stoners. I out work them with ease due to my prior hard work experience.
Been there for 6 months and I'm assistant to the head grower and they are talking about giving me on site living and my own few workers to start another site. I expect to make 18-20 an hour in a year.
Also, I get to work outdoors, get sorta fit, and listen to podcasts or music while I work. Nothing is very difficult, and working with plants is far more peaceful and satisfying than I'd imagined.

shift work? 3 12 hour days on 3 days off and rotating mornings/nights?

have fun with that; work/life balance is important and shift work can fuck your health up..


blue collar pays shit

i too fell for this propaganda to recruit blue collar plebs until i talked to dozens of them
the real wages are 1000-1500EURO whereas the advertized wages on statistical sources are 2000-2500

Polandshits and easterners doing the same work 2times less pay

at least in Europe, meanwhile gov whines constatly about muh shortages

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oh its true m80
If you have a clean police record and already worked warehouse - forklift stuff for atleast 5 years (in the same company mind you, because for the employeur it means you stick around) you'll be taken everywhere

Even if you even paid 5000 a month for housing in sf (ehich people don't), that's still only 60 grand a year. You're essentially taking home six figures with housing paid. I realize the west coast is degenerate as shit but when you guys talk about Chicago or la you sound like fat girls trying to convince themselves that the pretty girls are actually ugly whores

thats because your country is shit and you should feel bad about yourself for letting it happen
I have a german collegue who told me how a skilled car-repair man in your cunt gets like 1200€ a month
who the fuck lives like that ?

Me again.
Also wanted to say I got a Brazilian and his race mixing white woman fired from the farm because I networked both of them combined and they were always calling in sick. My boss said I do more than them combined, and said he was thinking of getting rid of them. Of course I said do it and they were gone a few days later.
Feels good after years of being just another Mexican in a factory that I get huge respect at some job I just started.

Nah it's not a dupont fuckery like a lot of places. But a rotating 12 hour days/nights yeah. Weeds out pussies which is nice desu.

That's why I started my own manufacturing business because I've seen how fucked up a lot of these places are and realized I could out compete them on every corner.

>Piss poor management. Most American businesses have such poor management, it's quite hilarious how stupid they are.
>No future prospect, no planning. The vast majority of American businesses don't have any future or know anything about planning. You could go into one business, observe it for 10 years and nothing would have changed other than them get out competed.
>Employees at most American companies are essentially cheap labor. They have no incentive to improve the business. Why should they? They get nothing out of it anymore.
>Retarded quality control at most American companies. It's unbelievable how fucking stupid QC and QA is at most places. You think China is bad, but American companies are now worse, see above employee point as the reason why and piss poor management
>Most American companies are incapable of innovating to remain competitive. All employees and manamgent keep status qou. The reason are all above stated points.
>Most American companies sales people are aggressive fucks that aggravate a lot of smart people in business, in turn they lose a lot of business to foreigners who provide better service. You can see the degradation of sales people now at car dealerships (You thought they were bad before, now imagine low IQ Mexicans and niggers).
>Most American companies refuse to invest in their own people. Jesus fucking Christ, you don't need to make 69% margins on your shit all the time. Pay your fucking people better and you might actually see an improvement in your business. I make 7% margins on my stuff, I still make a lot of money.

Seriously Jow Forums, I see a lot of high IQ people here posting. Why aren't you starting a business in America? Most of you would walk all over the current status of Scrouge Mcduck business owners.

I did, I run an automated plant.

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>2 hour days/nights yeah

You will die young, enjoy your money senpai

Started as a. Apprentice at 22 making 13$ . Moved to a mechanic making 32$ an hour 6 months later. 6 months after that made engineer at 43$ an hour, and a year after that I became an engineer at a larger facility for 65 where I'm at now. Got all my licenses in between through my apprenticeship.

sorry senpai didnt mean to curse you

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>half your income on housing

Do you want to live paycheck to paycheck forever?

Furthermore high rent means high everything else, food costs more, stuff costs more their at additioanl taxes, if you want to own a car it would cost you the same as a house in other places.

There is nothing about Sam Francisco that can justify 60K a year in rent

You can live the same lifestyle all over he west for literally half the cost. It’s not like Denver, Phoenix, Portland, salt lake and Vegas don’t have trendy bars and eclectic art walks and farmers markets

Might as well throw money in the garbage

I wouldn't work 12 hours though... we work 7 days in a row for 8 hours, than nightshift 7 days in a row for 8 hours etcetc
nightshifts are always comfy, because you get to go home while watching all the other idiots stuck in traffic to get to their work

Ah well I still work have to work on my nights plus mandatory ot means switching back and forth days to nights multiple times a week sometimes. What's your swing 2 weeks day 2 weeks night or change up every week.

>What's your swing

this is why you get paid so much nothing to do with skill. Truth is most people dont want to live that kind of life no matter the salary

100k in the Bay is not livable.

>automated plant

Neat, what do you make?

You get bumped up to engineer just because they need workers so the on the job trained you or did you need to get certs between this transition too? From what you said it seemed like you said you did all of your certs in your apprenticeship phaze.. And when you say apprentice, you were an apprentice mechanic?

You think San Mateo isn't overrun with niggers? Do you even live here?

> Choosing 1hr+ daily commute from South Bay over 20 min East Bay commute

Fuck that shit.

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>the fantasy of the incel neet living in his mothers basement

Where would you start? What would you do? How would you fund it? A lot of people here have no interests or money
>inb4 jew loan

Does he at least supply you with free lube?

A business has other expenses to pay for besides people: advertising, contract fees, etc. But if he's shelling out $40 and charging $120, he's making some bank off you.

Don't even fucking think about it retard

I was an apprentice under two really good senior engineers. In all fairness it usually takes 3 years to leave the apprenticeship slot. But I picked it up very quickly and did a ton of large jobs at the time that would've cost my company hundreds of thousands to do at an apprentice rate. (Chiller retube, steam non return valve, forced draft fan replacement etc) and as a mechanic I kept around the power plant instead of doing normal mechanic stuff, so when a spot opened up they bumped me in. The certificates we're mostly within my first year and a half, except high pressure steam which took 3 years of their "training" and 2 at a high pressure steam plant, but I got those at the same time. So after 3 years I got that license.

>20 minute east bay commute
By bart? With the niggers robbing people?

Packaging, containers, etc. my closes competitor is a Pajeet with a shitty plant that I'm walking all over.

There is really no reason why none of you can't run your own business. Make America great again, hire and encourage smart people in your area. This pushes low IQ subhumans out.

I wouldn't mind being a gardener or raising seedlings for sale or something. But not pot, because fuck stoners and stoner culture.

Impressive desu. Doesn't sound easy though.

Interdasting.. Like, just on the last point.. It takes you 3 years to get the loicense bt it's actually useful as opposed to getting a 4 year degree and swamped with debt.

There is nothing wrong with a business loan. In fact, I don't understand why many of you don't abuse the fuck out of SBA loans. Use your mother to get a minority woman owned business status and they will give you money like you're some nigger on welfare.

3 years, but I was making 43$ an hour for 2 of them which counted as my "school"

>Schools are better
>Full of shitskins and wetbacks



>San Antonio

Fuck that spic infested sweat box. I live just outside of the DFW and it's much nicer.

How do you even go about this? Need to draw up a business plan and shit correct? How would you do this if you don't know where to start? YouTube or online tutorials I guess would be most cost effective?

I make like 40k passive income living in buttfuck nowhere south. Cost of living so low I do pretty well and only "work" about 10 hours a week. Buying a house later this year.

only make 40k a year but im comfy

>Yet company offers you no formal education support to become a real engineer
>I offer my employees financial support for education. I find good people I want to make better people out of.
>Most American companies want good people so they can abuse and rape you and sacrifice you to Molech.

The state of American companies.

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Not saying hemp isn't mostly? used for stoners to get stoned, but isn't it useful in many fields of production as an ingredient?

Kek, this. When i hear the typical "i'm a 20 year old welder/i work at an oil pump and make 100k per year and next month i make 250k and 399k after that" fairytale, i can't help but laugh heartily.

Little shit's like you make 16k max here, lmao. And that's exactly how it should be.

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I sit at a desk and answer phone calls about brokerage accounts. I make 65k base and get 5 weeks of paid vacation, 10% profit sharing, 7% match dollar for dollar on my 401k and super cheap health care.

Go ahead and watch your boilers. I'm sure that's a technology that will never get replaced...

I picked it for dramatic affect.

>euro doesn’t know the us races are almost totally segregated

Whites in Arizona go to school with whites unless you are poor and live among the spics

Same with Texas.

Every major city is largely self segregated which is why northeastern cities can have enourmouse black populations but have wealthy white liberals that never interact with them

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I've been flown to Texas once a year for the past two years to the Trane facility, paid, for chiller training. The first year being controls, and last year, was for chemical training and how to incubate and test for various bacteria and viruses, and how to keep "optimal" chilled water, with as low of a level of infection possible.

>euro doesn’t know the us races are almost totally segregated

I was talking about Cali. I admit I'm by no means an expert but don't they have like shit tons of affirmative action and other "inclusive" bullshit flooding universities and public schools with wetbacks and niggers?

4 weeks paid vacation, 12 sick days, 13 holidays, fully paid medical, 5$ an hour into my pension, 7 $ an hour into my annuity, with 0 contribution from me and I made 180k last year with overtime. Get fucked.

Still no formal education. My father got his education from his company and got his PE from said company. Why don't they offer you that?

And yes, they could be replaced. With larger cogens , or really anything. And guess what, they still need me to sit there and watch them.

>works nights and weekends

wut do?

Yes but people (blacks and Mexicans and whites) all settle in their own communities with their own schools

Here's the thing dude, you might make money now, but I dont want to not be able to walk at 50 and spend my time surrounded by rednecks talking about footbaw and country music all day. Trades and blue collar work are for grunts, if you're capable of going to school, fucking do it. Have fun fixing radiators while all I do is enter crap in a spreadsheet and make $90k

I guess so? I could go work at a large college if I wanted and get free college for me, a wife and kids if I had kids. But I don't really see the need for that right now.

Nah, Fiance and I uber pool every morning. Carpool lane = blow past traffic, then don't need to park. It's a sweet approach.

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